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Netflixs 3 Body Problem: The science explained by an astrophysicist –

Posted: March 24, 2024 at 4:40 pm

Netflixs 3 Body Problem premiered March 21, and theres a lot of science! The new Netflix series from screenwriter Alexander Woo and Game of Thrones shepherds David Benioff and D.B. Weiss adapts a bestselling sci-fi trilogy by Chinese writer Liu Cixin, an engineer with a high-level understanding of physics. The story that unfolds over 3 Body and its two sequels, also known as the Remembrance of Earths Past series, won acclaim for its vision of a future based on a variety of ideas about quantum mechanics and how they might impact a future interstellar existential crisis. In 3 Bodys fictional universe, far-flung theory plays out in real time in the lives of a far-away alien species and its attempts to both interact with and influence humans here on Earth.

Fortunately for audiences who arent Einsteins, the Netflix series shifts much of the drama away from the skies and onto humans it even creates a bunch of entirely new characters to give us people to care about in between all the physics. Lius series includes two more books following the first novel; the Netflix series follows the first book, then spins off in its own direction for a while before setting us up for book two. What they both have in common is a zoomed-out view of quantum mechanics and astrophysics underlying all the cool space stuff. Our heroes and villains are all scientists whose decisions and conflicts dictate humanitys course both now and in the distant future. With the assistance of an actual astrophysicist, lets go through the basics you need to know to understand what the heck is happening in this show.

The three-body problem has existed ever since humans began to understand gravity and how it works. You probably know that the Earth rotates around the sun because the suns gravitational field is exerting a pull over our planet and all the others in our solar system. Were able to interact with the sun in that way because as planets, our individual gravitational spheres are all less powerful than the sun, and none are powerful enough to exert a hold on each other. Its the same with our moon its caught in Earths gravitational field, so it floats along hanging out with us.

In other words, two objects whose gravitational fields interact will always form stable orbits along a predictable, unchanging path. Newton figured this out, along with the formula for predicting their orbits, in 1687. Its sometimes called the two-body problem. If you were to introduce another star into the mix, youd probably wind up with a binary star system where both stars form stable orbits around a gravitational center. The most common sort of star is one with a stable binary partner, which makes our sun, a solo star, fairly rare. Binary star systems can have stable planets, too, and these types of systems can often be mapped and plotted and predicted by astronomers and physicists.

But that only works with two objects with gravitational forces. When you add a third object into the mix, all bets are off. Instead of stabilizing, the third element creates chaos and causes the objects to fly around and interact in completely unpredictable ways spinning off into space, crashing into each other, or bouncing off one anothers gravitational spheres and careening in completely different directions.

To explain why this happens, I turned to astrophysicist Dr. Charles J. Horowitz, who told me that the key here is the law of conservation of energy thats the one that tells us that energy in a closed system can never be created or destroyed. Conservation of energy implies that a planet will orbit a single star forever and can never escape to infinity, Horowitz wrote in an email. In other words, once a planet becomes trapped inside of a stars gravitational field, it cant create the additional energy it would need to propel itself out of it.

Two stars, on the other hand, can exchange energy and possibly eject an orbiting planet, Horowitz said.

This, then, is the three-body problem: How do we stabilize three gravitational objects or predict what their orbits might be?

For centuries, scientists were unable to find any starting point from which the three objects could form stable orbits in relationship to one another. In recent decades, scientists have come closer; increasingly, using computational algorithms and, in at least one instance, modeling their predictions on intoxicated humans, weve found multiple solutions to create stability among our three hypothetical objects. But the majority of these solutions are difficult if not impossible to model in reality, so its not clear how well they work out of the realm of theory.

The central conceit of 3 Body Problem is exactly this scenario an alien species on a distant planet has evolved the capacity to become a technologically advanced civilization but its planet exists within a solar system with three different suns.

Because of the three-body problem, these suns are constantly exerting gravitational chaos over one another, flinging each other to and fro across the cosmos and in the process wreaking climate havoc on the planet caught in the middle. The alien race, called the Trisolarans, has thus had its civilizations wiped out and destroyed, over and over, for millennia.

I asked Horowitz how likely this scenario would be, and he essentially backed up Three Bodys author, Liu Cixin. In the short term it might be fine, Horowitz said. Over very long times (say, billions of years) many orbits of planets around two stars are thought to be unstable.

If life takes billions of years to evolve (as it did on Earth) then such a planet may not provide a suitable environment. However, there may be certain configurations of the three bodies that are stable for long times and could be suitable for life. Or life could develop or colonize the world more quickly, he added.

This is precisely the situation the Trisolarans face: From time to time, their three bodies stabilize for long periods, giving their civilizations enough time to rapidly advance and flourish. Inevitably, though, the stable eras give way to chaotic eras, when their suns resume their volatility.

The existential problem of the Trisolarans which a select group of Earthlings eventually devote themselves to solving as well is how to know and prepare for a chaotic era when you cant predict one. In essence, theyre living out the three-body problem in real time.

This scenario might sound improbable, but its actually not and its a crucial part of the plot of 3 Body Problem. In the show, we learn that the Trisolarans are able to essentially spy on Earth through the use of a proton thats been transmitted to Earth to act as a simultaneous receiver and transmitter for its twin proton, which remains on Trisolaris.

