Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Triangles, Pyramids and the Sun

Posted: July 22, 2015 at 7:55 pm

Psychiatrist Carl Jung once said about symbols that their purpose was to give a meaning to the life of man.Catapulted into the mainstream by Jay-Zs infamous Roc-diamond (which only looks likea triangle, although he has said that its a four sided diamond for the Rock in Roc-A-Fella records), the symbolism of the triangle and pyramid are key players in the realm of conspiracy theories and Illuminati symbolism. You can find these symbols in most any big-industry; music, film, corporate logos, etc. But why do we see these symbols so often? What do they truly mean?

The symbol of the triangle is commonly held to have a much deeper and esoteric meaning than the basic geometric shape we common-folk see. The symbolism, or meaning, of the triangle is usually viewed as one of spiritual importance. The Christian faith views the three sides of the triangle as the Holy Trinity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Ancient Egyptians believed the right sided triangle represented their form of the Trinity with the hypotenuse being the child god Horus, the upright side being the sacred feminine goddess Isis, and the base is the male Osiris.

This concept was kept in a sort of chain of custody when the Greek mathematician Pythagoras learned much from the ancient Egyptians and then applied it to geometry. He even went as far as to set up one of the first schools of mystery with a religious sect that practiced his philosophy, mathematics, and conferring of esoteric principles. In theory, the secret societies, cults, occultists, and other nefarious groups, collectively known as the Illuminati, maintain all of this knowledge and use it in a much different manner.

To understand why all of this matters, you must learn about the belief system of the occult. A researcher named Marty Leeds wrote books on mathematics and the universal language that nature uses to communicate to us. He believes that various languages are sacred and have a basis in ancient symbols through mathematics. I find his argument compelling, and Ive tried to incorporate some its logic into this post, as I find it important to argument.

The three sides of a triangle represent the number 3, and this concept is used in gematria, the ancient Babylonian/Hebrew numerology practice that assigns numbers to words or letters (and also other mystical schools of thought). The number 3 is representative of the spirit realm (or the Heavens), while in contrast, the number 4 represents the physical realm (the material, three-dimensional world we can relate to). The number 3 is a number of the divine, showing the union of male and female that create a third being. Its the number of manifestation; to make something happen.

Another analogy to consider is that the upright triangle points towards the Heavens, while the inverted points to the Earth (or Hell if you want to get all fire and brimstone with it).

Read more:
Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Triangles, Pyramids and the Sun

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