Liberty State Park – Jersey City, NJ – State Park | Facebook

A LSP park user is suing the DEP to get the LSP development plans for commercializing and privatizing LSP, which the DEP obtained from NJ Future months ago. The citizen's name is in the excerpt from the Sierra Club release below.

No commercialization plans at all should be chosen from the NJ Future report and pushed forward by the NJDEP. This important lawsuit serves the public interest as New Jerseyans have the right to see the complete details of all plans from the tax-payer funded search.

By its LSP development plan search and privatization goals, the Christie administration has arrogantly cast aside the 39 year broad public consensus for a free and green open space park behind the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, and against a commercialized, privatized park, no matter what revenue was promised from long term leasing out of this sacred public land. LSP commercialization plans are an attack on the quality of life of the urban people and an attack on the parks spirit, purpose and mission..

Excerpt from:

Liberty State Park - Jersey City, NJ - State Park | Facebook

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