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Category Archives: Illuminati

Who Are The Illuminati? – Jesus is Savior

Posted: May 7, 2016 at 3:45 am

By David J. Stewart | April 2009 | Updated November 2015

"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast..." Revelation 13:4

George W. Bush is just a small fish in the globalist empire of darkness. His father George H. Bush is higher up on the food chain. Aleister Crowley, the self-proclaimed World's Most Wicked Man ate the feces of women during bizarre sexual acts involving Luciferian worship and Satanism. According to the shocking documentary film titled, IN SEARCH OF THE GREAT BEAST directed by Robert Garofalo and produced by Lyn Beardsall (2007), Barbara Bush (wife of President George H. Bush) is the daughter of the world's most infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley. The truth is stranger than fiction!

Hollywood sex-pervert, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), filmed his shocking movie Eyes Wide Shut (the film contains nudity) at the Rothschild's mansion. Here's a YouTube video by Infowars exposing some of the Satanic things they do at their parties (including MK Ultra programmingsuch as systematic and ritualized pedophile and torture abuse, shattering the victim's mind into multiple personalities. Former Scorpions (a pedophile promoting Rock band) bass player, Ralph Rieckermann, admitted publicly to attending a snuff party. These are parties where someone is planned to be killed as entertainment (they're snuffed out). Rieckermann says a person was murdered at the party (and worse he said, but he wouldn't elaborate about it). This is how the Illuminati has fun.

I am greatly appreciative as an average person for the gifted insight and prolific writings of good men who care about THE TRUTH; such as, Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) and Dr. Henry Makow; and also for the awesome video documentaries of Alex Jones, to name but a few. Please watch, ENDGAME (a 2:19 video documentary by Alex Jones. This video is a good place to start if you are beginning to learn about the Illuminati). If you desire to know the details of the Illuminati, you will love Henry Makow's book titled, Illuminati 2: Deceit And Seduction (a library in one book of things you just won't learn anywhere else). Here is a quote from page 8...

The central banking cartel scripts both history and culture according to a long-term plan. Cartel members are generational Satanists, Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Their object is to induct mankind into their cult as their servants and slaves.

Their main instrument is war which they contrive for profit and power. They engineer a vast credit expansion for war, and later for reconstruction. They are using debt to enslave us like the Jewish moneylenders who plied 19th century Ukrainian farmers with vodka and loans, and later confiscated their farms. ... The Illuminati buy our complicity with our own money. By monopolizing thought and communication, they are able to deceive us.


As Commander William Guy Carr states in his awesome book, Pawns In The Game, every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1775 has been started, nurtured and FINANCED ON BOTH SIDES by the International Banking Cabal. No matter who loses the war (both sides always lose in the long-run), the banksters always profit incredibly. There's profit for the Illuminati in war!

PAWNS IN THE GAME (MP3, I remixed Cmdr. Carr's 1958 lecture, removing some of bass)

Pawns In The Game (awesome 1:41 hour lecture from 1958 by Cmdr. William Guy Carr)

Dr. Makow writes a great introduction to WHO the Illuminati are, basing his intro on the Biblical truth that The devil conquers by deceit and seduction ...

The devil conquers by deceit and seduction. And so mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. We have been deceived in the most egregious fashion, and seduced by money and sex.

We generally think of the conspiracy as limited and definable. In fact, out world is the product of an ancient diabolical conspiracy that inverts good and evil. The conspiracy is based on a satanic hatred of God and man, partly originating in the Talmud and Cabala (Judaism long ago turned its back on the Old Testament, and used it and Torah Jews as a false front).

These satanic Jews and their satanist gentile collaborators are joined by Freemasonry in the Illuminati. They hate humanity. This hatred has been institutionalized in the routine of war, poverty and depression we now take for granted.

As a result, mankind is dysfunctional. Since the so-called Enlightenment, Western civilization has been based on a foolhardy denial of the Creator, i.e., the inherent design and purpose governing human life.

Not coincidentally, the Enlightenment roughly coincides with the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 by Illuminati bankers, and subsequent spread of Freemasonry throughout Europe. Freemasonry became the in thing for aristocrats and free thinkers, as well as industrious young men on the make.

Freemasonry disguised its worship of Lucifer with specious platitudes like liberty, fraternity, equality, tolerance of anything opposed to the established order, and a blustery faith in humanity, reason and progress.

According to the American Grand Commander Albert Pike, the Masonic rank and file are intentionally misled by false interpretations. (Morals and Dogma, 1871, p. 104)

Controlled by the Illuminati bankers, Freemasonry is the unacknowledged power behind the modern world. Historian Bernard Fay writes: Freemasonry has become the most efficient social power of the civilized world. But it has been a hidden power, difficult to trace and to define. Consequently most historians have avoided treating it and giving it due credit (Revolution and Freemasonry, 1680-1800, 1935, viii)

Bernard Fay shows that the Illuminati bankers used their Masonic dupes to establish the U.S. as a future base for world domination. George Washington, his generals and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were all Masons. Master Mason Benjamin Franklin raised the money to finance the war from bankers in Paris. (pp. 237-261; see article within, Illuminati Bankers Founded the U.S. to Advance NWO within.) [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION (pp. 9-10).

You need to understand THE LUCIFERIAN CONSPIRACY (why sex perversion is being promoted in American culture). Henry Makow has authored numerous articles on this important subject. You need to understand what is going on, and why, so you can fight against the rulers of the darkness of this world as Ephesians 6:12 in the Holy Bible commands. Please read, Satan: Prince Of This World (.pdf book by Commander William Guy Carr). Our battle is not against our neighbor, family, church, or that jerk boss at work; but rather, against the satanic hierarchy of power ruling the world today. Occultist Alice Bailey (1880-1949) foretold that it would be THE CHURCHES through which the Luciferian philosophies of the coming New World Order and Antichrist would be promoted. Please read, Theosophy, The Church and Satan Worship.

Through cleverly designed newsmedia propaganda, white-washing and deliberate disinformation (lying and deceiving), the globalist owned and controlled newsmedia has been able to suppress the blatant horrendous crimes of the global elite th
emselves [which includes the 911 attacks, the Iraqi war, and the ongoing farming of opium (heroine) crops in Afghanistan and thug stealing of Afghan's little girls to supply the insatiable pedophile appetite of the globalists.]

Beware Of Government & Media 'Controlled Opposition'

It is very important for you, the reader, to understand the concept and reality of the psyops weapon of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, because we see it each and every day in politics and the media, used as a red-herring to distract us from the truth.

A red-herring is something used as a distraction. The term originates from herring fish which were smoked and then pickled in brine, which turned them red. As legend goes, some animal-rights activities in 19th century England would drag the red-herring fish along the ground to throw off the foxes' scent, so the hunting hounds (dogs) couldn't follow them. Likewise, we are often misled by the government and the American mainstream newsmedia, such as the still popular false official 9/11 story (which has been proven to be a big fraud). There were thermite charges (bombs) strategically planted in World Trade Center buildings #1,2 and 7. The two jet planes that crashed into buildings 1 and 2 (not building 7) were red-herrings to distract everyone from the truth. The Bush administration got caught red-handed, but they got away with it solely because of the controlled newsmedia. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an unholy evil, who admittedly have a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate brainwashing propaganda into film and TV. Literally, hundreds of television shows, cartoons, sitcoms, movies and productions all contain lying propaganda to dupe American citizens into believing that 9/11 was caused by radical Islam.

Fox News is infamous for controlled opposition, pretending to fair and balanced in their reporting (what a big lie). Fox News deceitfully gains the trust of right-wingers, conservatives and Christians by pretending to be against abortion, pretending to be against open-borders, pretending to be against President Obama's liberal policies, et cetera. In truth, Fox News is owned by Ruppert Murdock, a big time Zionist globalist. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are two big frauds!!! They both get paid several million dollars a year for being controlled opposition, pretending to be good men, when in reality they are evil imposters, going along to get along, complicit to the Zionist takeover of America. They are rich stooges for the Illuminati.

Here's another eye-opening quote from Dr. Makow about controlled opposition...

Clearly the liberal and socialist left is part of the phony opposition. They don't represent the people. They are Masons and part of the Masonic two-step leading to banker world government tyranny. It's a reflection of how the establishment is complicit in the enslavement of society.

Similarly in the U.S. and Europe, all political parties are run by Masons and ruled by the Rothschild cartel. I doubt if any individual or group gains visibility unless they are puppets.


As of August 2015, Presidential candidate Donald Trump was 100% pro-death concerning abortion a decade ago, but now mysteriously has become pro-life to run on the conservative Republican ticket. It's all staged. Trump knows he'll never sit in the oval office as our nation's commander. He's not evil enough. It's a puppet position anyway, beneath Trump's caliber. The job of U.S. President has apparently been reserved for pot-smoking, pedophile-pervert, cocaine-using, draft-dodging, lying, satanic, murderous, homosexuals. I think Trump is like World Trade Center building #7 imploded on 9/11, thrown into the mix to add confusion, dissonance and act as a red-herring, to distract everyone from the truth that two criminal families have hi-jacked The White House. Trump has turned this into a media 3-ring-circus (as I believe he was asked by his Illuminati buddies to do)! I am very confident that Jeb Bush will be U.S. President in 2016. I could be wrong, but that's what I see from where I sit as a caring Christian citizen.

Hillary, a Democrat, likely won't win. If she did, it would be the first time since 1836 that a Democrat won after a seated two-term Democrat. I think this whole e-mail ordeal with Hillary is another red-herring. Hillary is so popular with the sicko public that they need an excuse for her to lose, and this might be it. Legally, Hillary could get 600-years in prison for obstruction of justice. The fact that she is laughing and joking about breaking the law shows that this is all staged. It's not a coincidence that Jeb Bush is quietly lurking like a snake in the background, staying out of sight for now until election time. The mainstream newsmedia lost credibility a very long time ago with smart Americans, but the majority of people are dumb fools marching-on to their destruction!

The name of the game in Washington DC is deception. Dr. Makow titled his book appropriately, Illuminati 2: Deceit And Seduction, because that's how the Illuminati-formed Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) controls America!!! By the way, fighting against Zionism is not anti-Semitism; but rather, anti-corruption! It is imperative that you understand modern-day Israel was started in May of 1948 by the Illuminati, as a pretext to divide and conquer the Middle East on the path to World War III, to achieve a New World Order prepared to receive their coming man of sin and false Messiah, the Antichrist. Yes, present-day Israel is a massive fraud, not established by God in fulfillment of Hosea 3:4-5. It is Satan's Israel, from which will arise the Antichrist. Woefully ignorant Christians who blindly support Israel today are unknowingly supporting the Illuminati. Beware Of The Emerging Church!