This is possible through a mind-bending phenomenon known as quantum entanglement. Scientists have observed this property in subatomic particles which essentially operate as one entity, even when theyre separated by billions of light years. In fact, notes Dr. Horowitz, [Its] perhaps better to say the two entangled particles share the information rather than receive and transmit it. In other words, they arent so much communicating with one another as simultaneously receiving information from both locations even though theyre on completely different planets.

This may sound like the most unbelievable part of the 3 Body series even in the show, when our plucky cosmologist, Jin Cheng, presents the idea to her colleagues, they laugh at her and dismiss the idea as a silly game rather than real science.

In fact, Chengs idea is based on a real phenomenon known as nuclear thermal propulsion, sometimes called nuclear pulse propulsion. As it turns out, nuclear propulsion produces very little radiation if the engines using it are activated in space instead of on Earth and the benefits include reduced energy use, reduced exposure to cosmic radiation, and speedier rockets. The Department of Energy even has a web page devoted to touting the benefits of nuclear propulsion.

Although the series presents Chengs domino effect idea as far-fetched, the US has a history of experimenting with nuclear thermal propulsion. As Horowitz explained, Project Orion, early in the Cold War, tried to develop a rocket powered by small atomic bombs.

However, if youre wondering about all that radiation, youre not alone. The first version of Project Orion was ultimately canceled because mid-century scientists were unable to solve the big problem: the near-certainty of deadly nuclear fallout that would result from any attempt to launch a nuclear-powered rocket into space from Earth.

A shame, really. It would have been a very good rocket, Horowitz said. Modern iterations of Orion have focused on launching similar rockets from within space and limiting astronauts exposure to radiation.

Perhaps the most difficult aspect of 3 Body to conceptualize involves exactly what the Trisolarans do to the aforementioned proton before they shoot it off into space: They unfold its multiple dimensions into a massive, planet-sized amount of space, inscribe a giant super-computer onto its planes, and then re-fold it back into its original microscopic size.

This is a difficult feat to imagine, much less conceive in reality. Yet this practice exists, at least in theory, as an idea of multidimensional unfolding. Imagine this the way you might imagine creating a simple paper fortune-teller. The paper shape starts out almost fully flat, on a single plane but it can be uncompressed to reveal more and more layers, until you have a neat schoolyard divination tool.

Now imagine this happening on a grand scale, and with even more dimensions than the three we experience here on Earth. There are multiple processes for how to do it, and multiple ways to try to illustrate what examples might look like in reality. The most famous example is an object that mathematicians and physicists call a hypercube or a tesseract (no, not that one) a cube equivalent that exists in at least four dimensions. Heres one attempt to imagine what one might look like:

Humans have devoted considerable time to trying to capture the essence of this; one famous early work of science fiction, Flatland, was published in 1884 by Edwin Abbott Abbot as a satirical attempt to introduce Victorians to the whole idea of higher dimensions by positing the existence of a society of people who existed in two planes only. Today, we can find equivalent thought experiments in places like YouTube:

Of course, none of this fully explains whether it would be possible to unfold a proton into the size of a planet and then inscribe a super-computer onto it. When I asked Horowitz about this, he replied with ??

And honestly, that might be a fair way to respond to many of the scientific ideas we find in Lius expansive series. Ultimately, its built less on whats real, and what we definitely know, than whats possible given the incredible advances weve made in theoretical physics emphasis on theory.

In other words, 3 Body collides science and fiction like two protons. The result is a wild, unique ride thats worth suspending a little disbelief.

No. Do not try this trick at home. Thankfully, some parts of 3 Body remain purely in the realm of the fantastic.

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Entanglement entropies of nuclear systems gro – EurekAlert

Posted: at 4:40 pm

Article Highlight | 22-Mar-2024

Quantum entanglement changes in atomic nuclei in ways that differ from other systems

DOE/US Department of Energy


Left: partitions where the set of blue points occupy one region and the set of black points another region, similar to how many systems work. Right: the partitions that occur in nuclei, where the partitions of blue and black points occupy the same regions

Credit: Image courtesy of Thomas Papenbrock.

Entanglement is what Einstein called spooky action at a distance. It is a key part of what distinguishesquantum mechanicsfrom our everyday experience. In quantum mechanics, scientists use a measurement called entanglement entropy to quantify the amount of the entanglement between two subsystemsfor example, between a system being studied and its environment. Large entanglement entropies indicate that a system has strong correlations to its environment. In many systems, the entanglement entropies are proportional to the area that separates a system from its environment. This is also true for black holes, where the energy-related entropy growth is proportional to the area of the event horizon. But thenucleiof atoms are different. The complicated interactions innucleilead to entanglement entropies that grow like the volume of the system of interest, not like its surface area.

Computing the state of a quantum system is hard because doing so requires scientists to accurately capture the systems entanglement with its environment. New research quantifies entanglement entropies forneutronmatter. Using related measures, the research also quantifies this entropy for atomicnuclei. This work can contribute toquantum computingby helping researchers understand how the number of operations necessary to prepare a state on a quantum chip grows with increasing entanglement entropy.

The researchers studied entanglement entropies between the mean-field space and its environment in nuclear systems. As entanglement entropies are hard to compute, the researchers also derived relations to easier-to-compute measures. The research showed that entanglement entropies are related to other quantities that are easier to compute and that can serve as entanglement witnesses. General arguments also suggest that the entanglement entropy in nuclear systems fulfills a volume law instead of an area law. This work tested and confirmed these results by computing entanglement entropies of models for atomicnucleiand neutron matter.

