Listen: Adam From James & Evander Launches Pale Blue Dot, a New Space Disco Project

Posted: February 15, 2014 at 11:40 am

If you don't know, now you know: We are big fans of sublime East Bay electronic bummer pop outfit James & Evander. We also tend to like other musical projects that J&E's Glenn Jackson and Adam Myatt get involved in -- like the brand-new group Pale Blue Dot, a trio that specializes in what the members call "Carl Sagan disco." Think of space disco, but with a heavy dose of retro-futurism and a distinctly optimistic tint to the songs' slowly unfolding electronic layers. Pale Blue Dot's debut EP, available on Bandcamp (as well as limited edition cassette, natch), will appeal to fans of easygoing ambient electronic music in the vein of Tycho, as well as anyone coming down from a Todd Terje high:

Pale Blue Dot is pretty new, but the group has a show at Noise Pop opening for El Ten Eleven on Friday, Feb. 28, at the New Parish in Oakland. We expect good things from these three.

-- @iPORT

The rest is here:
Listen: Adam From James & Evander Launches Pale Blue Dot, a New Space Disco Project

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