All of the political mudslinging each election time is all staged, to divide and conquer the foolhardy public. Behind the scenes there's not a dime's difference between Democrats and Republicans. They're simply two separate legs both walking in the same direction of a New World Order, both parties being subject to the Illuminati's money, threats and blackmail. The CIA are the private police force of the Illuminati. History shows that Wall Street bankers and attorneys started the CIA while Harry Truman was U.S. President. Zionism, Freemasonry, CIA, Wall Street, Pentagon, Rothschilds, puppet Washington DC politicians, complicit newsmedia, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, The Vatican, Masonic false religions, Hollywood, the music industry, and thousands more collaborator groups, are mere puzzle pieces all fitting together to form a satanic hierarchal power structure striving to achieve a New World Order.

I could give you a hundred examples of controlled opposition, which is intended to mislead and deceive the public. For example: in 2011 when President Barrack Obama ran for his second term in office, Goldman Sachs didn't back him for President, when in reality Mr. Obama has hired a few dozen former Goldman Sachs employees right off Wall Street into The White House. They're not fooling everyone! They love Obama! Goldman Sachs is The White House!!! So don't be stupid! Question everything you hear from the media and the government. Be objective! Always ask yourself, why are they telling me this?

I heard news reports this week (August 2015) from the Zionist-controlled U.S. government that Syrian leaders are raping women and children. I don't believe that for a second. The truth is that the CI
A created ISIS as a tool to overthrow the Syrian government. Of course they're going to demonize President Bashar al-Assad, because he has sided with the victimized Palestinians against Israel's thuggery. Israel is the Illuminati's whore, just as we read in Revelation 17:1-2, 18. The kings of the earth have fornicated with the Illuminati-controlled United States and Israel. When the Beast comes, he will burn the whore (Revelation 17:16). Israel is being pimped-out, just as the U.S. is. The Luciferian-worshipping elite behind the Illuminati have no regard for mankind nor God.

Present-Day Israel is Satanic

True Israel has been scattered throughout the world, just as the Bible says in Joel 3:2 (see also, Deuteronomy 28:62-64). Since the fall of Israel in 586 BC to Babylon, the Jews have been scattered around the world. And again, what remaining Jews lived in Jerusalem during the New Testament, were scattered around the world further after Rome annihilated Jerusalem in 70 AD. Present-day Israel was begun in 1948 as a secular state and not as a theocracy. Just like their Illuminati founders, Israel's government today is Marxist/Communist. For many years now, Tel Aviv, Israel is boasted of as being the gay-Mecca for homosexuals worldwide. God's people? No way. Please read Deuteronomy 7:12, which says God's promise to bless the patriarch's descendants will only be honored IF they obey His commandments.

Opium Brides (heroine & 7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)

Excerpt from:
Who Are The Illuminati? - Jesus is Savior

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History of the Illuminati

Posted: May 2, 2016 at 5:41 pm

The Illuminati trace their origins back thousands of years to their conception as a result of the genetic inbreeding between a reptilian extraterrestrial race and humanity. Their modern origin, however, traces back to the 1760s and a man named Adam Weishaupt, who defected from the Catholic church and organized the Illuminati, financed by the International Bankers. Since then, according to the Illuminati, their top goal has been to achieve a one world government and to subjugate all religions and governments in the process. The Illuminati thus attribute all wars since the French Revolution as having been fomented by them in their pursuit of their goals.

Weishaupt wrote out a master plan in the 1770s outlining the Illuminatis goals, finishing on May 1, 1776. According to the Illuminati, this great day is still commemorated by Communist nations in the form of May Day. At the time Weishaupts ideology was first introduced, Britain and France were the two greatest world powers, and so the Illuminati claimed credit for having kindled the Revolutionary War in order to weaken the British Empire and the French Revolution to destroy the French Empire.

In the 1780s, the Bavarian Government found out about the Illuminatis subversive activities, forcing the Illuminati to disband and go underground. For the next few decades, the Illuminati operated under various names and guises, still in active pursuit of their ultimate goal. According to the Illuminati, the Napoleonic Wars were a direct result of Illuminati intervention, and were intended to weaken the governments of Europe. One of the results of these wars was the Congress of Vienna, supposedly brought about by the Illuminati who there attempted to form a one world government in the form of a League of Nations. However, Russia held out and the league of nations was not formed, causing great animosity towards the Russian government on the part of the Illuminati.

Their short-term plan foiled, the Illuminati adopted a different strategy. The Illuminati say that they achieved control over the European economy through the International Bankers and directed the composition of Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto and its anti-thesis written by Karl Ritter in order to use the differences between the two ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.

Under new leadership by an American general named Albert Pike, the Illuminati worked out a blueprint for three world wars throughout the 20th century that would lead to a one world government by the end of the 20th century. According to the Illuminati, the First World War was fought to destroy Czarism in Russia (the Illuminati had held a grudge against the Czarist regime since Russia had thwarted its plans for a one world government after the Napoleonic Wars) and to establish Russia as a stronghold of Communism.

Likewise, the Illuminati claim that the Second World War pitted the Fascists against the political Zionists so as to build up International Communism until it equaled in strength that of the United Christendom. According to Illuminati plans, the Third World War, which is to be fought between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world, will drain the international community to the extent that they will have no choice but to form a one world government.

See more here:
History of the Illuminati

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illuminati News and Photos | Perez Hilton

Posted: at 5:41 pm

No! Not even a little bit!

When something as oddly unsettling as a 35-minute blackout occurs during the one of the year's most watched broadcasts, it's perfectly natural for the mind to jump to wild conclusions!

"Has anyone seen Tom Hardy lately?! This looks like the work of Bane!"

"The 49ers did it! They found a voodoo priest on Bourbon Street and cast a spell to put themselves back in the game!"

As absurd as those theories are, they pale in comparison to those suggesting Queen Bey's alleged Illuminati ties were somehow responsible!

When Beyonc flashed a diamond symbol toward the end of her performance with Destiny's Child, many Tweeters accused her of signaling her Illuminati brethren to commence "Operation: Darkness."

Now that's just silly.

She didn't signal a secret cult, she paid respect to Jay-Z's Roc-A-Fella Records!

Many best-selling artists frequently give her husband the very same props!

Even NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell agreed. He said:

"There's no indication at all that this was caused by the halftime show. I know that's been out there. That is not the case from anything we have at this point."

The real culprit behind the blackout?

No ghost, goblins, cults, or Batman villains It was faulty electrical equipment.

[Image via AP Images.]

Tags: bane, beyonce, blackout, conspiracy theories, destinys child, football, illuminati, jay-z, nfl, roger goodell, super bowl, tom hardy, twitter

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illuminati News and Photos | Perez Hilton

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Illuminati Truths | Mystery of the Iniquity

Posted: April 28, 2016 at 4:42 pm

Now, first of all this is taken from the internet. I cannot account for all the statements as the truth. This person also has a YOUTUBE account, recently started. I will post what has been brought forth as of today.

1: First of all, if you do not believe me then I am sorry. I am here to tell the truth, and nothing that is written by me is false exaggeration nor science fiction. This information is real, it is true, it is reality, and it is time for it to be told.

I was a member of the Illuminati for 47 years. I was recruited when I was 19 years old. I have posted here off and on over the past year. (Some of the posts are mine, others are my brothers, mainly they are his) The information that I am about to unfold is very revealing and very dangerous. I am one of seven people in the history of the Illuminati that have performed the Departure Ritual. I knew that I needed to get out when I had something revealed to me at a meeting in June of 2010. For years I was in line with the beliefs, motives, and actions of the Illuminati, but it recently became too much for me to bear, and I had to extinguish my sacred contract.

My reason for coming here is to reveal EVERYTHING about the Illuminati. How you become a member, what the organization is about, what the organization does, and the future plans that we have.

I will be back to make my first post when I can see that this thread has enough attention for me continue. Any time in the near future when I begin to reveal the secrets of the Illuminati, I need to ensure that there are enough people paying attention so that my efforts do not go to waste. Once I see that this thread has a substantial amount of views and replies, I will make my first post.

Here is a preview of some of the things that I will reveal:

Barack Obama is not a member of the Illuminati, he is something much, much worse.

The new space flights which are planes that can briefly enter orbit are not as fun as they seem, they are an Illuminati tool.

Denver, Colorado is an evil place

Aliens are a little different than what mainstream teaches us

The information I have is essential!

2: This post will be about how the Illuminati recruited me and what exactly I had to go through.

When I was nineteen years old, I fell into some money through some connections with friends and some successful investments of some money that I had made throughout my childhood. I got involved in some backroom deals and saw my money begin to grow. As I attended college at Harvard in 1964, I begin to become increasingly rich, and my influence on campus grew as well through my participation in various clubs, and organizations. Some friends and I began to serve as quasi-stock brokers while still at Harvard. I made tons of cash during that year, and was very powerful and influential on campus.

One night as I was walking back to my dorm shortly after midnight, I was approached by two men in black suits. I initially assumed that they were going to investigate my business activity because some of it was not exactly legal. They asked me to come with them and I followed them into the basement of a two story house a couple streets over from my dorm room. They sat me down at a table and asked me if I was willing to make a deal. They would not tell me what deal I would be making, but just continually asked if I would be willing to make a deal. I half-assed agreed that I would, and that is when the biggest man that I have ever seen walked through some closet doors and sat down in a chair directly opposite from me. A television was wheeled in front of me and on it was playing a video of the JFK assassination. The man that was sitting opposite me asked who I thought shot JFK. I naturally said Lee Harvey Oswald. All three of the men laughed, and the video changed to show that the shot that killed JFK actually came from the front seat of the car. It is very hard to make out in the videos that we normally see, but in the version that this man was showing me, it was obvious that the driver of the car was the one who shot JFK. The man asked if I thought that he was capable of doing this, and I did not know what to say. He told me that he was capable of anything. He detailed the story of the Illuminati. How it had formed in the 1700s and how the Illuminati was behind the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, World War I and II, the Vietnam War, and he told me about how a terrorist attack on two buildings would change the world forever.

Two chicken bones were placed in front of me, and I was told that I would be joining the Illuminati. If I did not, then they would kill me on the spot. They told me to take the chicken bones to a crossroad on the outskirts of town, and I had to bury them, then spill my own blood over top of the spot where they were buried. The two men in suits accompanied me, and I performed the ritual. After it was done, I was taken to a large mansion which I was told was mine now. I was given numerous cars, countless women, and a vault that was full of money. I was left with instructions that I had made a deal with Lucifer himself, and that if I did not follow directions, then I would be used in the most unpleasant way.