This material is based on work supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics and by the Quantum Science Center, a DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Center. Computer time was provided by the Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program. This research used resources from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.

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The Quest for a Theory of Everything Scientists Put Einstein to the Test – SciTechDaily

Posted: at 4:40 pm

By University of Virginia College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences March 23, 2024

The quest for a theory of everything, tracing back to before Archimedes and significantly advanced in the last century through Albert Einsteins theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics, has encountered a major challenge due to their conflicting explanations of gravity. Kent Yagis innovative research at the University of Virginia, utilizing artificial intelligence and backed by a prestigious CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation, aims to bridge this gap, offering new insights into gravity and the universes fundamental forces, while also enhancing STEM education through community and educational outreach. (Artists concept). Credit:

Long before Archimedes suggested that all phenomena observable to us might be understandable through fundamental principles, humans have imagined the possibility of a theory of everything. Over the past century, physicists have edged nearer to unraveling this mystery. Albert Einsteins theory of general relativity provides a solid basis for comprehending the cosmos at a large scale, while quantum mechanics allows us to grasp its workings at the subatomic level. The trouble is that the two systems dont agree on how gravity works.

Today, artificial intelligence offers new hope for scientists addressing the massive computational challenges involved in unraveling the mysteries of something as complex as the universe and everything in it, and Kent Yagi, an associate professor with the University of Virginias College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences is leading a research partnership between theoretical physicists and computational physicists at UVA that could offer new insight into the possibility of a theory of everything or, at least, a better understanding of gravity, one of the universes fundamental forces. The work has earned him a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation, one of the most prestigious awards available to the nations most promising young researchers and educators.

One aspect of Einsteins theory of general relativity is that objects moving through space generate waves, much like a boat moving through the water, but even when those waves are created by planets, stars and galaxies, or even black holes that can create the strongest gravitational fields possible, they are still incredibly small. Consequently, it was almost a hundred years after Einstein first published his ideas on gravitational waves that the technological means to observe them were developed. In 2015, a program known as LIGO, or the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, one of the largest projects ever funded by the NSF, detected gravitational waves for the first time, which led to a Nobel Prize in Physics for the projects leaders.

Physicist Kent Yagi, an associate professor with the University of Virginias College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences has won a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation, one of the most prestigious awards available to the nations most promising young researchers and educators. University of Virginia College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

The discovery was one of the most important moments in physics in the last hundred years, Yagi said.

And as the technology needed to observe subatomic phenomena advances, the computing capacity necessary to process massive amounts of data astronomers are collecting about the universe has also advanced. Additionally, new developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence in recent years are allowing scientists to create and test complex mathematical models describing the phenomenon they observe at a pace that was once unimaginable.

Yagi studies the massive gravitational waves generated by pairs of black holes and binary neutron stars some of the densest objects in the universe that are as much as 1013 times more powerful than a typical fridge magnet, according to Yagi and he uses those phenomena to test Einsteins theories about gravity and to probe the fundamental laws of nuclear physics looking for information that will help resolve the disconnect between Einsteins theory and quantum mechanics.

The CAREER grant, which will bring $400,000 in funding to the College over the next five years, will create opportunities for current and future graduate students interested in developing and applying machine learning algorithms that will help explain and predict gravitational wave observations and give us a deeper understanding of gravitys behavior.

Once the computational algorithms are fine-tuned a process that should take as little as a few weeks Yagi said his team will be able to process the data collected by LIGO to test Einsteins theory a hundred times faster.

And the amount of space we can search for that data will increase by a factor of ten, Yagi said.

One of the requirements of the CAREER award is that recipients also build educational and community outreach projects into their work, and some of the funding will create jobs for undergraduates who will work with Yagi to develop educational software for high school students interested in physics, which, Yagi hopes, will inspire the next generation of Nobel-prize winning scientists.

How much closer will this bring us to a theory of everything?

There are still a lot of problems to be solved, Yagi said. Im hoping Ill see it in my lifetime, but I dont want to be too optimistic.

Proving a theory is almost impossible, Yagi explained. Theres always going to be measurement error in any experiment, but were going to keep trying to see if we find some evidence to disprove general relativity. At the same time, we just keep discovering how beautiful and correct it appears to be.

Yagis work and the attention its receiving drew praise from his colleagues and leaders at UVA.

Theres been a very big push recently to better understand gravitational waves not only as a theoretical prediction or concept but to be able to directly detect them, said Phil Arras, chair of UVAs Department of Astronomy. That effort has opened up an entirely new window into the universe and given us a new way to check our theories about how stars evolve. Kents research has been very important for our understanding of that.

Despina Louca, chair of UVAs Department of Physics called Yagi a highly respected astrophysicist with a vast research portfolio.

Kent is an engaging educator and a sought-after mentor whose work has had tremendous impact across several physics disciplines, Louca added. He is paving the way to using machine learning to test general relativity while exploring astrophysical properties of neutron stars, and his work with UVA students building online games that integrate research and education will inspire young people around the world.

Professor Yagis work is remarkable, said Christa Acampora, dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Were proud to have him as a member of our faculty, not only for the recognition hes receiving as he advances the boundaries of our understanding about the universe but also for his commitment to innovation in STEM education.

