How artificial intelligence and augmented reality will change the way you work

'People may find that their automated collaborators are more reliable than their human ones down the corridor'

The last decade has seen dramatic changes in the way people work, and this pace of change will only get faster.

Since the introduction of the computer, technology has shaped the way people use information from the way they receive it, to how they consume it and what devices they use to access it.

Of course, technology will continue to evolve and there will be new innovations, but the next ten years are going to be different.

As life becomes more complicated, the way people use information to do their work will become simpler.

>See also:The realities of artificial intelligence: Could Her actually happen?

Instead of being a distraction, technology is going to help people; it will be their friend in creating and consuming information, and make the way they work together more natural.

Its hard to accurately predict where well be in ten years. Bill Gates said: We always over-estimate the change that what will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. But when trying to talk accurately about technological change over a decade, it can sound more like fiction than fact.

According to Moore's law, in ten years time computing will be about 64 times more powerful,storage capacity will be about double that, and network capacity probably about 50 times greater than today. So its safe to say that one way or another, things are going to be very different.

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How artificial intelligence and augmented reality will change the way you work

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