3: The first time that I was really used by the Illuminati was during the presidential election of 1968. I was called to Denver, CO to partake in a meeting in early February. I was chauffeured to the meeting location, and the windows of the limo were blacked out, so I still to this day do not know exactly where the meeting was held. I was very relieved to find out that the meetings of the Illuminati were not satanic or cultish other than that everything in the room was completely red. A man stood up in front of the room and introduced himself as Rorie Rothschild. He gave us our instructions by saying that it was already put in place that Richard Nixon would be president of the United States. I was astonished to know that this group picked who was going to be the POTUS, but I soon found out that every president in American history has been a puppet of the Illuminati. My assignment was to position myself in Washington D.C., and to work to incite rioting and turmoil after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Yes, I knew about the assassination of MLK before it occurred. The assassination occurred in April if I am correct, and I knew about it in February. It was decided that MLK was a dangerous man because of the way that he was creating a following in the way that he was. The truth is that MLK was approached by the Illuminati and asked to join, but he is one of the view that rejected and somehow escaped death. The elite in the group decided to let him live for awhile, for pure entertainment, but when they were ready for him to die, they made sure he did, and they planned when he would. I was in D.C. at the time of the assassination, and I made the mistake of spreading the word that MLK was dead, an hour before he had actually been shot. Thankfully no one notices, and widespread riots ensued.

Many other people were placed in many other major cities. The purpose of killing MLK at the time that he was assassinated was to serve as a distraction to the coming murder of Bobby Kennedy. The Illuminate had already killed JFK, and they were not about to let another Kennedy make a run for the presidency. The Kennedy family turned out to be a challenge for the Illuminati, but they were taken care of. Remember a few years ago when Ted Kennedy was taken out of a dinner for health problems? He was actually strangled in the bathroom by an Illumina
ti member.

Anyway, after Bobby Kennedy was murdered. The path to the presidency was clear for Richard Nixon who had already been indoctrinated with what the Illuminati wanted to do. The war in Vietnam was a massive opportunity for many people to make a ton of money, and that they did. Nixon was instructed far before the election to continue the fighting in Vietnam.

**Announcing the Birth of the New World Order**

4: Enough with the history, I was just telling that to show you that I was in the Illuminate for a great deal of time. I was involved with some horrible things, but now I want to uncover the current activities of the Illuminati. The activities that caused my departure.

Obama is the grand puppet of them all. Barry Sotero, yes that is his real name, was born in an Illuminati bunker far beneath the ground in Finland. He was groomed to become POTUS. He was indoctrinated from the beginning with the teachings of the Illuminati, with the plans for the New World Order, and with the plans that he was supposed to execute. Barry did not emerge from this bunker until the time that he was twenty three. All photographs and accounts of him before this time are fabricated by the Illuminati. However, the Illuminati forgot one major thing. A birth certificate. It was decided after the mistake that it would seem too fishy to display one now magically, so do not ever expect anyone to reveal it, because it was never made. Barry, who entered into the world as Barack Obama, is the most evil man on this planet. It is not by his own design, but because he is being fed his instructions. If you thought the healthcare bill was a big deal, you have no idea what Obama will unveil in the coming year. A plan is in place, and has already began to be executed that will create a personal army for Obama. The oil that gushed from the pipes in the Gulf was infested with microbodies that plant themselves in the brains of the infected, and can be activated remotely to control the infected. Mostly, these microbodies planted themselves in the minds of children. Remember Obamas address to students that was so controversial? That event was used to transmit radio waves that allowed for the planting of these microbodies in the childrens minds.

Supposedly, and this is the part that I do not know for a fact, this army will never be activated for physical warfare, but they will be used to secure re-election of Obama for many, many years to come. The amendment in the Constitution that restricts the president to serving two terms will be struck out of the Constitution, and Obama will embark on a six term reign during which we will see the destruction of the Middle East.

5: In a nutshell

Aliens are real. There is constant inter-galactic war between them. The grand plan is to involve Earth in their warfare so that human beings can be enslaved in the new world order.

Space flights are being used to carry out MASSIVE Chemical implantation. You all have heard of chem-trailing. Think about it on a global scale. When the governments of the world became exposed because of people like you that exposed chem-trailing, they needed a new way to carry out their operations. Space flights allow them to carry out chem-trailing on a massive scale by placing the chemicals right inside Earths atmosphere. The chemicals then mix with the clouds and upper atmospheric winds to transport the chemicals across a large area. These space flights need to be stopped before it is too late.

6: A question asked:

If I got to choose one place if TSHTF, it would be the Rocky Mountain range, its got water, food, totally self sufficient everything, They could seal off and be their own country if need be, also all the military and Norad and whats underground, inside the mountain and more

There was a plan in WW2 that if things went badly, the US govt. would retreat to Colorado and make a stand.

Theres rumors of caverns in the Sangres still containing prepositioned supplies such as old Sherman tanks.

Colorado contains sufficient resources to instigate the rebuilding of the entire nation.

The answer: This is correct.

7: There are underground research facilities in Colorado where the government is conducting research on how to massively control the population. They are testing it on the citizens of Denver, CO.

8:Aliens are real. There is constant inter-galactic war between them. The grand plan is to involve Earth in their warfare so that human beings can be enslaved in the new world order.

9: These aliens would easily destroy us in minutes. Far more advanced that we are. However, the Illuminati has planned to stage attacks with them in order to place Earth;s population under martial law.

10: Kennedy was strangled because they were warning him to back off some research he was doing into Bobbys death.

11: To the person who wants to know about Obama meeting aliens in the underground bunkers. This has never happened. Obama has not communicated with the aliens. Only the top notch Illuminati members have. They have a constant line of communication with them. The event that I was speaking of where the aliens will stage attacks on Earth will not occur until after World War III does.

World War III is planned to happen in the next five years. The spark is going to be an Israeli attack on Iran. As Obama is the grand puppet president of the Illuminati. Israel is the grand puppet state. Israel will directly attack Iran with missiles, Iran will respond, and World War III will ensue. It is at this time that Venezuela and North Korea will begin attacking their enemies, China will enter, Russia will enter, and there will be a massive global war on our hands. This war is planned to last for at least 7 years, and towards the end of these 7 years, alien lifeforms will stage their attacks on the major countries of the world.

These alien attacks serve the purpose of ending World War III. There is no other way that the citizens of the warring countries would put aside their bad sentiments created by war to fight a common enemy other than if the common enemy are extra-terrestrials.

The only reason that the Illuminati is manufacturing World War III is to destroy some of the world leaders who do not directly fall under their influence. It is also to make many people very , very rich.

These alien attacks will cause the people of the Earth to join together in common defense against the alien lifeforms, but it will also pave the path to the New World Order.

12:(this is transcript from his you tube video)

World War 3 is planned to happen in the next five years. The spark is going to be an Israeli attack on Iran. As Obama is the grand puppet president used by the Illuminati. Israel is the grand puppet state. Israel has already been given permission by the United States and the European Union to directly attack Iran whenever it feels that it is safe to do so. An attack was almost initiated during the summer of 2009; however, the election crisis in Iran at the time proved inopportune to attack. Most people would assume that a time of chaos would be a great time to attack; however, many of the key Iranian political leaders were out of the country at the time for their own safety.

Israel will directly attack Iran with missiles, Iran will respond, and World War 3 will ensue. It is at this time that Venezuela and North Korea will begin attacking their enemies, China will enter, Russia will enter, and there will be a massive global war on our hands. This is another reason that Obama w
ill be allowed to be re-elected past the normal 2 term limit. This war is planned to last for at least 7 years, and towards the end of these 7 years, alien lifeforms will stage their attacks on the major countries of the world.

These alien attacks serve the purpose of ending World War 3. There is no other way that the citizens of the warring countries would put aside their bad sentiments created by war to fight a common enemy other than if the common enemy are extra-terrestrials.

The only reason that the Illuminati is manufacturing World War III is to destroy some of the world leaders who do not directly fall under their influence. It is also to make many people very , very rich.

These alien attacks will cause the people of the Earth to join together in common defense against the alien lifeforms, but it will also pave the path to the New World Order.

The Illuminati has made a deal with these alien life forms. When the New World Order is secured, and select groups of people are placed in containment camps, people such as dissenters, rebels, and other revolutionaries, these people will be handed over to the aliens for them to do experimentation on. The alien culture is very advanced; however, they are not as advanced as they would like to be because they do not have human beings to experiment on. The aliens that are in business with the Illuminati cannot be experimented on in the same way that humans can because they are built and formed in much of a different way in which I am not entirely familiar.

The Illuminati has worked out a very intensive strategy to secure the New World Order, and it will be accomplished by staging a form of false flag attack with these aliens. In return, these aliens receive an inextinguishable supply of experimental beings on which they can perform the many operations that they wish. The Illuminati will secure its New World Order and will establish Obama as the head of it. He will continually be under Illuminati influence and will carry out the next stage of the plan to secure control of all of the worlds oil.

The oil crisis that we are familiar with, the one where the experts say that we are running out, is entirely untrue. There are hundreds of untapped oil reserves in the Middle East. When the New World Order is secured, Obama will ensure that these oil reserves fall into the hands of the Illuminati, and they will be tapped to ensure a great deal of cash flow for the Illuminati. He will secure these oil reserves by destroying the Middle East and reducing it to dust. Russia, China, and the United States will invade the Middle East from all directions claiming that Muslims are dissenters to the New World Order. The first step of this plan has already been initiated with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was necessary for the United States to already have a multitude of troops on the ground in the Middle East, and it is for this reason that George W. Bush pushed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I do not think it is necessary to say that nine eleven was a false flag. This is something that we already knew. Planes were hijacked by operatives brainwashed by the Illuminati, and plastic explosives were used to bring down the towers.

The first step to the destruction of the Middle East, and the establishment of the United States as the new oil kings was initiated on that day.

13: This is the only deal that I know of. However, in my opinion, once the deal is done, the New World Order will proceed to attack and conquer these alien lifeforms. Do not let the general public fool you, we have the capability of reaching other galaxies, and have done it.

14: We can reach Mars, and we have. You just do not know about it. The first human landed on Mars in November of 1999.

15: If the next 7.0+ occurs in Venezuela, then I will be able to tell you something about future events. If one does not occur in Venezuela, then these earthquakes mean nothing as of right now.