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Vibrating atoms are seen ‘tuning’ the energy of a single electron –

Posted: at 4:40 pm

In a stunning achievement in quantum physics, researchers have synchronized the shift of a quantized electronic energy level with atomic oscillations, achieving this at a speed exceeding a trillionth of a second.

This achievement, accomplished by physicists from the University of Regensburg, is akin to manipulating the height to which a ball is thrown.

However, this was done within the quantum realm where energy levels resemble steps on a ladder, each step representing a quantized energy value unique to quantum particles like electrons.

The significance of quantized energy levels is paramount in modern technology, underpinning the functionality of qubits in quantum computing, light-emitting quantum dots awarded the Nobel Prize in 2023, and other quantum devices.

These energy levels, however, are susceptible to alterations through interactions with other particles, presenting both a challenge and an opportunity for researchers aiming to harness quantum behaviors for advanced technologies.

Leveraging a state-of-the-art ultrafast microscope, the Regensburg team has accomplished the direct observation and control of how an electrons energy is adjusted by the atomic vibrations of its environment.

This was observed with unprecedented atomic resolution and at speeds previously deemed unattainable, marking a significant leap towards the realization of ultra-fast quantum technologies.

The researchers focused their study on atomically thin materials, specifically examining how the movement of such a material can influence discrete energy levels.

Their observations centered around a vacancy, a void created by the absence of an atom, within these two-dimensional crystals. These vacancies, akin to atoms, have distinct energy levels making them promising candidates for quantum computing qubits.

By inducing vibrations similar to those of a drums membrane on the atomic scale, the team discovered they could alter the energy level of a vacancy, effectively controlling it through the surrounding atomic movements.

These findings, detailed in Nature Photonics, could pave the way for future nanoelectronics and quantum computing technologies.

Overcoming numerous challenges, including achieving atomic resolution and capturing extremely rapid movements, the teams method integrated a scanning tunneling microscopes high energy and spatial resolution with custom-tailored ultrashort laser pulses.

This innovative approach allowed them to observe the dynamic shifts of energy levels in what can be likened to slow motion.

In summary, brilliant physicists at the University of Regensburg have set a new benchmark in quantum physics by intricately manipulating and observing the quantum states of electrons with unprecedented precision and speed.

This remarkable achievement deepens our understanding of the quantum world while opening a new realm ripe with possibilities for the development of advanced quantum technologies and materials.

Through their innovative approach and collaborative effort, they have paved the way for future breakthroughs that could revolutionize how we interact with and harness the power of quantum mechanics.

This astounding breakthrough promises a future where the once-theoretical aspects of quantum physics become the cornerstone of practical, real-world applications.

The collaborative effort, spearheaded by Carmen Roelcke, Lukas Kastner, and Yaroslav Gerasimenko, alongside the expertise of Jascha Repp, Rupert Huber, Maximilian Graml, and Jan Wilhelm, was crucial in deciphering the interaction between atomic movements and electronic energy levels.

The full study was published in the journal Nature Photonics.

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Vibrating atoms are seen 'tuning' the energy of a single electron -

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Innovator Spotlight: Joseph Maciejko | The Quad – University of Alberta

Posted: at 4:40 pm

In this weeks Innovator Spotlight, hear from Joseph Maciejko, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Tier-II Canada Research Chair in Condensed Matter Theory. As interim director of the Edmonton node of Quantum Horizons Alberta, Joseph is helping build a world-class team of researchers in theoretical quantum physics and related areas.

I study something called quantum materials. Materials like iron, copper or silicon are made up of huge numbers of extremely small particles such as electrons. How those particles interact with each other and what their collective behaviour might be control to a large extent the technologically useful properties of the materiallike how well it conducts electricity. In quantum materials, the collective behaviour of electrons is controlled by quantum mechanics and this can give rise to surprising effects like magnetism and superconductivity. As a theoretical physicist, I employ mathematical models and theories to try to understand this behaviour and predict new materials that might have novel useful properties.

First an analogy. Think of electrons as Lego bricks, and of quantum mechanics as the rules specifying how two bricks can snap together. An interesting quantum material is a beautiful Lego creation with so many bricks arranged in such creative ways that it doesnt look like Lego at all. I want to understand mathematically or classify the range of all possible collective behaviours that the building blocks of nature and the laws of quantum mechanics allow. For example, what is there beyond magnetism and superconductivity?

Innovation to me means thinking something deep that hasnt been thought of before. It could be establishing an unexpected connection between two areas of science. Or it could be revisiting an old problem and discovering a hidden gem that has been overlooked and perhaps it turns a whole field of research around.

In recent years, this would be the initial idea that led to the inception of hyperbolic band theory, which I consider to be a radically new direction in my research area of condensed matter physics. The idea was to recognize that concepts from pure mathematicslike number theory and algebraic geometry, which traditionally have had limited application to physicscould help understand a fundamentally new type of quantum material, called a hyperbolic lattice, that had been recently synthesized in a lab at Princeton University. I enjoy when ideas from completely unrelated areas of science and mathematics must somehow team up to explain a physical phenomenon. It testifies to the unity of all human knowledge.

My best ideas have typically come out in either casual, unstructured conversations with students, postdocs or colleagues while scribbling equations on a chalkboard (yes, with real chalk!); or by reading and physics daydreaming in a quiet space such as my office or my car in a traffic jam. Also, lots of coffee!

