Musk Just Promised To Solve This Country’s Energy Crisis in 100 Days or It’s Free – Futurism

Posted: March 11, 2017 at 7:40 am

In Brief

Elon Musk is never shy about making grand announcements and declaring his ambitious plans, especially when theyre anchored in his vision for a more sustainable future. His latestpromise is to help South Australia createa solar farm that will address the their energy issues in just one hundreddays orhell do the work for free.

In South Australia, energy prices continue to surge, andlocal companies remain unable to meet public energy demand mostly due to environmental concerns. Last year, storms led to a state-wide blackout that shut down operations for numerous ports and public transportation, as well as disrupting business operations in the fifth most populous state in the country.

To that end, co-founder of SolarCity (and Musks cousin) Lyndon Rive says theyre capable of installing 100 to 300 megawatt per hour battery storage, which could solve South Australias energy issues. And while Rivedoesnt have 300 MWh sitting there ready to go, he told AFR that he can certainly get them.

After making this statement, Mike Cannon-Brookes, CEO of Atlassian, tweeted Lyndon and Musk if they were indeed serious about the offer.

Musk replied:

On Cannon-Brookes end, he asked for seven days to sort out politics and funding, at which point he also requested that the Tesla CEO send an approximate quote on how much a 100MW battery farm at mates rates would cost.

According to Musk, it would cost $250 per kWh to produce over 100MWh. Hes confident that Tesla could get the system installed and working within one hundred days of signing a contract.

Assuming that Cannon-Brookes can indeed secure the paperwork needed to get the project underway, Tesla certainlyhas a reputationwhen it comes to delivering on its promises. Last year, Tesla took on a similar project in California: a 80MW farm that was completed in just 90 days that provided grid-scale power in response to possible power shortages.

See more here:
Musk Just Promised To Solve This Country's Energy Crisis in 100 Days or It's Free - Futurism

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