16: Ben Bernanke is a very, very evil man. He controls over half of the US money supply personally. He can do anything he wants with it without any consequences.

Rahm Emmanuel was groomed much in the same way that Obama was, and Emmanuel will play the lead role in a HUGE event very soon.

17: Bernanke is an agent of Warren Buffett.

18: The first Mars landing to my knowledge occurred in 1999. The astronauts who performed the landing were murdered upon their return.

19: question: Do you knoow of project pegasus and the history of sending people to a MARS base since the 60s?

Answer: The project was attempted; however, their was not significant funding at the time due to other activities that the organization was pursuing. The project was resumed in the seventies, but the main scientists were no longer willing to work on it. It was eventually abandoned.

Alex Jones is not as innocent as he makes himself sound. He has been in on everything for awhile.

20: question: ..and how exactly did they get past the radiation belt without getting fried?

Answer: Actually I do know about this. Any radiation or obstacles that they encountered were redirected by use of lasers, but radiation and obstacles were also consumed by a generator that produced a mini black hole directed towards whatever was in the way.

This black hole was then destroyed by several remotely detonated explosions inside of it.

These explosions served the purpose of decreasing the gravity in the black hole which destroyed the black hole while preserving the radiation and other obstacles.

21: Cheney was an idiot. He served no role in anything that the Illuminati carried out. He was pretty much a pawn used to divert attention. He tried to play a role, but was never allowed.

A tomahawk cruise missile hit the Pentagon; launched from a ship in the Atlantic.

A plane really hit the ground in PA. Again, an attention diversion. They felt that they needed a feel good story.

Yes, planes hit the towers, and the towers collapses because of explosives already planted on the joists.

Larry Silverstein was the brains behind it all.

Building 7 was used as an operations base. It needed to be demolished to protect information and people.

22: The operatives that hijacked the plane were told to crash it in PA. That is what I know to be true.

23: (regarding911) NORAD never really mobilized to do anything. There was no need to stand them down. NORAD is ran by the government, which is controlled by the Illuminati. See where I am going here?

24: The Anti-Christ is not going to be a single person. It is also very ironic.

The Anti-Christ is Israel.

25: (question)How long till the US economy goes under?

(answer)It wont. World War 3 will kick off at the perfect time to prevent collapse.

26: Hitler committed suicide in the way that most believe he did. Merkel is not his daughter; however, a coming chancellor will be his grandson.

27: The North American Union will form at the start of WW3 as a trade/ defense alliance.

28: A city will burn on November 11, 2011. I am not sure which. Only know that a city will burn to the ground.

29: Islam will be destroyed by killing the Muslims. Christianity will be destroyed by discrediting it. Judaism will not be destroyed, but will gain power. All other religions will fall into irrelevance.

30: Now, we are going to talk about the Anti-Christ being Israel.

I am not talking about the Jewish people, or the people of Israel itself, but I am talking about the state of Israel. As I mentioned earlier, Israel is the grand puppet state of the Illuminati. When the modern Israeli state was formed in 1948, it was all part of a master plan. This plan ties into the long term plan to demolish the Middle East. After World War 2, it was decided that land would be taken from the Palestinians, and this land would be declared the Jewish homeland that they had been driven from many years ago. We all know that fighting ensued between Israel and Palestine, and this violence continues today. Palestine is a state that has defied the control of the Illuminati. They were presented with the opportunity of protection when Israel was formed; however, they rejected, and they will one day be demolished in the most horrific manner. The whole point of the establishment of Israel is to place an Illuminati-influence government directly in the area. Israel is carrying out the order of the Illuminati, and has been since its formation.

I have already detailed the role that Israel will play in sparking World War 3 by a preemptive strike on Iran. However, the influence of Israel on world affairs will span far more than that. Israel will be virtually invincible during World War 3. It will prevail through Iranian attacks, but in the final stages of the war, it will fall under Russian attack. It is in these final stages that the alien attacks will take place, and all worldly fighting will cease. The Illuminati will use this time to establish their New World Order, which will be based in Israel. It is from Israel that the New World Order will execute their evil policies that will eventually lead to the destruction of the world as we know it. The Jews will be banished from Israel yet again, and the people that occupy the land will be a people that lack any form of religion. As I stated, Islam will be destroyed through elimination of the Muslims, Christianity will be destroyed through destruction of its credibility, and once these two religions are eliminated, religion as we know it will cease to exist in worldly affairs. Israel is the state that will carry out the execution of religion.

This is the grand plan of the Illuminati to establish a New World Order that is entirely a One World Order. Israel is the Anti Christ. A beast that will rise from the sea, a sea of turmoil, with many heads, led by many leaders.

Let me talk about religion for a little while. Religion was manufactured long ago by men who wished to control the masses. Different religions were created in different places to suit the needs and beliefs of the area, and it was intended to serve as a crutch. The leaders of these regions used religion to enslave their people, and religion continues to be such an evil. In essence, religion was the first form of mind control.

When the Illuminati was formed, it was evident that religion was something that could keep the masses dumb and ignorant to what was really happening around them. Is this not what has happened? Because of religion, the Illuminati has been able to work in secret for many, many years.

See the original post:
Illuminati Truths | Mystery of the Iniquity

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Illuminati – Realidade Oculta

Posted: February 24, 2016 at 11:48 pm

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Quem fundou os illuminati? Adam Weishaupt na Baviera em 1776 ou Hassan Isabbah em 1090 ? Os illuminados, segundo acreditavam serem iluminados da luz de lcifer. Weishaupt ( 1748-1830) era um maon ( membro da maonaria) de ascendncia judia.

Muito se tem falado dos "Illuminati", em livros como os de Dan Brown ( Cdigo da Vinci e o: Anjos e Demnios ) , que inspiraram inclusive os filmes com mesmo ttulo, com Tom Hanks.

Mas o assunto muito mais antigo. Sociedades secretas sempre existiram, durante sculos, e continuaro a existir. Membros da poltica, da Monarquia, do sistema Bancrio, celebridades e muitos outros, fazem parte. Existem inmeras sociedades. Fraternitas Saturni, Golden Dawn, Opus Dei, Maonaria, Luciferismo, Ordem Rosae Crucis, I.O.T ( Illuminates of Thanateros ), entre muitas outras.

Os seus smbolos ocultos surgem por toda a parte, em anncios de tv, videoclips de msica Pop, filmes, e inclusiv no dinheiro ( a nota de 1 dlar um exemplo ):

Mais frente irei abordar essa simbologia.

A maioria de sites , revistas e livros sobre illuminatis dizem que a ordem foi fundada em 1776 por Adam weishaupt, no entanto este ano ao ler "O livro dos Illuminati" de Robert Wilson ele diz que a Ordem fundou-se em 1090 por Hassan Isabbah.

Creio que nunca poderemos ter certeza absoluta, pois a origem desta controversa seita muito antiga e as informaes nem sempre coincidem. H quem diga que os illuminatis so extraterrestres que esto por c h milhares de anos e que influenciaram os cultos e rituais dos Sumrios e Egpcios, e que a Maonaria actual inspirada nesses rituais antigos sumrios.

Os lderes da Revoluo francesa eram Maons e Illuminati, ou os agentes deles e seguidores, levando a cabo um plano secreto para subverter as monarquias de Europa e a religio Crist. Teriam abertolojas na Alemanha, ustria, Itlia, Hungria, Frana e Sua. Illuminati, Maonaria e ainda outras seitas so tentculos do mesmo monstro.

Actualmente essa ordem est espalhada por todo o mundo, muitos membros dos governos so membros, assim como so da maonaria.

A Real origem dos Illuminati ?

RobertWilson conta queem 1090Hassan I sabbahfundou a seitaIsmaelita , ou Haxixinos(a origem da palavra assassinos vem da ). Eles usavam o haxixe(derivado da planta canabis ) , o culto aterrorizou o mundo muulmanoat os mongis deGengis imporem a lei e a ordem na zona. Encurralados no seu refgio nas montanhas , os Haxixinos, caindo de drogados, no conseguiram oferecer resistncia aos saudveis guerreiros mongis.Mas os cabecilhas do grupo fugiram para o Ocidente.

Os illuminati buscam a "imortalidade" espiritual atravs de prticas de magia negra, incluindo sacrifcios humanos. ( hoje em dia sacrificar humanos de forma directa iria atrair demasiada ateno, mas existe uma forma disfarada de fazerem isso: As Guerras. Guerra no Iraque, Afeganisto, Lbia, etc...)

Mais tarde, ( em 1776) foi Adam Weishaupt , um estudante do ocultismo, que renovou essa ordem illuminati, ele estudou os ensinamentos de Hassan I Sabbah , cultivou tambm marijuana no quintal, atravs de alguns estudos (e da marijuana tambm) consegiu a "iluminao" (reparem que pus aspas), fundando a ordem "Os antigos sbios iluminados" da Baviera (Alemanha) no 1 de Maio de 1776.

Curiosamente o 1 de Maio o dia escolhido para celebrar o dia do trabalhador, porque ser? Louis Blanc na sua obra "Histoire de la rvolucion Francaise" qualifica Adam Weishaupt como "o mais profundo conspirador".

Robert diz ainda que a famosa Helena Petrovna Blavatski (fundadora da Teosofia) tambm nascida na Alemanha, era feiticeira e aliada dos Illuminati.

Robert Wilson diz que: Tanto a bandeira dos Estados Unidos como a pirmide illuminati tm treze divises horizontais, e o treze tambm o cdigo tradicional da marijuana, sendo ainda usado nesse sentido pelos Hell'sAngels, entre outros.

Bem , fui verificar se bate certo, vejam as imagens abaixo :

Um dos smbolos mais famosos a pirmide com o olho-que-tudo v (olho de luifer) Esse smbolo to real que podem v-lo nas notas de 1 dlar. (smbolo introduzido por Franklin Roosevelt em 1933). Roosevelt foi presidente dos EUA, um dos 13 presidentes que eram maons.

Uma das teorias aponta que a utilizao destes smbolos ocultos no dinheiro serve paraa "fantasmagoria" do monoplio que o Estadodetm sobre a energia psquica. O smbolo condicionado (dinheiro-smbolo)controlariatotalmente o nosso bem-estar mental. Uma coisa temos que admitir, o dinheiro afecta-nos psiquicamente, quando estamos sem dinheiro comeamos a ficar deprimidos "como pagar as contas?" "ser que chegar ao final do ms?", etc..

-O cidado capitalista aprende neurologicamente que dinheiro equivale a segurana e falta de dinheiro a insegurana.