The U of A is a wonderful place to work because of all the wonderful people here. The culture in the Department of Physics is highly collegial and collaborative. Ive been fortunate to work with many dedicated students and postdocs and have received lots of great support from my colleagues as well.

Over the years, Ive benefited greatly from the support and mentorship of many senior colleagues in the Department of Physics, such as Drs. John Beamish, Mark Freeman, Frank Marsiglio, Roger Moore and Mauricio Sacchi. Those individuals have been incredibly generous with their time and advice and I am extremely grateful and indebted to them. Renowned theoretical physicists in our department like Drs. Valeri Frolov and Don Page are also a great source of inspiration.

It is sometimes hard to quantify the immediate impact of purely theoretical research like the work that I do. In theoretical physics, we take a long view of a word like impact." When Einstein was developing the theory of relativity in the early 20th century, no oneincluding himselfcould have foreseen that it would become a crucial part of how the global positioning system (GPS) works. Without the theoretical physicists who laid the foundation of quantum mechanics in the 1920s, there would be no computer chips, lasers or medical resonance imaging (MRI) machines. I believe that continually striving to understand how nature works at the most fundamental level always pays off in the long run. It enriches our collective intelligence and creates the conditions for lasting technological breakthroughs.

I have lots of research projects on the go with my U of A team members and external collaborators, most immediately to further understand the full breadth of possible collective behaviours in hyperbolic lattices. More broadly, I am excited by the possibilities that will be opened up by Quantum Horizons Alberta (QHA), a new $25M pan-Alberta initiative to support fundamental research in quantum science. In my capacity as interim director for the U of A portion of this initiative, I look forward to helping build a world-class team of researchers in theoretical quantum physics and related areas. The more hands on deck we can have to unlock the mysteries of the quantum world, the better. The fun has really just begun.

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A Breakthrough in the Control of Quantum Phenomena at Room Temperature Has Been Achieved, Researchers Say – The Debrief

Posted: February 16, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Quantum physics and mechanical engineering have been united in a breakthrough method allowing the control of quantum phenomena at room temperature, according to the findings of a pioneering new study.

In quantum mechanics, observing and controlling quantum phenomena has traditionally only occurred under conditions where temperatures approach absolute zero. Theoretically the coldest temperature attainable and roughly equivalent to around -459.67 Fahrenheit, absolute zero is the point at which matter becomes so cold that the motion of particles would cease.

Although allowing for easier detection of quantum effects, reaching such astoundingly cold temperatures is not easy, and has limited applications and studies involving quantum technologies.

Reaching the regime of room temperature quantum optomechanics has been an open challenge since decades, says Tobias J. Kippenberg, the co-author of a new study that, based on its findings, could finally present practical ways of overcoming such challenges.

According to Kippenberg, the new work has brought what physicists call Heisenbergs microscopeonce only realized as a theoretical modelinto reality.

The new research, co-authored with Kippenbergs colleague Nils Johan Engelsen, was the focus of a new study published in the journal Nature.

In their experiment, the team succeeded in producing a novel, ultra-low noise optomechanical system that enabled studies at the convergence of light and mechanical motion and allowed the team to examine lights influence on moving objects through its precise manipulation.

Attempting to achieve this at room temperature has always been difficult on account of thermal noise, the heat that arises from the motion of particles, and impedes observations of the dynamics of the quantum world.

To overcome the thermal noise issue, Kippenberg and Engelsen used special mirrors that reflect light back and forth within a small space, known as cavity mirrors, to effectively trap photons. Featuring patterns comprised of photonic crystalline structures, the cavity mirrors allowed the light they trapped to be manipulated to interact with the systems mechanical elements.

By using phononic-crystal-patterned cavity mirrors, we reduce the cavity frequency noise by more than 700-fold, the studys authors write in a recent paper describing their findings.

In this ultralow noise cavity, we insert a membrane resonator with high thermal conductance and a quality factor (Q) of 180 million, engineered using recently developed soft-clamping techniques, the authors report.

The experiment also employed a tiny mechanical oscillator to interact with light within the trapped cavity between the mirrors. Using this clever method of isolation, subtle quantum phenomena were able to be discerned even at room temperature.

The mechanical oscillator they used was the culmination of many years of effort, according to Engelsen, who said it allowed them to create mechanical oscillators that are well-isolated from the environment.

Among the studys achievements had also been the successful use of a phenomenon known as optical squeezing, which leverages Heisenbergs principle by manipulating the phase, intensity, or other properties of light in ways that help lessen the amount of fluctuation that occurs within a given variable, which thereby increases fluctuations in another.

In their experiment, the attainment of optical squeezing under such conditions allowed the team to show that control and observation of quantum phenomena in a macroscopic system could indeed be achieved at room temperature.

The system we developed might facilitate new hybrid quantum systems where the mechanical drum strongly interacts with different objects, such as trapped clouds of atoms, said Alberto Beccari, lead author of the new study.

These systems are useful for quantum information, and help us understand how to create large, complex quantum states, Beccari added.

Many potential applications could result from the new research, which might include a broadening of access to quantum optomechanical systems, which could help to facilitate quantum measurement and quantum mechanics at macroscopic scales.

The new paper, Room-temperature quantum optomechanics using an ultralow noise cavity, by Guanhao Huang, Alberto Beccari, Nils J. Engelsen, and Tobias J. Kippenberg, was published on February 14, 2024, in the journal Nature.

