Letter: Take off your liberal sunglasses – INFORUM

Posted: July 26, 2017 at 4:41 pm

The voters elected a businessman, a millionaire one. President Donald J. Trump does not need the job. He loves America.

Several people prophesied of his presidency. Look up "Hermit of Loreto" or "I Never Believed Trump Was Chosen By God" online. Obamacare exchanges are almost all broke. It cost $1.24 billion of federal start-up dollars. Our money, gone forever. It didn't cost Barack Obama a dime.

Trump is a capitalist who takes risks, pays taxes and creates jobs.

All of themTrump, Obama, Hillaryhave failed. The difference is Obama and Hillary lost trillions of our money, never their own! Name one investment of Obama's or Hillary's that worked. Check further, "Let's Compare Trump's Record vs. Clinton's & Obama's" by Wayne Ellyn Root. No president has ever received such uncalled for vilification.

Do you people want America destroyed? How can you not see the evil of Obama and Hillary? Are you for turning America into a Bernie-Socialist-Communist country? I say, "God Bless & Protect President Trump and America!" Trump is God's man for these times!!

And you better print a conservative viewpoint as your paper is full of liberalism! Let the people decide, not you and your liberal cronies!

Turner lives in Fargo.

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Letter: Take off your liberal sunglasses - INFORUM

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