Por cima da pirmide consta a frase em latim Annuit coeptis (ele tem favorecido os nosso empreendimentos) ele, provavelmente : Lcifer, o arquitecto, o olho-que-tudo v. O olho significaria tambm uma alegoria capacidade deles estarem simultaneamente em todo o lado. (por exemplo com sistemas de escuta, sistema echelon, etc.). Abaixo da pirmide poder ler-se Novus ordo Seclorum (a nova ordem dos sculos) ou seja A Nova Ordem Mundial. Pegue uma nota de 1 dlar e ver que mesmo verdade.

A pirmide dividida em duas :

Ela constitui-se de 72 blocos de pedra. Alguns dizem que seriam os 72 degraus da escada de Jacob, estando assim relacionadoscom o judasmo e a tradio cabalstica. Por outro lado, a pirmide no est terminada, o que poderia interpretar-se como uma chamada de ateno para o futuro . ( Eles iriam fazer algo mais).

A Fnix:

Foi a figura alada impressa nos primeiros dlares, mas em 1841 foi substituda pela guia, um smbolo solar egpcio. Acima dela esto 13 estrelas correspondentes aos 13 estados de ento. Essas estrelas ,com as suas cinco pontas, so um smbolo manico. Ela tem 9 plumas na cauda, correspondendo aos graus do ritual manio de York. As asas exibem respectivamente32 e 33 penas, aludindo assim aos graus do rito Escocs. Na pata esquerda segura 13 flechas, indicando aco e transmutao. No bico ela segura um pergaminho no qual em latim se l "et pluribus unum", uma aluso necessidade de integrar e agrupar os membros das antigas colnias que agora constituam uma s nao. Fazer todas as naes uma s.

No livro dos Illuminati ( Robert Wilson) ele diz que: 0,5 da populao detm 70% da riqueza, deixando os outros 99,5 da populao competindo violentamente pelo restante (30% da riqueza).

Os illuminati escreveram a Histria muito antes dela acontecer, uma das evidncias um jogo rpg (role playing game, jogo de interpretar ) criado por Steve Jackson e lanado em 1995. Esse jogo INWO (Illuminati new world order) illuminati a nova ordem mundial, inclui 9 cartas que descrevem factos que aconteceriam na Histria, eventos envolvendo bio terrorismo, desastres, anarquia, etc. No significando que ele fosse illuminati, mas conhecia os planos deles, tanto que foi visitado pelos servios secretos, os quais tentaram impedir o lanamento desse jogo. (mais dados em )

A carta mais surpreendente a do ataque terrorista, repare que o jogo foi distribudo em 1995, e j predizia o atentado s torres gmeas.

Na imagem podemos ver que inicialmente uma torre atingida. No canto inferior esquerdo, num edifcio podemos ver osmbolo illuminati (uma pirmide pequenina).

das carta horrivelmente precisa, O Pentgono . Repare na imagem, apesar das chamas o pentgono est.praticamente intacto, como ocorreu a 11 de Setembro de 2001.

Derrame de leo da BP :

O Forte Sismo no Japo, 11-Maro de 2011:

Uma das consequncias , alm dos mortos, foram as exploses na central nuclear de Fukushima

Agora vejam esta carta, de 1995:

AGOSTO DE 2011 :

Mais uma carta que se tornou realidade :

As seguintes informaes, so do livro de Ren Chandelle, "Os illuminati e a grande conspirao Mundial...." EditorialEstampa.

Pg. 59:excerto : [...] " redigida a Declarao de Independncia dos Estados Unidos. A 4 de Julho de 1976, as treze colnias britnicas da Amrica do Norte declaram-se soberanas e independentes, sob uma forte influncia e participao de Maons e Illuminati.

Pg. 62, AdamWeishaupt, fundador da ordem dos iluminados da Baviera, tinha cinco objectivos essenciais, irei resumir os mais importantes.

Fim dos Governos : Erradicar e abolir as monarquias ou outra forma de governo que no se ajustasse aos seus preceitos. Para isso, os membros da seita , valendo-se do seu poder econmico, social e poltico, teriam a misso de originar os conflitos que fossem necessrios. S havia lugar para um governo, o deles. ( nota: Agora quem manda em muitos Pases Europeus no so os seus Governos mas sim o F.M.I )

Fim das propriedades: Oobjectivo consistia em conseguir que o poder econmico residisse nos membros da irmandade e nas redes que esta gerou. A propriedade privada e os direitos sucessrios correspondiam, portanto, a um perigo. Os illuminati encarregar-se-iam de ocupar os postos de controlo de onde seria manobrado o poder econmico. ( Nota : Com a actual Crise, milhares de famlias tm perdido os seus bens e entregue as casas aos Bancos ).

Fim do conceito de nao: Era preciso erradicar a multiplicidade de nacionalidades. Era melhor um grande imprio, uma grande ptria,, do que muitas difceis de controlar. Eliminar-se o conceito de patriotismo e nacionalismo. O objectivo era encontrar uma nova ordem mundial.

Os illuminati no se extinguiram isso falso.

Na pg. 63, pode ler-se: [...] " O facto do grupo ter sido oficialmente dissolvido permitiu-lhe prosseguir as suas actividades de forma ainda mais clandestina e sem a preocupao de ter de demonstrar que no existia."

O futuro ?

Na pg. 91 do livro, pode ler-se: O terceiro grande conflito, que envolver todas as culturas do mundo, foi programado atravs de uma carta, a 15 de Agosto de 1871, por dois membros da sociedade secreta dos Illuminati, hoje guardada no Museu Britnico de Londres. ( portanto real ).

No a nica, das muitas que se cruzaram.

Albert Pike e Giuseppe Mazzini eram membros importantes dos Illuminati que mantinham uma correspondncia regular, atravs da qual conspiravam. Albert Pike, autor da carta em questo, era tambm um Maon. Tambm foi fundador da seita Ku Klux Klan. Giuseppe, esteve ligado sociedade secreta dos carbonrios.

Albert Pike escreveu em 1871 "A terceira guerra mundial dever ser fomentada atravs do aproveitamento dos diferendos promovidos pelos agentes dos iluminados entre o sionismo poltico e os dirigentes do mundo muulmano. A guerra deve ser orientada de tal forma que o islo e o sionismo poltico se destruam mutuamente, enquanto outras naes se vem obrigadas a entrar na luta, at ao ponto de se esgotarem fsica, mental, espiritual e economicamente..[...] " ( nota: Invaso do Iro ? )

Mais uma vez, algo que eles j planearam h muito tempo :

Reduo Populacional super simples : Basta criarem guerras, crise econmica , aumento dos impostos, aumento do preo dos alimentos e dos combustveis, o que ir gerar caos social, revoltas, mortes. Uns morrem de fome, outros suicidam-se ( como na Itlia, Grcia, Espanha, Portugal, Irlanda e outros tantos Pases ), os que ficarem vo morrendo em catstrofes ( terramotos, tsunamis ) ou nas Guerras. Ou ainda com novas doenas virais ( bioterrorismo ) e poluio industrial e chemtrails.. Tudo isso combinado...

Alguns membros muito prximos, ou amigos prximos de membros da Elite, tm vazado informaes... Sob pseudnimo, a fim de protegerem a sua identidade e segurana.

Saiba Mais sobre os planos illuminati, AQUI.

Veja o interrogatrio a um membro illuminati detido. AQUI.


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Illuminati - Realidade Oculta

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Top Ten Illuminati Symbols | Illuminati Rex

Posted: at 11:48 pm

Top Ten Illuminati Symbols The Illuminati loves taunting the Profane by putting their symbols in plain sight for all to see. Only the Illuminati insiders are privy to the symbols true meaning. Symbols of the Illuminati are present on our currencies, and are plastered all over our television, movies and newspapers.

The All-Seeing Eye or the Eye of Providence is the preeminent symbol and most widely recognized symbol of the Illuminati.

The All-Seeing Eye as seen on the United States one dollar note.

The All-Seeing Eye was added to the original design of the Great Seal of the United States in 1776 by Pierre Eugne Du Simitire and remained on the Seal with the addition of an unfinished pyramid (see Illuminati symbol #2) when it was finally adopted in 1782. In 1935 the Great Seal was added to the $1 dollar note, the most widely circulated note on the planet, by President and Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Links to the Illuminati: To conspiracy theorists, the all-seeing eye represents the Eye of Lucifer. The Eye can see all and oversees its minions which are represented by the individual bricks of the pyramid. The 13 steps of the pyramid represent the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines which collectively rule over the planet. The year 1776 represent the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt.

US Government: The Eye is a representation of God who favors the prosperity of the United States. It is positioned above an unfinished pyramid representing the future growth of the United States. The 13 steps of the pyramid represent the original thirteen states. The year 1776 represent the birth of the United States.

Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: There is no evidence that the Bavarian Illuminati used the eye in any of its rituals. However, they used the point within a circle, circled dot, circumpunct, or circle with a point at its centre a () to represent the Order.

Links to Freemasonry: The Master Mason learns that the All Seeing Eye represents the Great Architect of the Universe (GAOTU) who watches and sees everything and will judge us according to our works.

The Freemasons also use the symbol. In Arcana of Masonry (p. 188), Masonic Historian Albert Churchward writes:

The point in the centre of a Circle is equal to the point at the tip of the Triangle, and this Glyph is equivalent to the Eye; the two are synonymous.

Other secret societies: In the Order of the Golden Dawn the represents Kether.

Masonic Vice-President Henry A. Wallace and Masonic President FDR added the pyramid to the dollar bill in 1935

All-Seeing Eye on the CBS logo

Original design for the Great Seal of the United States

Masonic tracing board, Germany 1770

The Illuminati Elite is represented by the capstone of the pyramid and the Profane by the stones.

The pyramid represents the top-down command structure of the Illuminati with the Illuminati plutocrats at the top and the peons at the bottom.

Links to the Illuminati: In Illuminati conspiracy theories the presence of a pyramid usually represents the top-down command structure of the Illuminati rulers of the universe. The theory has become more mainstream following the rise of the Occupy Wall Street movement who refer to the rulers as the One Percent.

Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: The pyramid was featured prominently at Minerval Assemblies of the Bavarian Illuminati. A carpet was laid out on the rooms floor featuring a Pyramid flanked on either side by the letters D and P on each of its side. (Deo Proximo God is near) There are stones scattered at the pyramids base.

The unfinished pyramid signifies that the goals of the Most Serene Order of the Illuminati are still incomplete. By working together, the Illuminati is able to make great strides towards completing their task for the glory of the Grand Architect.