Micah Hanks is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of The Debrief. He can be reached by email Follow his work atmicahhanks.comand on X:@MicahHanks.

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A Breakthrough in the Control of Quantum Phenomena at Room Temperature Has Been Achieved, Researchers Say - The Debrief

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The End of the Quantum Ice Age: Room Temperature Breakthrough – SciTechDaily

Posted: at 4:25 pm

Conceptual art of the operating device, consisting of a nanopillar-loaded drum sandwiched by two periodically segmented mirrors, allowing the laser light to strongly interact with the drum quantum mechanically at room temperature. Credit: EPFL & Second Bay Studios

Researchers at EPFL have achieved a milestone in quantum mechanics by controlling quantum phenomena at room temperature, overcoming the longstanding barrier of needing extreme cold. This opens up new possibilities for quantum technology applications and the study of macroscopic quantum systems.

In the realm of quantum mechanics, the ability to observe and control quantum phenomena at room temperature has long been elusive, especially on a large or macroscopic scale. Traditionally, such observations have been confined to environments near absolute zero, where quantum effects are easier to detect. However, the requirement for extreme cold has been a major hurdle, limiting practical applications of quantum technologies.

Now, a study led by Tobias J. Kippenberg and Nils Johan Engelsen at EPFL, redefines the boundaries of whats possible. The pioneering work blends quantum physics and mechanical engineering to achieve control of quantum phenomena at room temperature.

Reaching the regime of room temperature quantum optomechanics has been an open challenge for decades, says Kippenberg. Our work realizes effectively the Heisenberg microscope long thought to be only a theoretical toy model.

In their experimental setup, published today (February 14) in Nature, the researchers created an ultra-low noise optomechanical system a setup where light and mechanical motion interconnect, allowing them to study and manipulate how light influences moving objects with high precision.

The crystal-like cavity mirrors with the drum in the middle. Credit: Guanhao Huang/EPFL

The main problem with room temperature is thermal noise, which perturbs delicate quantum dynamics. To minimize that, the scientists used cavity mirrors, which are specialized mirrors that bounce light back and forth inside a confined space (the cavity), effectively trapping it and enhancing its interaction with the mechanical elements in the system. To reduce the thermal noise, the mirrors are patterned with crystal-like periodic (phononic crystal) structures.

Another crucial component was a 4mm drum-like device called a mechanical oscillator, which interacts with light inside the cavity. Its relatively large size and design are key to isolating it from environmental noise, making it possible to detect subtle quantum phenomena at room temperature. The drum we use in this experiment is the culmination of many years of effort to create mechanical oscillators that are well-isolated from the environment, says Engelsen.

The techniques we used to deal with notorious and complex noise sources are of high relevance and impact to the broader community of precision sensing and measurement, says Guanhao Huang, one of the two PhD students leading the project.

The setup allowed the researchers to achieve optical squeezing, a quantum phenomenon where certain properties of light, like its intensity or phase, are manipulated to reduce the fluctuations in one variable at the expense of increasing fluctuations in the other, as dictated by Heisenbergs principle.

By demonstrating optical squeezing at room temperature in their system, the researchers showed that they could effectively control and observe quantum phenomena in a macroscopic system without the need for extremely low temperatures. Top of Form

The team believes the ability to operate the system at room temperature will expand access to quantum optomechanical systems, which are established testbeds for quantum measurement and quantum mechanics at macroscopic scales.

The system we developed might facilitate new hybrid quantum systems where the mechanical drum strongly interacts with different objects, such as trapped clouds of atoms, adds Alberto Beccari, the other PhD student leading the study. These systems are useful for quantum information, and help us understand how to create large, complex quantum states.

Reference: Room-temperature quantum optomechanics using an ultralow noise cavity by Guanhao Huang, Alberto Beccari, Nils J. Engelsen and Tobias J. Kippenberg, 14 February 2024, Nature. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06997-3

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Quantum computer outperformed by new traditional computing –

Posted: at 4:25 pm

Quantum computing has long been celebrated for its potential to surpass traditional computing in terms of speed and memory efficiency. This innovative technology promises to revolutionize our ability to predict physical phenomena that were once deemed impossible to forecast.

The essence of quantum computing lies in its use of quantum bits, or qubits, which, unlike the binary digits of classical computers, can represent values anywhere between 0 and 1.

This fundamental difference allows quantum computers to process and store information in a way that could vastly outpace their classical counterparts under certain conditions.

However, the journey of quantum computing is not without its challenges. Quantum systems are inherently delicate, often struggling with information loss, a hurdle classical systems do not face.

Additionally, converting quantum information into a classical format, a necessary step for practical applications, presents its own set of difficulties.

Contrary to initial expectations, classical computers have been shown to emulate quantum computing processes more efficiently than previously believed, thanks to innovative algorithmic strategies.

Recent research has demonstrated that with a clever approach, classical computing can not only match but exceed the performance of cutting-edge quantum machines.

The key to this breakthrough lies in an algorithm that selectively maintains quantum information, retaining just enough to accurately predict outcomes.

This work underscores the myriad of possibilities for enhancing computation, integrating both classical and quantum methodologies, explains Dries Sels, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at New York University and co-author of the study.

Sels emphasizes the difficulty of securing a quantum advantage given the susceptibility of quantum computers to errors.

Moreover, our work highlights how difficult it is to achieve quantum advantage with an error-prone quantum computer, Sels emphasized.

