What is the Illuminati? | Illuminati Rex

Posted: July 22, 2015 at 7:55 pm

The term Illuminati has been used in numerous contexts and has been ascribed to a variety of individuals or groups. Originally chosen as a name by a 18th century European secret society, the modern Illuminati is a wholly different creature than the Bavarian Illuminati.

Today, Illuminati is commonly used as a blanket term to describe the power elite, a relatively small group of plutocrats who collectively own and rule our world.

The exact number of people making up this group and how much control and influence they have over worldly affairs is difficult to determine, but the existence of the ruling class itself is widely accepted on both ends of the political spectrum. This highly organized superclass works towards their own common interests whether they be for the betterment of society or not.

This shadowy group is at the core of all modern Illuminati conspiracy theories. The group resonates with what the Occupy movement, a grass root organization born in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, calls the One Percent. Christian fundamentalists and UFO profiteers often add their own twists, including the usual canards of Satan worship and blood sacrifices, making use of the term Illuminati ambiguous.

Well examine some of the most popular conspiracy theories surrounding the Illuminati and look at their similarities and their differences.

But first

The Bavarian Illuminati was a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Dismayed with the Jesuits dominance in Bavaria, Weishaupt founded the order to secretly spread the ideas of Enlightenment within the confines of a highly restrictive society without any freedoms of speech or religion. By 1785, the despotic Elector of Bavaria Karl Theodore had issued his first edict against the order eventually putting an end to the Bavarian Illuminati.

The modern use for the term Illuminati has little resemblance to Weishaupts Illuminati. Im presently putting together a Bavarian Illuminati comic book, Terry Melanson has written his excellent Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati and English translations of the Original documents of the Bavarian Illuminati are currently in the works.

The Illuminati is a highly secretive cabal which has been planning and directing world events from behind the scenes. Prominent members include Queen Elizabeth; most US Presidents including Barack Obama, George W. Bush, George HW Bush and Bill Clinton; the Pope and the entire Vatican apparatus including the Supreme General if the Jesuits, the Black Pope. The Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties always have a prevalent role in Illuminati conspiracy theories, sometimes as direct rivals, sometimes as partners in the enslavement of mankind.

The Illuminati is especially active in the music industry. Most popular singers have at one time or another been labeled as belonging to the Illuminati or being puppets of the Illuminati. Jay-Z, Kanye West, Rihanna, Beyonc, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, the Beatles have all been accused of involvement with the Illuminati. (See Top 10 Illuminati Celebrities.)

Original post:
What is the Illuminati? | Illuminati Rex

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