Links to Freemasonry: The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Virginia is capped by a seven steps pyramid. The House of the Temple, the Headquarters for the Supreme Council of the southern jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Masonry is also capped by an unfinished pyramid.

Bavarian Illuminati pyramid vs. Great Seal pyramid

HW Bushs pet pyramid

Being There movie

Step pyramid surmounting George Washington Masonic National Memorial

DARPAs Information Awareness Office

Grave of Charles Taze Russell, Founder of the Jehovahs Witnesses

The owl was the symbol for Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. The Enlightened Ones see themselves as the wise rulers of the planet.

Owl at the Bohemian Grove

Links to the Illuminati: The Bohemian Grove, an exclusive elite 2,700-acre encampment situated in the Redwood forest of northern California features an owl on its logo. The planning meeting for the ultra-secret Manhattan Project is also rumored to have taken place at the Grove. It is also where Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan worked out a deal on who would run for President of the United States.

Owl on Dollar bill?

Bohemian Grove Napkin

Druid with Owl painting at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Justin Bieber Illuminati Minerval?

Illuminati Minerval Owl

Frost Bank Tower Austin, Texas

Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: The owl is an important symbol for Illuminati Minerval. The owl was a symbol of Pallas Athena and represented wisdom and vigilance. The owl was also included on the Illuminati Minerval and Illuminati Minor medallions.

The eternal flame is a powerful symbol of the Enlightenment.

The Statue of LIberty

Links to the Illuminati: Illuminati researcher Dr. Stan Monteith claims that the Statue of Liberty is the pagan goddess Semiramis, the whore of Babylon a homewrecker and a harlot. She represents the destruction of the Old World Order and the creation of the New World Order.

Illuminati researcher Mark Dice claims that the Statue of Liberty is an Illuminati symbol. The statues radiant crowns rays are a symbol of the sun or Enlightenment. The Enlightenment represents Lucifer, the torch bearer.

The Olympic Flame torch rally was first introduced by the Nazis for the 1936 Olympics. Prometheus gave fire (knowledge) to humans. For this transgression, the King of the Gods, Zeus punished Prometheus to have is liver eaten for eternity by an eagle.

Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: Weishaupt was aroused by Zoroastrianism and philosophies of the ancient Parsees. He planned to use fire allegories in the symbols and rituals of the higher degrees of the Illuminati. The color red is prominent in the higher degrees of Illuminati Priest and Illuminati Regent.

Links to Freemasonry: The Statue of Liberty was designed by Freemason Frederic Bartholdi.

The name Lucifer literally means bringer of light.

Statue of Liberty

Columbia Pictures logo

Olympic Torch

Rockefellers Standard Oil

Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza

The Illuminati and the practice and promotion of black magic

The Pentagram with Baphomets head at its center

Aka: Sigil of Baphomet, (two points up)

The name Baphomet first appeared as a pagan idol in the trial transcripts of the Knights Templar by the Inquisition.

pentagram was originally a protection charm against demons. The inverted pentagram came to have its own distinctive meaning as a sign of evil especially after the publication of famed French occultist Lvi liphas publication of Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual in 1854:

A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.

Links to the Illuminati: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson appointed French-born freemason Pierre Charles LEnfant to design Washington D.C. A pentagram is clearly visible in the street layout leading many to speculate whether or not LEnfant deliberately inserted Masonic symbols.

However, the pentagram is not complete. Rhode Island Avenue does not connect with Pennsylvania Avenue, leaving the pentagram incomplete. Freemasons often point to this as proof that the streets of Washington DC are not Masonic. If the masons are all powerful architects, why cant they get a pentagram right? The answer might be found in the wrings of Illuminatus Johann Goethe (nom de guerre: Abaris) and famous author of Faust:

Mephistopheles: I must confess, my stepping oer Thy threshold a slight hindrance doth impede; The wizard-foot doth me retain.

Faust: The pentagram thy peace doth mar? To me, thou son of hell, explain, How camest thou in, if this thine exit bar? Could such a spirit aught ensnare?

Mephistopheles: Observe it well, it is not drawn with care, One of the angles, that which points without, Is, as thou seest, not quite closed.

Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: The Illuminati did not use the pentagram in its ceremonies.

Links to Freemasonry: The Order of the Eastern Star a female Masonic organization for wives and family of Freemasons uses the pentagram with two points up as its emblem.

Order of the Eastern Star

Ke$ha Die Young

Streets of Washington, D.C.

Washington posing Baphomet-style (As above, so below)

The Illuminati, the number of the Beast and the Anti-Christ.

six hundred sixty-six

Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

~ Revelation 13: 18 New King James Version (NKJV)

Links to the Illuminati: The number of the Beast is associated with the Anti-Christ who would eventually take helm of the Illuminati as he brings forth the New World Order. The music industry is a prime recruiting ground for the Illuminati. Illuminated musicians incorporate Illuminati symbolism in their work as a nudge to their Illuminati handlers.

The 666 numerals can also be found in corporate logos such as Taco Bell, Google Chrome and Vodafone. When AT&T changed the name of one of its subsidiaries to Lucent Technologies, Illuminati symbolism researcher Texe Marrs was quick to point out the new names similarity with Lucifer, and asked:

But, does AT&Ts new baby have horns? Does the name Lucent have any link to the name Lucifer? Could it be that, as one writer has suggested, Lucent stands for Lucifers Enterprise?

~ Texe Marrs, PROJECT L.U.C.I.D., 1996

Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: Only deists and atheists could hope to reach the higher mystery degrees of the Illuminati. As such, they would have regarded Satan as a mythological figure.

Links to Freemasonry:

Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!

~ Albert Pike, Moral and Dogma

Note: Fear of the number 666 is called hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. There will be a test.

Barcode/UPC 666

Monster Energy Drink 666

Vodafone 666 or KKK

Walt Disney 666

Google Chrome 666

A symbol of mortality and the Illuminatis mark on the Skulls and Bones

Skull reminds young initiates of their own mortality

Links to the Illuminati: The Skull and Bones is an elite fraternity at Yale University, a prestigious American university. Their headquarters is known as the Tomb. Theres a painting of skulls with the quote:

Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, alls the same in death.

Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.

Links to the Bavarian Illuminati: The Illuminati Regent or Illuminati Prince initiation rituals consisted of three rooms which the initiate had to visit in succession. In the first room the candidate would find a skeleton with a sword and a crown at its feet. The candidate would then be asked if the bones were the bones of a king, a nobleman or a beggar. As in the Order of the Skull and Bones, the scene intended to make the candidate reflect on his own mortality.

Links to Freemasonry: The Master Mason carpet features a skull to remind the initiate of his own mortality, just as in the Illuminati and in the Skull and Bones.

Fools and Kings

Skull and Bones, 1948 The grandfather clock is always set at 8 oclock

Master Mason Tracingboard

Snakes, Dragons and Serpents and the lure of forbidden knowledge

Serpent from the Book of Genesis

The snake or serpent one of the most ancient symbols used in myths and was widely used throughout the world. They often act as guardians, such as the statue of Draco guarding the entrance of The City of London.

Snakes are identified with forbidden wisdom or knowledge as in the serpent in the Garden of Eden from Genesis.

Being poisonous, and generally dangerous to humans, the snake symbol is commonly used in western culture as a representation of evil.

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Top Ten Illuminati Symbols | Illuminati Rex

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33 Signs The Illuminati Is Real – BuzzFeed

Posted: February 7, 2016 at 1:41 am

5. And everything about her Bad Romance video

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Illuminati Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

Posted: January 31, 2016 at 8:42 pm

Illuminati (plural do latim illuminatus, "aquele que iluminado") a denominao de diversos grupos, alguns histricos, outros modernos, reais ou fictcios. Mas comumente, contudo, o termo "Illuminati" tem sido empregado especificamente para referir-se aos Illuminati da Baviera, uma sociedade secreta da era do Iluminismo fundada em 1 de maio de 1776. Nos tempos modernos, tambm usado para se referir a uma suposta organizao conspiratria que controlaria os assuntos dos vrios Estados secretamente, normalmente como verso moderna ou como continuao dos referidos Illuminati bvaros, como sinnimo e crebro por trs dos acontecimentos que levariam ao estabelecimento de uma Nova Ordem Mundial, com os objetivos primrios de unir o mundo sob uma espcie de tirania global.

Dado que "Illuminati" significa literalmente os iluminados em latim, natural que diversos grupos histricos, no relacionados entre si, se tenham autodenominados de Illuminati. Frequentemente, faziam isso alegando possuir textos gnsticos ou outras informaes arcanas (secretas) no disponveis ao grande pblico.[1]

A designao "Illuminati" esteve em uso tambm desde o sculo XIV pelos Irmos do Livre Esprito, e no sculo XV,[2] o ttulo foi assumido por outros entusiastas que argumentavam que a luz da iluminao provinha, no de uma fonte autorizada, mas secreta, de dentro, como resultado de um estado alterado de conscincia, ou iluminismo, que representaria o esclarecimento espiritual e psquico.

Desta forma, durante os perodos moderno e contemporneo, foi designado por "Illuminati" um nmero de grupos (alguns dos quais tm reivindicado o ttulo), mais ou menos marginal e secreto, e muitas vezes em conflito com autoridades religiosas ou polticas; so eles: os Irmos do Livre Esprito, os Illumins, os Martinistas, o Palladium... e, principalmente os Illuminati da Baviera. Embora as doutrinas desses grupos tenham sido variadas e por vezes contraditrias, a confuso entre eles tem sido muitas vezes mantida e levado s teorias de conspirao de uma sociedade secreta atuando atravs da histria.

A Ordem dos Illuminati da Baviera foi fundada na noite de 30 de abril a 1 de Maio de 1776 (vspera da famosa Noite de Santa Valburga) em uma floresta perto de Ingolstadt (Baviera), no sul da Alemanha, onde um pequeno grupo de jovens criou e prometeu cumprir os fins da sociedade. Entre aqueles que estavam naquela noite, sabe-se apenas a identidade de trs: Adam Weishaupt, Max Merz e Anton von Massenhausen. O fato de que no se sabe exatamente quem estava presente naquela noite foi a causa da especulao sobre o nmero de pessoas que criaram a ordem, alguns dizem que eram apenas quatro e outros argumentam que foram treze. Aps a fundao, Adam Weishaupt (que se proclamou a si mesmo o nome simblico de Spartacus) atraiu seus primeiros seguidores, um estudante de Munique chamado Franz Xavier von Zwack e um baro protestante de Hanver chamado Adolph von Knigge (Frater Philon) que j havia sido iniciado na Maonaria e, posteriormente, desenvolveu o Rito dos Illuminati da Baviera, junto com Weishaupt, a quem foi introduzido na loja de Munique: Theodor zum guten Rath.

