Preview of Nano Days Celebration at MVCC with local youngsters

Video Credit: Kirk Tupaj

By WKTV Apr. 10, 2015

UTICA, NY - You're never too young to learn about nano- technology. And today, Mohawk Valley Community College kicked off a preview of its Nano Days Celebration and invited some local youngsters.

Nano Days is a nationwide celebration of all things nano. What is nano? Well, simply put, its something that is very small.

Local elementary schools participated in today's event with educational programs, and hands on interactive demonstrations.

Some of the activities include experiments in heat transfer, completing an electrical circuit, polarizing light, and water repelling materials just to name a few.

Bob Decker, Director Engineering Technology at MVCCC, says Its to stimulate interest in science. To get themthinking in terms of if they see something say what could we do with that. What's the idea, what's the next big thing. If I saw that, oh, I could do that, I could do this with that."

Nano Days is open to the public on Saturday in MVCC's Technology Building.


A local organization promoted Utica in a unique way on Friday....


Preview of Nano Days Celebration at MVCC with local youngsters

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