The research team, including collaborators from the Simons Foundation, explored optimizing classical computing by focusing on tensor networks.

These networks, which effectively represent qubit interactions, have traditionally been challenging to manage.

Recent advancements, however, have facilitated the optimization of these networks using techniques adapted from statistical inference, thereby enhancing computational efficiency.

The analogy of compressing an image into a JPEG format, as noted by Joseph Tindall of the Flatiron Institute and project lead, offers a clear comparison.

Just as image compression reduces file size with minimal quality loss, selecting various structures for the tensor network enables different forms of computational compression, optimizing the way information is stored and processed.

Tindalls team is optimistic about the future, developing versatile tools for handling diverse tensor networks.

Choosing different structures for the tensor network corresponds to choosing different forms of compression, like different formats for your image, says Tindall.

We are successfully developing tools for working with a wide range of different tensor networks. This work reflects that, and we are confident that we will soon be raising the bar for quantum computing even further.

In summary, this brilliant work highlights the complexity of achieving quantum superiority and showcases the untapped potential of classical computing.

By reimagining classical algorithms, scientists are challenging the boundaries of computing and opening new pathways for technological advancement, blending the strengths of both classical and quantum approaches in the quest for computational excellence.

As discussed above, quantum computing represents a revolutionary leap in computational capabilities, harnessing the peculiar principles of quantum mechanics to process information in fundamentally new ways.

Unlike traditional computers, which use bits as the smallest unit of data, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. These qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to the quantum phenomena of superposition and entanglement.

At the heart of quantum computing lies the qubit. Unlike a classical bit, which can be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be in a state of 0, 1, or both 0 and 1 simultaneously.

This capability allows quantum computers to perform many calculations at once, providing the potential to solve certain types of problems much more efficiently than classical computers.

The power of quantum computing scales exponentially with the number of qubits, making the technology incredibly potent even with a relatively small number of qubits.

Quantum supremacy is a milestone in the field, referring to the point at which a quantum computer can perform a calculation that is practically impossible for a classical computer to execute within a reasonable timeframe.

Achieving quantum supremacy demonstrates the potential of quantum computers to tackle problems beyond the reach of classical computing, such as simulating quantum physical processes, optimizing large systems, and more.

The implications of quantum computing are vast and varied, touching upon numerous fields. In cryptography, quantum computers pose a threat to traditional encryption methods but also offer new quantum-resistant algorithms.

In drug discovery and material science, they can simulate molecular structures with high precision, accelerating the development of new medications and materials.

Furthermore, quantum computing holds the promise of optimizing complex systems, from logistics and supply chains to climate models, potentially leading to breakthroughs in how we address global challenges.

Despite the exciting potential, quantum computing faces significant technical hurdles, including error rates and qubit stability.

Researchers are actively exploring various approaches to quantum computing, such as superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and topological qubits, each with its own set of challenges and advantages.

As the field progresses, the collaboration between academia, industry, and governments continues to grow, driving innovation and overcoming obstacles.

The journey toward practical and widely accessible quantum computing is complex and uncertain, but the potential rewards make it one of the most thrilling areas of modern science and technology.

Quantum computing stands at the frontier of a new era in computing, promising to redefine what is computationally possible.

As researchers work to scale up quantum systems and solve the challenges ahead, the future of quantum computing shines with the possibility of solving some of humanitys most enduring problems.

The full study was published by PRX Quantum.

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URI program to help STEM professionals pivot into quantum information science careers – The University of Rhode Island

Posted: at 4:25 pm

KINGSTON, R.I. Feb. 14, 2024 Wide commercial use of quantum computers may still be a decade away, but a shortage of skilled workers is already being felt across industries that will benefit from the revolutionary technology.

Quantum computing is going to have some very dramatic effects as we go forward, said Len Kahn, chair of the University of Rhode Islands Physics Department. Were trying to prepare. As quantum computing explodes, the workforce is not going to be prepared because theyre working with classical computers. There are millions of people involved in programming classical computers, but what theyre doing is almost antithetical to what happens in quantum computing.

To help fill the talent gap, URI is teaming with the MITRE Corp. on an initiative Quantum Pivot to help professionals with STEM experience build the skills and knowledge to transition into career pathways in quantum information science and technology.

URI is among an inaugural group of 27 higher education institutions across the U.S. that have been selected to take part in the National Science Foundations new Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies, a program that aims to grow and diversify the workforce in key emerging technologies. In September, URI was awarded a three-year, $998,667 grant as one of the programs Pivot tracks, which provide STEM professionals in any field with experiential learning opportunities, training and mentoring to transition into careers in quantum information science and technology.

Quantum computers, which can perform some tasks millions of times faster than todays fastest supercomputers, have the ability to revolutionize technology affecting numerous industries, from machine learning to artificial intelligence, marketing and advertising to supply chain management, from pharmaceuticals to cybersecurity, to name a few.

While many of the quantum computers today are small-scale, experimental machines, companies such as IBM, a pioneer in the field, are making progress, Kahn said. IBM is doubling the number of quantum bits, or qubits, which store and process information in quantum computers, in its computer annually.

But as companies invest in quantum technologies, finding talented workers threatens to hold back progress. Only about one qualified candidate is available for every three quantum job openings and only half of quantum computing jobs are expected to be filled by 2025.