Graas s habilidades de von Knigge, os Illuminati rapidamente se espalham pela Alemanha, ustria, Hungria, Sua, Frana, Itlia e outras partes da Europa e afiliando personalidades como Herder (Damasus), Goethe (Abaris), Cagliostro, o Conde de Mirabeau (Leonidas) e o lendrio alquimista o Conde de St. Germain, entre outros. Alguns nobres como o duque de Saxe-Weimar e de Saxe-Gotha, os prncipes Ferdinando de Brunswick e Karl de Hesse, Conde de Stolberg e o Baro Karl Theodor von Dalberg, tambm figuraram dentro da iniciao iluminada.

Incentivado pelo seu sucesso em conseguir recrutar um grande nmero de pensadores, filsofos, artistas, polticos, banqueiros, analistas, etc; Adam Weishaupt tomou a deciso de juntar-se a Maonaria por meio de Von Knigge, e ordenou a infiltrao e dominao da mesma.

Em 16 de julho de 1782, numa reunio da maonaria continental realizada no Convento de Wilhelmsbad, os Illuminati tentaram unificar e controlar sob a sua autoridade todos os ramos da Maonaria. Embora tenham conseguido se infiltrar nas lojas em toda a Europa, a Grande Loja de Inglaterra, a Grande Oriente de Frana e os iluminados tesofos de Swedenborg decidiram no apoiar os planos de Weishaupt, contrariando assim algumas das ambies da Ordem.

Devido ao fracasso do movimento, Von Knigge renunciou pensando que seria intil continuar com os planos e foi para Bremen, onde passou seus ltimos anos. Entretanto, Weishaupt recebia a ofensiva dos Maons da Inglaterra e dos Martinistas, a quem denunciou em seus escritos, argumentando que a Grande Loja de Londres em si foi criada em 1717 por pastores protestantes, que no foram iniciados na Maonaria, isto , que foi fundada por profanos sem documentos vlidos ou provas.

Os Illuminati da Baviera foram um movimento de curta durao de autointitulados livre-pensadores, o ramo mais radical do Iluminismo a cujos seguidores foi atribudo o nome de Illuminati (mas que a si mesmos chamavam de perfectibilistas ou "perfeccionistas") foi fundado, a 1 de maio de 1776, pelo professor de lei cannica Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), e pelo maom baro Adolph von Knigge na cidade de Ingolstadt, Baviera, atual Alemanha. O grupo foi criado com o nome de "Antigos e Iluminados Profetas da Baviera (Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria, AISB)" ou "Ordem dos Perfeitos", mas tem sido chamado de "Ordem Illuminati", a "Ordem dos Illuminati" e os "Iluminados Bvaros".[3][4][5][6]

Na Baviera, onde o Eleitor Maximiliano Jos III de Wittelsbach foi sucedido em 1777 pelo seu herdeiro Carl Theodor, a organizao no durou muito at ser suprimida pela polcia sob acusaes de conspirao. Em 1784, o governo bvaro baniu todas as sociedades secretas incluindo os Illuminati e os maons. A estrutura dos Illuminati desmoronou logo, mas enquanto existiu, alguns intelectuais influentes se contaram entre os seus membros. Eles eram recrutados principalmente dentre os maons e ex-maons, juravam obedincia a seus superiores e estavam divididos em trs classes principais: a primeira, conhecida como Berrio, compreendia os graus ascendentes ou ofcios de Preparao, Noviciado, Minerval e Illuminatus Minor; a segunda, conhecida como a Maonaria, consistia dos graus ascendentes de Illuminatus Major e Illuminatus dirigens, esse ltimo algumas vezes chamado de Cavaleiro Escocs; a terceira, designada de Mistrios, estava subdividida nos graus de Mistrios Menores (Presbtero e Regente) e Mistrios Maiores (Magus e Rex). Relaes com as lojas manicas foram estabelecidas em Munique e Frisinga, em 1780.

A ordem tinha ramos na maior parte dos pases europeus, mas o nmero total de membros parece nunca ter sido superior a 2000 durante o perodo de dez anos.[4] O esquema teve a sua atrao para os literatos, como Goethe e Herder, e mesmo para os duques reinantes de Gota e Weimar. Rupturas internas precederam o desmoronamento da organizao, que foi efetivado por um dito do governo bvaro em 1785. A ordem foi encerrada em 1788..[4]

Em 22 de junho de 1784, o Eleitor da Baviera, duque Carl Theodor advertiu sobre o perigo representado pelos Illuminati, e aprovou um decreto contra a sociedade bvara.[7] Weishaupt foi demitido de sua ctedra indo para o exlio em Ratisbona, para lider
ar a Ordem no exterior sob a proteo do duque de Saxe. Em 1785, o edital foi confirmado e assim comeou a perseguio e detenes aos membros da sociedade.[8]

Em seguida, o jornalista Johann Joachim Christoph Bode, se torna o lder de fato da Ordem. Em 1787, vai para a Frana, Estrasburgo e depois a Paris,[9] onde se encontrou com membros da Loja de Filaleto.[10] De acordo com o seu "Travel Journal", alguns deles, ento, constituem em segredo o ncleo dos "Philadelphes", uma sociedade semelhante aos Illuminati alemes.

Caados, os Illuminati da Baviera desapareceram completamente do sul da Alemanha, em 1786, aps um portugus chamado Joo ter apanhado cerca de 10, apenas algumas lojas resistiram na Saxnia at 1789. Alguns dos planos dos Illuminati foram revelados por acaso na noite de 10 de julho de 1784, quando um mensageiro de Weishaupt, identificado como o abade Lanz, morreu inesperadamente devido a um raio. Seu corpo foi levado para a Capela de San Emmeran por habitantes do local e entre os seus hbitos foram encontrados documentos importantes que se tratavam de planos secretos para a conquista mundial. A polcia da Baviera investigou os detalhes da conspirao, dando a entender a Francisco I, Sacro Imperador Romano-Germnico, o compl contra todas as monarquias, sobretudo na Frana, onde mais tarde, em 1789, gestaria a chamada Revoluo Francesa e a queda de Lus XVI e Maria Antonieta, seus ltimos monarcas.

Os documentos foram divulgados pelo governo da Baviera, alertando a nobreza e o clero da Europa. No entanto, logo se convenceram de que a conspirao tinha sido destruda devido dissoluo formal dos Illuminati, juntamente com o banimento de Weishaupt e a deteno de muitos de seus adeptos.

Apesar de sua curta durao, os Illuminati da Baviera lanaram uma longa sombra na histria popular, graas aos escritos de seus opositores. Em 1797, o Abade Augustin Barruel publicou o livro Memrias ilustrativas da histria do Jacobinismo, delineando uma teoria envolvendo os Cavaleiros Templrios, os Rosacruzes, os Jacobinos e os Illuminati. Simultnea e independentemente, um maom escocs e professor de Histria Natural, chamado John Robison, comeou a publicar Provas de uma conspirao contra todas as religies e governos da Europa, em 1798. Robinson alegava apresentar evidncias de que uma conspirao dos Illuminati estava dedicada a substituir todas as religies e naes com o humanismo e um governo mundial nico, respectivamente.

Mais recentemente, Antony Cyril Sutton sugeriu que a sociedade secreta Skull and Bones foi fundada como o ramo norte-americano dos Illuminati. Outros pensam que a Scroll and Key tambm tem origem nos Illuminati. Robert Gillete defende que esses Illuminati pretendem, em ltima instncia, estabelecer um governo mundial por meio de assassinatos, corrupo, chantagem, controle dos bancos e outras entidades financeiras, infiltrao nos governos, e causando guerras e revolues, com a finalidade de colocar seus prprios membros em posies cada vez mais altas da hierarquia poltica. Thomas Jefferson reparou na infiltrao da ordem na maonaria, e atribuiu o carter secreto dos Illuminati ao que chamou de a tirania de um dspota e dos sacerdotes.

Ambos parecem concordar que os oponentes dos Illuminati foram os monarcas da Europa e a Igreja. Barruel afirmou que a Revoluo Francesa (1789) foi planejada e controlada pelos Illuminati atravs dos jacobinos, e mais tarde alguns tambm alegaram a responsabilidade deles na Revoluo Russa (1917).

Desde o final do sculo XVIII at meados do sculo XX, muitos pesquisadores tm especulado que os Illuminati sobreviveram sua supresso, por causa de sua infiltrao na Maonaria, e se tornaram o crebro por trs de grandes eventos histricos como a Revoluo Americana,[11] a Revoluo Francesa,[12] a Revoluo Russa,[13] as Guerras Mundiais[13] e os ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001;[14] oAtentado em Boston,o Ataques de novembro 2015 em Paris,Acidente Nuclear de Fukushima. Levando a cabo um plano secreto para subverter as monarquias da Europa e a religio Crist visando a formao de uma Nova Ordem Mundial.

Escritores como Mark Dice,[15]David Icke, Ryan Burke, Jri Lina e Morgan Gricar alm de outros tm argumentado que os Illuminati da Baviera sobreviveram, possivelmente at hoje. Muitas destas teorias prope que os eventos mundiais esto a ser controlados e manipulados por uma sociedade secreta que se autodenomina Illuminati.[16][17] Os tericos afirmam que muitas pessoas notveis foram ou so membros dos Illuminati, incluindo Winston Churchill (que teria alertado a respeito da organizao),[18] a famlia Bush,[19]Barack Obama,[20] a famlia Rothschild,[21][19] a famlia Rockefeller (incluindo David Rockefeller) e Zbigniew Brzezinski, entre outros.[22] O termo "Illuminati" tambm geralmente associado com os membros de instituies e sociedades secretas de inspirao ocultista e / ou globalista: os Skull & Bones, Grupo Mesa Redonda, a Sociedade Fabiana, o Royal Institute of International Affairs, o Council on Foreign Relations, o Bohemian Club, o Clube de Bilderberg, a Comisso Trilateral, o Clube de Roma, a Fundao Carnegie, a Fundao Rockefeller, etc.

Tambm sugerem que os fundadores dos Estados Unidos sendo alguns deles franco-maons estavam influenciados pela corrupo dos Illuminati. Frequentemente o smbolo da pirmide que tudo v no Grande Selo dos Estados Unidos citado como exemplo do olho sempre presente dos Illuminati sobre os americanos.

