38) Nutrition: Healthy Holidays :) – Video

Hello wonderful YouTube people!! I missed everyone...I hope y'all will have a marvelous Christmas time with family and friends! Safe travels if you are going anywhere fun!! Make sure to keep track of your meals and keep moving..Exercise will keep that metabolism running which will keep you burning all those goodies. Thank you to EVERYONE that has subbed!! I appreciate every single one of you guys!! Be blessed!! **Warning: This video is part of the whispering community/whisperverse, hence the soft voice**

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38) Nutrition: Healthy Holidays 🙂 - Video

Plant Based Nutrition Primer – Video

Plant based performance in athletics, health and environment. Personal food policy. http://www.thefruitarian.com http://www.runningraw.com environment.umn.edu http://www.youtube.com http://www.fao.org meatthefacts.org http://www.cdc.gov http://www.ucsusa.org http://www.nature.com nutritiondata.self.com nutritionfacts.org the-raw-advantage.com http://www.veganmuscleandfitness.com billysimmonds.com durianrider.org http://www.scottjurek.com

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Plant Based Nutrition Primer - Video