Harvard Law Professor: ‘White Liberal College Graduates’ Are ‘the Least Tolerant’ – Breitbart News

Posted: July 23, 2017 at 1:36 am

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that 35 percent of Democrats believed that a friends vote for Donald Trump would strain their relationship. Among white Democrats, the figure is even higher, with 40 percent saying that they would have trouble maintaining a friendship with someone who supported Trump. Nearly half (47 percent) of those who described themselves as liberal Democrats said their friendship would suffer with someone who favored Trump.

By contrast, the share of Republicans who say that a friends vote for Hillary Clinton would strain their relationship was a mere 13 percent, just over a third the number of Democrats who say that a friends vote for Trump would do the same:

With these data in hand, Vermeule, who is the Ralph S. Tyler professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School, tweeted that, indeed, white liberal college graduates are the least tolerant in society, highlighting the three categories most radically affected by a persons contrary political ideas:

In a Twitter conversation that ensued, Vermeule suggested that on average Democrats and Republicans look at politics differently, which explains its differing effects on ones personal life and relationships.

Liberalism, he stated, makes an idol of politics, and thus, political dissent is looked upon as heresy. In the case of conservatives, however, politics plays a different role. The data show that Republicans are more politically tolerant, he said, because politics isnt as likely to be an idol, on average.

In other words, Republicans tend to be more politically detached, with politics playing a less central role in their existence, meaning that they can more easily overlook a friends contrary political opinions without it jeopardizing their relationship.

Citing a recent piece from the Washington Post, one commenter proposed that perhaps Democrats live in a bubble and, therefore, are more hostile to contrary opinions. The WaPo article declared that Democrats tend to be more insulated from dissenting political voices, and, therefore, they dont hear and dont want to hear those voices coming from their friends mouths.

To this theory, Vermeule responded that he believes such sociological explanations are insufficient to fully get to the bottom of the differences between liberals and conservatives in relation to politics.

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Harvard Law Professor: 'White Liberal College Graduates' Are 'the Least Tolerant' - Breitbart News

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