E tambm citam que usam nas notas a escrita Novus Ordo Seclorum que significa Nova Ordem Secular. Jordan Maxwell, pesquisador dos Iluminati, afirma que 'Novus Ordo Seclorum" pode ser traduzido para "Nova Ordem Mundial".

Pouca evidncia pode ser encontrada para apoiar a hiptese de que o grupo de Weishaupt tenha sobrevivido at o sculo XIX. Contudo, diversos grupos tm usado a fama dos Illuminati desde ento para criar seus prprios ritos, alegando serem os Illuminati, incluindo a Ordo Illuminatorum, Die Alten Erleuchteten Seher Bayerns, The Illuminati Order, e outros."[23][24][25]

Os Aquisitores o nome genrico dado a supostos grupos dissidentes que surgiram com a atuao dos Illuminati no Brasil. Sua origem est quase sempre relacionada renuncia de Jnio Quadros, o presidente que renunciou por no aguentar o peso das "foras terrveis" ("foras ocultas") e a instaurao do Regime Militar em 1964. O nome Aquisitores uma referncia a prosperidade financeira e a atuao de seus membros na economia do pas, especialmente na regio de So Bernardo do Campo, no ABC Paulista durante a prspera fase pela qual passou a regio na dcada de 1970, no movimento metalrgico e na posterior eleio do Presidente Lula.

Durante a ditadura militar, at pouco depois de 1985, os membros brasileiros dos Illuminati supostamente se organizaram em dois grupos opostos e teoricamente independentes dos Illuminati da Baviera. Estes captulos isolados passaram ambos a reivindicar o antigo nome do grupo como sendo os nicos e verdadeiros Aquisitores. Alguns pesquisadores se esforam para ligar todos os escndalos polticos que ocorreram no pas desde a ditadura militar a estes dois grupos e seus jogos de poder.

Porm, os Aquisitores no so reconhecidos como grupo por historiadores acadmicos, e no existem trabalhos acadmicos que confirmem sua existncia. Um exemplo a investigao nos anos 90 sobre a morte do pre
sidente Juscelino Kubitschek ou a investigao iniciada em 2007 no Rio Grande do Sul sobre a morte de Joo Goulart, que oficialmente morreu de doena cardaca, mas teria sido assassinado pela Operao Condor arquitetada pelos Aquisitores. At o momento nenhuma dessas investigaes apresentou provas palpveis, mas a sucesso de eventos alimenta a curiosidade de alguns: Jango, JK e Lacerda, os trs grandes nomes da oposio ao regime militar morreram todos em espao de meses entre o fim de 1976 e incio de 1977.

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Illuminati – Dance Clubs – DePaul – Chicago, IL – Reviews …

Posted: December 22, 2015 at 10:41 am

First to Review

Since this is the first review I figure I'll be DETAILED... This is the spot that used to be Vain Nightclub. I think it literally switched over in the last week or so. I went for a friend's bday party last Sat. night - had never beent to Vain and knew nothing about this place.

We got there a little after 11. No line. There was a cover (not sure how much), but we had a "password" for the door so free for our party. We went up the 2nd floor first. Music was very B96-y and that's fine by me for a drunk night out.

The dance floor was pretty small and spilled right on up to the bar. I didn't dance much...we mostly stayed posted at the bar because service was SLOW and BAD. The bartender was a total bitch! The special was $5 Patron or O-bomb shots, but they were the warmest fucking Patron shots I've ever had poured...not that this deterred us from approx 10 rounds throughout the night..ughhh. Drinks were normal club prices, but at least Belvedere was the standard "vodka tonic" pour. When i bought a round, the bitch bartender (by the way howwww are tehre only 2 horrble bartenders for an entire floor of a bar/club??) asked if I wanted to close it out or leave it open. I said go ahead and close it and she said, "Well it's only $28 - the minimum is $30"...THEN WHY DID YOU ASK ME? Moron. There was a big fat over-use of a fog/smoke machine that kept choking us eww. A waterfall wall with 2 half-naked butterface dancer girls bouncing on it. Really sweaty/hot in there even away from the dance floor. Cramped.

We eventually headed downstairs where it was less crowded and sweaty, and the bartender guy there was "ok" except they ran out of Patron around 2am. WTF? You are a BAR. It's Patron. LAME! We closed out our tab at last call, left to grab a cab, and when we are seated in the cab and closing the door the bartender runs out after us and makes us come back in because he can't find our signed tab. MORON. Then the manager was a complete prick to me when i defended my bf by saying it was the bartender's bad not ours. The greasy little douchebag in a cheap suit manager yelled at me and told me to "watch my voice". Uggh watch your employees you balding fuck.

I would give a "2", but overall I had a lot of fun with my friends. Prices were expected. It was pretty diverse (a lot of Asians - including my friend, pretty large amount of black and latino partiers). It was a nice change from hipster Wicker Park or frat boy/yuppie Lakeview/Lincoln Park...especially for being so close to the heart of LP. Fun music - mostly hiphop. I would go again unless we had to pay a cover.

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Abel Danger: Airliner Atrocity Is Another Illuminati False Flag

Posted: October 30, 2015 at 7:41 am


July 19, 2014

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

False flag: You commit an atrocity and blame your enemies. In this case, the Kiev-based junta shot down the plane and blamed the Donetsk separatists and their Russian backers. The reaction of the Western mass media is the "tell." Just as they blamed Osama bin Laden within a half-hour of the 9-11 false flag, the Illuminati Jewish mass media pins the blame on the Russian-backed separatists without any evidence whatever. Echoes of 9-11, they call this shootdown "an act of terror."

You have to ask, "who benefits" from such a crime? What possible benefit could the Russians or their allies derive from this atrocity?

The Ukrainians on the other hand are backed by the US-based Illuminati Jewish NeoCons who are anxious to increase tensions and provoke war with Russia. Their ultimate goal is to unseat Putin. This heinous crime must be seen in the context of the sinking of the Maine or the Lusitania as an attempted casus belli. Obama called it a "wakeup call for Europe." CNN "experts" say the Russians did it; militias don't have the skills. (No proof is necessary, just like Assad's "chemical attack" on his own people. This is what the Illuminati-Jewish-dominated West has descended to: Commit an atrocity and blame the "enemy," i.e. the nation that refuses to surrender.)

Here are articles which support the False Flag view:

Was Ukraine's Ministry of Interior Behind the Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17?

The Ukrainians says the separatist militias do not have the Buk system. A report from an expat Spanish air traffic controller in Kiev said the plane was diverted over the conflicted area and taken down by order of the Nazi-run Ukrainian Interior Ministry which is in charge of pacifying the Eastern region. 'Smoking gun' intercepts in the MH17 shootdown The Ukrainian Secret Service released a reported phone conversation in which Russian separatists admit shooting down the plane by mistake. The Russians debunk this as a fraud. They say the conversation was concocted before the plane was hit. See also: "Busted: Tape Made Before Shootdown"

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Downed Over Warzone Ukraine. Who Was Behind It? Cui Bono?

Russia and the fighters operating in eastern Ukraine have nothing to gain by downing a civilian airliner, but absolutely everything to lose thus pointing the finger in another direction that of NATO and their proxy regime in Kiev.

Malaysian Plane Crash: Lies and Sinister Political Agenda by the West

The Russian Defense Ministry has said that when a Malaysia Airlines plane was apparently shot down over Ukraine, a Ukrainian Buk anti-aircraft missile battery was operational in the region.

Kiev Refuses to Release Controller Instructions to MH17 Pilots A simple search at FlightAware reveals that MH17 was in fact diverted 200 kilometers north from the usual flight path taken by Malaysia Airlines in the previous days and plunged right in the middle of a war zone. Why? What sort of communication did MH17 receive from Kiev air control tower? Kiev has been mute about it. Yet the answer would be simple, had Kiev released the Air Traffic Control recording of the tower talking to Flight MH17; Malaysia did it after Flight MH370 disappeared forever. It won't happen; SBU security confiscated it. So much for getting an undoctored explanation on why MH17 was off its path, and what the pilots saw and said before the explosion. The Russian Defense Ministry, for its part, has confirmed that a Kiev-controlled Buk anti-aircraft missile battery was operational near MH17's crash. Kiev has deployed several batteries of Buk surface-to-air missile systems with at least 27 launchers; these are all perfectly capable of bringing down jets flying at 33,000 ft.

Russia Slams US for Implicating Rebels

On Saturday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting for the results of an investigation. "The statements of representatives of the US administration are evidence of a deep political aberration of Washington's perception of what is going on in Ukraine," he told Russian news agencies.

The cynicism is breath-taking.

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), in a statement titled "The Downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17: Russia in the Dock," provides a self-incriminating indictment as to the motives Kiev and its NATO backers had in carrying out the attack on MH17 and subsequently framing Russia for it. RUSI's statement claims: A Game Change: Within days, however, the real debate will shift from one about producing the right evidence and culprits, to more about what can be saved from the rapidly-deteriorating relations between Russia and the West. The tragedy will stain Russia's relations with the world for years to come. Nations determined to keep on good terms with Russia such as China or Vietnam which relies on Russian weapon supplies and wishes these to continue will keep quiet. And there will always be some plausible deniability, giving other countries enough room for manoeuvre to avoid accusing Russia directly for this disaster. But the culprits for the crime will be pursued by international investigators and tribunals. And many Russian officials will be added to the 'wanted' lists of police forces around the world. The story will linger, and won't be pretty for Russian diplomats. Given the fact that the majority of the victims are European citizens, it is also getting increasingly difficult to see how France would be able to deliver the Mistral ships which Russia ordered for its navy, or how Britain could continue shielding Russia from financial sanctions. And, given the fact that scores of US citizens were also killed on the MH17 flight means that the US Congress will demand greater sanctions on Russia, making any improvement in relations with Washington highly unlikely.

Russia Asks Kiev to Answer Ten Simple Questions

6. Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from the regular route to the north, towards "the anti-terrorist operation zone"?


Another Summary of Evidence by Nick Kollerstrom Points to Ukrainian Military Jets shooting Down MH-17

Russian Expert Says Damage Confirms MH-17 Shot Down by Ukrainian Military Jets _______

First Comment from James Perloff:

Just in case they don't get a war against Russia over MH17, perhaps the Western media should trot out the following tried-and-tested headlines this week as "breaking news":


If one false flag doesn't suffice, why not use the shotgun approach?

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Abel Danger: Airliner Atrocity Is Another Illuminati False Flag

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