From the Right: Liberal newspaper writers show their bias – Daily Commercial

Posted: September 24, 2021 at 11:33 am

Russ Sloan| Columnist

I'm no longer bewildered when I read a newspaper article that is full of bias and twisted data. In the Sept. 12 issue of the Daily Commercial there was a rather long article authored by two writers with the Tampa Bay Times. The heading read as follows: Three minimum-wage jobs needed to make rent in Tampa Bay area.

I thought, surely the authors know that the minimum-wage jobs were primarily meant to be entry-level jobs and, at wage level, geared to younger employees entering the workforce for the first time. The minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage.

I know liberals want that to happen, but the economics of that wish simply don't make fiscal sense. The authors want to impress us with the dire situation of rent costs in Tampa Bay using the minimum wage as a focal point of their article. Having lived in St. Petersburg for 11 years, I love the area but recognize that the same appeal that I admired has also been an attraction to those moving from New York and other high-tax states in substantial numbers.

The massive influx of people moving to Florida has created more demand than availability. Even in California, which lost population for the first time in its history, I've seen housing prices jump dramatically. The rising costs of rental properties in Tampa Bay are not unique to Florida. The article cites a renter in Tampa Bay whose studio apartment was costing $1,500. It's crazy, she said. In Austin, Texas, a studio apartment costs $1,996. I guess that translates to four minimum-wage jobs. How crazy is that compared to Tampa Bay?

As I continued to read on, I was waiting for the racial prejudice shoe to drop. Sure enough, just over halfway through the article the authors cite that people of color are more adversely affected. The source of this statement is Dan Threet, a senior research analyst with the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

Threet stated that low-wage earners are forced into situations where they have to spend 30% of their income on housing. Using the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Expenditure Survey, ElitePersonalFinance analyzed the latest statistics to present the most accurate depiction of the average household budget and expenses in the United States. They found that the three biggest consumers of the average household budget are housing at 33%, transportation at 16% and food at 13%. I much prefer the Dave Ramsey fiscally responsible budget allocations that he promotes on his national talk show and in his writing. I wish we had 535 Ramseys in Congress.

I see help wanted signs all over our area here in Central Florida at wages much higher than the minimum wage. I doubt that the Tampa Bay area is significantly different. While the age of minimum-wage earners has risen, it was never meant to be a living wage at any age!

The authors of the article got their bias worked neatly into their article: wanting the minimum wage raised, letting us know that structural racism exists in housing and job opportunities (according to Threet), pushing up wages for our lowest wage earners and increasing the number of affordable housing units. No mention of job preparation, work ethic and the expectation of more government welfare programs.

Racism is never mentioned regarding the NFL or the NBA. Here is a total merit-based employment system and no mention of structural racism. Why? In spite of this biased article, there is still a glimmer of hope. In August there was an article written about why highways were often built through Black communities in Florida.

I wrote to the writer, pointing out several key factors why this was often true. She promptly wrote me a thoughtful reply. Her initial reply stated: Thanks for your e-mail. You make some excellent points. She then described why this was her writing assignment. She closed with this statement: Thanks for your thoughtful and informative e-mail. I wish I could have spoken to you before I did any reporting. I might have shifted the story focus if I looked at it from a more global view that you provided.

I admired her prompt reply and her acknowledgement that, had we talked before she wrote, her emphasis might have been broadened. I wish I could have discussed the article regarding rents in Tampa Bay with the two authors. But they most likely had a political agenda and a bias that I can only counter in this column.

See the original post:

From the Right: Liberal newspaper writers show their bias - Daily Commercial

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