Meet Illuminati Members | Discover Powerful Success And …

Posted: February 14, 2014 at 12:44 pm

Illuminati Members and the Illuminati in this context refers to all of the secret societies and global elitist clubs. There are literally 100s of such clubs.

One stands at the pinnacle of all secret societies. It is known as The Brotherhood. Nobody has ever left this organization and shared the secretsuntil recently.

Some of the most prevalent secret societies are: The Illuminati, The Freemasons, Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Roundtable Group, Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Power Elite, the Bohemian Club, the Young Presidents Organization and dozens of other such organizations.

Although most of these secret societies are not so secret, what goes on inside them is kept secret. Many high level Illuminati members are also members of the most elite organization of them all: The Brotherhood. The Brotherhood keeps its very existence secret. The vast majority of the worlds billionaires are members of this top secret secret society. Members of many secret societies get invited to join The Brotherhood after they reach the highest level in their respective society. Past members of The Brotherhood include Andrew Carnegie,Aristotle Onassis and Henry Ford to name a few.

These types of organizations were organized hundreds even thousands of years ago for the purpose of networking amongst royal families, religious leaders and heads of industryas well as the freethinkers who opposed them. Throughout history, wealthy elite families only married members of other wealthy elite families.

These families (generally 17) are still in charge of society today through many fronts. High level government officials, CEOs of major multinational conglomerate corporations, heads of colleges, many religious leaders, military generals, titans of industry are all chosen and put in place by the specific design of Illuminati members.

These 17 families include:

1. Astor

2. Bundy

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Meet Illuminati Members | Discover Powerful Success And ...

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