Will AI Shape the Future?

Science is breaking every boundary on a daily basis. We have witnessed many things that we never thought possible. In the last few years, the talks of investing and developing artificial intelligence are growing rapidly. Many scientists believe that AI is our next step of evolution and will have a major positive impact on our lives. Some believe otherwise. We wanted you to decide whether they are a good or a bad change, so we will discuss some of the pros from both sides.

Positive Changes

Let's start with some businesses that already implemented the use of AI. Online casinos have expanded rapidly in recent years and their technology proved to be cutting-edge without any flaws. They use AI to ensure fair play, random outcomes, privacy, and safety on their sites. If you are interested to find out more, just visit their site.

The main argument that the pro-AI activists have is that the technology excludes the possibility of an error. With artificial intelligence, we can replace the jobs where the robots are perfectly qualified to perform and focus our resources on other areas that need developing.

Robots are also much faster in calculating possible outcomes than humans and are better at decision-making. They would be capable of analyzing various outcomes of a certain situation and based on the gathered information, they would be able to bring the best decision.

In conclusion to all of this, AI can free humans of taking up all responsibilities, eliminates the need for people to do tedious tasks, and they completely dwarf the human intelligence in certain areas, like disaster response and smart weather casting.

Negative Changes

Like we mentioned earlier in this article, not every scientist is fond of the idea of AI existence. Like they say, even though the technology is built to help humans, in the end, it will be their demise. For example, when building robots to fight wars and save human lives, robots can always turn against us. Although this may sound like a great idea for a sci-fi movie, the possibility is always there. Robots do what we program them to do.

The demise doesn’t have to include wars, though. Artificial intelligence is programmed to do something beneficial, but the skeptic people believe that they will incorporate the Machiavelli philosophy, where the ends justify the needs. That means that the possibility of AI developing destructive methods to reach its goal is high.

And lastly, when people talk about robots performing jobs that we don't have to, you must remember that thanks to that job, a person can feed its family. The risk of robots taking over and increasing global unemployment is high. That means that the poverty rates will rise and human death tolls caused by starvation will go upwards. So, instead of helping us perform better, robots will create an environment where it’s hard for us to prosper.

What are your thoughts on AI and the use of robots soon? As you can see, many scientists are divided on this topic, but there is still time to research and finally conclude whether the pros outweigh the cons, or if it’s the other way around.

Author: Alex

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