Liberal bias? – Green Valley News

Posted: July 30, 2017 at 2:36 pm

There is no liberal media bias. But wait!

We are barraged daily by the mainstream media with multiple negative stories against President Trump based mainly on innuendo, leaks and/or anonymous sources. None seem to be based on hard, demonstrable facts or information that the source is willing to come forward to back up.

Even extreme liberal Sen. Dianne Feinstein admits that there is no hard evidence to back up the alleged Russian collusion narrative, yet the media continues to pursue it.

On the other hand, where was the outrage and continuous stream of news reports when Obama lied about like your plan, keep your plan, like your doctor, keep your doctor, and annual cost savings of $2,500 per family when trying to sell Obamacare?

Where were the cries of Russian collusion when Obama was caught on an open mic telling Putins lackey, Medvedev, that he (Obama) would have greater flexibility to deal with Putin after the 2012 election?

Theres not even any doubt of Hillary Clintons mishandling of classified information by passing it through her own private email server rather than using State Department computers.

What about the lies told by Clinton, Susan Rice, Obama, and others that the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, stemmed from a video that turned out to have no connection.

What about any investigations into Attorney General Eric Holders failed Fast and Furious gun-running scheme that led to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry south of Green Valley?

What about Attorney General Loretta Lynchs secret meeting with Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport while Clintons wife is under investigation by the FBI, which was part of Lynchs Justice Department?

Hmmm. Perhaps there really is something to this liberal media bias after all.

Thomas F. Fava, Green Valley

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Liberal bias? - Green Valley News

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