Are You a Transhuman?: Monitoring and Stimulating Your …

Posted: January 5, 2014 at 5:41 am

Are You a Transhuman?: Monitoring and Stimulating Your Personal Rate of Growth in a Rapidly Changing World by FM-2030

Towards the end of the eighties, I had came across a few unusual books, which retrospectively had somehow influenced what I am doing today & in fact what I love to do today i.e. to pursue future-focused, change-oriented, brain-based technologies.

This unique book was one of them. It had been brilliantly written by a 'self-described chronic optimist' & a widely-traveled futurist/philosopher of Iranian origin, whose adopted name, FM-2030, seemed to resonate with his life-long obsessive conviction to create "a world of boundless wealth, endless life & unlimited free refills." [His real name was F M Esfandiary. I understand FM-2030 died from pancreatic cancer on July 8, 2000 at the age of 69, & was placed in cryonic suspension at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona, where his body remains today.]

Although I do not subscribe to all the author's beliefs & values as embodied in his book, I certainly admired his bold initiatives & far-sightedness.

This wonderful book spelt out both personal strategies & practical pathways to help people to achieve longevity & immortality. To me, it had served as a comprehensive field guide to life extension or 'transhumanism', which was the term the author would prefer to use.

From my personal perspective, the greatest learning experience I got out of this book is learning - & understanding - how to access & apply available technolgies &/or new products or services to extend human capabilities & capacities in an ethical, safe & responsible manner.

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Are You a Transhuman?: Monitoring and Stimulating Your ...

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