Steve Scalise Doesnt Want To Bail Out Liberal States With Taxpayer Money Thats Mostly Theirs – Wonkette

Posted: April 30, 2020 at 7:54 pm

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants blue" states to go bankrupt because he's a vengeful POS. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise defended McConnell's attack on his fellow Americans during an appearance this week on The Hugh Hewitt Show." Most of what he said was stupid when it wasn't just a flat-out lie.

First place, it's gross to talk about liberal" or conservative" states during a national crisis. Everyone is hurting. It's not just liberal" states or liberal" governors asking for help right now. Scalise goes on to call out deadbeat states such as California, where 10 percent of Fortune 500 companies are based; New York, the home of Wall Street; and New Jersey, which has a lot going for it.

Yes, New York state reported a net migration loss of almost 135,000 people in 2019, but people weren't leaving because of high taxes. The housing market and cost of living are absurdly expensive. Americans are leaving the Bay Area for similar reasons. Lack of affordable housing and stagnant wages for working people are what's squeezing folks out of major cities in liberal" states.

If Scalise wants to slam California, New York, and New Jersey for their high taxes," he should also note that they contribute a significant amount of money to the federal government.


These are all blue states" except for Texas, Florida, and (temporarily) Pennsylvania. They keep the country running and deserve some consideration when their economies are devastated by a once-in-several-lifetimes pandemic. But Scalise wanted to get all The Ants and the Grasshopper" on the liberal" states.

Apparently, the moral of the COVID-19 fable is that states shouldn't overextend themselves with pension plans. People can always retire after they die. They should instead prepare for the inevitable rainy day" of an idiot president who most of their residents didn't vote for shooting them in the leg with his criminally negligent response to a novel coronavirus outbreak.

Scalise is from Louisiana, which in 2017 received $1.52 for every $1 paid to the federal government, for a bailout" of $17 billion. New York pays the most in taxes but receives the least back from the federal government. California and New Jersey are also "donor states." Although Louisiana ended 2019 with a surplus of $500 million, it has a poverty rate of almost 20 percent. That's a pre-COVID-19 problem Scalise might want to help address.

[Bisnow / American Independent]

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Steve Scalise Doesnt Want To Bail Out Liberal States With Taxpayer Money Thats Mostly Theirs - Wonkette

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