Right now, we dont have the workforce to meet the demand, Kahn said. Once quantum computing starts to take off, the catch-up is going to be very difficult. At URI, were contributing to the preparation of that workforce.

URI, which launched one of the first masters degree programs in quantum computing in 2021, has been investing in the field. This includes a research partnership with IBM that provides URI faculty and students access to IBMs cutting-edge quantum computing systems, while also adding faculty and post-doctoral researchers.

For the NSF initiative, URI will build on its established, one-year online Quantum Computing Graduate Certificate program, which will graduate its first cohort of students this spring.

The programs four courses give students the language and foundational knowledge needed to introduce them to the technology, Kahn said. Over the two semesters, students get a refresher in math, a basic understanding of the concepts of quantum mechanics, along with training in designing quantum algorithms and a fundamental understanding of applications such as quantum sensing, teleportation, cryptography, circuitry and communications. Threaded through the program are student projects in quantum computing, which provide students a portfolio to show prospective employers.The ability to focus on and research a project distinguishes URIs certificate program from other online programs.

Along with the online courses, students attend four in-person workshops two days per course where they will do hands-on experiments and have access to MITREs quantum technologies professionals, who can provide mentoring and career development.

MITRE adds a lot of expertise to this initiative, Kahn said. At their Princeton campus, they have 15 Ph.D.s doing only quantum. They also work with Department of Defense industries so they know what the needs are and where the needs are.

The NSF grant will also fund such areas as a remote lab for students, scholarships, and recruitment, with an eye toward diversifying the workforce, Kahn said. URI is working to recruit candidates through groups such as IBMs quantum computing consortium of students from historically Black colleges and universities, and professional societies that serve professionals from underrepresented communities.

An important part of this grant is to help diversify the workforce and make sure people from underrepresented communities get opportunities, Kahn said. URI and MITRE are dedicated to bringing a diverse culture to STEM fields.

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URI program to help STEM professionals pivot into quantum information science careers - The University of Rhode Island

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Quantum realm controlled at room temperature for the first time –

Posted: at 4:25 pm

In the intricate world of quantum mechanics, mastering the observation and manipulation of quantum phenomena at room temperature has been a long-standing challenge, particularly when it comes to macroscopic scales.

Historically, the exploration of quantum effects has been largely confined to environments close to absolute zero, significantly hampering the practical deployment of quantum technologies due to the complexities and limitations imposed by the need for extreme cold.

This landscape is undergoing a transformative change, thanks to disruptive research led by Tobias J. Kippenberg and Nils Johan Engelsen at the cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Their study, a confluence of quantum physics and mechanical engineering, has achieved a milestone in controlling quantum phenomena at ambient temperatures, marking a significant departure from traditional constraints.

Reaching the regime of room temperature quantum optomechanics has been an open challenge since decades, explains Kippenberg. Our work realizes effectively the Heisenberg microscope long thought to be only a theoretical toy model.

At the core of their research is the development of an ultra-low noise optomechanical system.

This setup, where light and mechanical motion are intricately linked, facilitates the precise examination and manipulation of how light impacts moving objects.

A notable obstacle at room temperature is thermal noise, which disrupts delicate quantum dynamics. To counteract this, the team employed cavity mirrors adorned with crystal-like phononic crystal structures.

These mirrors enhance lights interaction with mechanical elements by confining it within a space, thus minimizing thermal noise.

A pivotal element in their experimental setup is a 4mm drum-like mechanical oscillator that interacts with light inside the cavity.

Its design and size are critical for shielding it from environmental noise, enabling the detection of quantum phenomena at room temperature.

The drum we use in this experiment is the culmination of many years of effort to create mechanical oscillators that are well-isolated from the environment, says Engelsen, highlighting the significance of this component.

Guanhao Huang, one of the PhD students leading the project, emphasizes the broader implications of their techniques in addressing complex noise sources, which hold considerable relevance for the precision sensing and measurement community.

One of the studys key achievements is the demonstration of optical squeezing at room temperature. This quantum phenomenon involves manipulating certain properties of light to reduce fluctuations in one variable while increasing them in another, a principle intrinsic to Heisenbergs uncertainty principle.

This breakthrough shows that quantum phenomena can be controlled and observed in macroscopic systems without the necessity for extremely low temperatures.

The researchers believe that their ability to operate the system at room temperature will make quantum optomechanical systems more accessible. These systems serve as crucial platforms for quantum measurement and understanding quantum mechanics at macroscopic scales.

Alberto Beccari, another PhD student pivotal to the study, anticipates that their work will pave the way for new hybrid quantum systems.

He envisages a future where the mechanical drum interacts with various entities, such as trapped clouds of atoms, offering promising avenues for quantum information and the creation of large, complex quantum states.

In summary, this groundbreaking research has ushered in a new era in quantum mechanics by achieving control of quantum phenomena at room temperature, a feat previously thought to be confined to the realms of theoretical models.

The pioneering work at EPFL, which intricately merges quantum physics with mechanical engineering, overcomes the longstanding barrier of thermal noise and introduces a novel, room-temperature-operable optomechanical system.

This innovation will allow broader access to quantum optomechanical systems, promising significant advancements in quantum measurement, information, and the exploration of complex quantum states.

Through their dedication and ingenuity, the team has expanded the boundaries of whats possible in quantum research while laying the foundation for future technologies that could revolutionize our understanding and application of quantum mechanics in the real world.

The full study was published in the journal Nature.

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