Federal Labor attacks government for awarding PR contracts to firm with Liberal links – The Guardian

Posted: January 13, 2021 at 4:52 pm

The federal opposition leader, Anthony Albanese, has attacked the Morrison government for $1.8m worth of communications contracts given to a firm with Liberal links and whose staff are registered as federal lobbyists.

According to AusTender records, Primary Communications Partners received the funding from the Australian Tax Office, the National Mental Health Commission and the attorney generals department between March 2019 and January 2021.

All but one of the contracts were awarded through open tender, and the company has rejected any claims of partisanship. One $36,330 contract, awarded by the NMHC for public relations work, was granted through limited tender.

The Primary Communications chief executive, Chris Hall, has described himself as the longest-serving NSW state government chief of staff. He worked as a battleground seat director for the Barry OFarrell Coalition government and was thanked by federal Liberal MP Craig Kelly in his maiden speech for work on his campaign.

Other senior employees with Liberal connections include the senior account manager, Craig Regan, who worked for federal ministers Paul Fletcher and Arthur Sinodinos, and the senior counsel, Frank Coletta, who served as senior media adviser to the NSW deputy premier.

The firm is listed on the federal lobbyist register, working for clients including Rugby Australia, Scouts Australia and eating disorder charity the Butterfly Foundation.

According to the ACT lobbyist register, the firm also has a former adviser to Labor senator Deborah ONeill on staff in Eliza Mitchell.

A spokesperson for Primary said three of its staff are registered government relations consultants, as disclosed on the register, but it does not lobby on behalf of any government departments.

Primary is also strictly non-partisan and does not work for any political party, they said. Primary provides all communication services in line with the professional and ethical standards of the Public Relations Institute of Australia and the Registered Consultancies Group.

Contracts awarded to Primary Communications Partners included $97,000 for media support to the NHMC related to Covid-19 and most recently a $199,000 contract with the ATO for public relations work.

Both the ATO and NMHC said their contracts were conducted in accordance with the commonwealth procurement rules. The NMHC said rules allowed the use of panel arrangements where agencies pick from pre-approved suppliers in open tender processes.

Primary Communications was chosen because it was assessed as representing the best value for money, the ATO spokesperson said.

Albanese accused Scott Morrison of treating taxpayers money as if it is Liberal Party money by showering his Liberal Party mates with PR contracts.

He is obsessed with wasting taxpayers money on advertising and marketing, the opposition leader said. This waste has to stop. Scott Morrisons gift to Australia is a trillion debt and a billion dollar bill for advertising.

In December, Guardian Australia revealed the Morrison government has spent a total of $128m on advertising in the past financial year, including $5.2m on market research for the ad campaigns.

Since 2013, total government advertising has cost $1bn, including high-profile campaigns spruiking government policies in the lead-up to the 2019 election although much of the cost is attributable to more mundane ads like defence recruitment.

Guardian Australia contacted the NMHC and Hall for comment.

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Federal Labor attacks government for awarding PR contracts to firm with Liberal links - The Guardian

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