House Passes $1 Trillion Spending Bill – Roll Call

Posted: May 8, 2017 at 12:21 am

A spending package to fund the federal government through the end of the fiscal year passedthrough the House Wednesday despite a lack of support from a host of Republicans who hold the majority.

Lawmakers voted 309-118in favorof the bill, with 15 Democrats and 103 Republicans opposing.

Just before the vote, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan spoke on the floor to encourage all members tosupport the bill and then return the chamber to regular order by passing individual spending measures.

Lets turn the page on this last year, the Wisconsin Republican said.

The $1.1 trillion omnibus includes the remaining 11 annual appropriation bills that will fund agencies and Congress for rest of fiscal 2017, which ends Sept. 30. The vote came two days before a funding deadline that would have shut down the government if the measure stalled any further.

[Omnibus Agreement Details $1 Trillion in FY 2017 Spending]

The bill sends $593 billion to defense and an additional $1.5 billion for border security but does not fund President Donald Trumps proposal to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Ryan Makes Last Appeal for GOP Votes on Spending Bill

Instead, some of the money will go toward replacing existing structures along the border, such as fencing and new road construction. The funding bill also provides a permanent solution for health care for coal miners and aid for health care needs in Puerto Rico.

[How the Omnibus Became a Democratic Wish List]

Lawmakers reached a bipartisan deal and released text of the 1,665-page bill late Sunday evening with each side, including the White House, proclaiming their own wins in the spending package.

The next day, several members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus said they would vote against funding the government, making Democratic support of the spending measure essential. Conservatives cited concerns the billdid not include enough of Trumps priorities, including the border wall.

[Republicans Claim Their Own Victories in Omnibus Talks]

Rep. Lou Barletta said the agreement reached by lawmakers offered each side wins and losses. He touted money for border security, the military and funds to fight the opioid epidemic.

Theres too many things in there that I like, to vote against the things that arent in it that I would like, the Pennsylvania Republican said.

But House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, and a host of members from his conservative group, said they would vote against the omnibus.

The issue is a lack of conservative priorities, Meadows said.

The measure now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass with little fanfare on Thursday. It will then land on the presidents desk for his signature, which White House officials have indicated he will sign.

Bridget Bowman contributed to this report.Contact Rahman atremarahman@cqrollcall.comor follow her on Twitter at@remawriter.

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House Passes $1 Trillion Spending Bill - Roll Call

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