Liberal Media Scream: CNNs Acosta went there, saying to flush Trump – Washington Examiner

Posted: February 15, 2022 at 5:47 am

This weeks Liberal Media Scream features new evidence that the once proud and respected CNN has no plans to shift away from its ratings disaster and instead is doubling down on its hate for half of the country.

Leading the charge was the grim and humorless Jim Acosta and his lecturing assault on former President Donald Trump and key GOP leaders in what could have been a mildly funny use of the Chinese Olympics to tackle his favorite targets.

But instead, his Saturday CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta was just an overbearing slam of Republicans, Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Now that the GOP has failed to root out the problem, its up to the American people to flush as many times as possible," he said. "Go Team USA."

From the 4 p.m. hour on Saturdays CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta:

JIM ACOSTA: If document preservation hypocrisy were an Olympic sport, Trump would easily take home the gold, which has me thinking about this. Trump and his buddies should consider hosting their own Winter Games. There are some major players to watch. Like Kevin McCarthy speed-skating past questions about the RNC labeling Jan. 6 as legitimate political discourse. And then theres the Tonya Harding of the House GOP, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who discovered a fly in her canned talking points after it was too late.

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE (voiceover): Not only do we have the D.C. jail, which is the D.C gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi's gazpacho police spying on members of Congress, spying on the legislative work we do, spying on our staff, and spying on American citizens that want to come talk to their representatives.

ACOSTA: As some observers noted, first gazpacho police, whats next? Sangria law? Perhaps Ted Cruz could compete. Yes, its true Cancun is probably too warm for the Winter Games, unless theres a tequila luge, in which case, count me in. But the far-right Olympic games would fit right in with its autocratic tendencies. The MAGA Olympics could follow the lead set by China with its freestyle skiing competition at a dystopian-looking Beijing industrial park, not to mention its appalling human rights record.

As for our own cheater in chief back here in the U.S., Trump does not seem very worried as if his punishment is being decided by the Olympic committee rather than the Justice Department. Perhaps in 2024, Trump could run for the White House under the banner: the TIC, the Trump Insurrection Committee. He could bring home yet another gold toilet. But honestly, this is what happens when you allow somebody like Trump to clog the pipes of American democracy. Now that the GOP has failed to root out the problem, its up to the American people to flush as many times as possible. Go Team USA.

Brent Baker, vice president of research and publications for the Media Research Center, explains our weekly pick: This is Exhibit A in the decline and fall of CNN from a news network to place for left-wing commentary that ridicules half the population and the politicians they elect. Acostas smug insults may delight the narrow audience that still watches CNN, but he's talking to a smaller and smaller club of woke liberal elites who find this kind of thing amusing.

Rating: FOUR out of FIVE SCREAMS.

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Liberal Media Scream: CNNs Acosta went there, saying to flush Trump - Washington Examiner

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