House Conservatives on Omnibus: ‘It Stinks’ – Roll Call

Posted: May 2, 2017 at 11:27 pm

Speaker Paul D. Ryanon Tuesday touted what he called "conservative wins"Tuesday in an omnibus package that would fund the government until September, despite members of his own GOP conference who beg to differ.

Several members of the House Freedom Caucus say they will vote against the spending package because it did not include enough of President Donald Trump's priorities even after members of the presidents own team, including his budget director, touted their own victories.

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Rep. Dave Brat took a long pause when asked what he thought about White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer saying on Monday he had every expectation Trump would sign the funding package.

Thats surprising, the Virginia Republican said. But more importantly is his use of leverage going forward to get that agenda through, right? thats what he ran on, thats what the base wants out of us.

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Brat, a member of the Freedom Caucus, cited a list of concerns with the spending deal that included no funding for a border wall that Trump promised at virtually every turn on the campaign trail.

Im thinking theres going to be a lot of folks with huge reservations to put it mildly, Brat said.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said he expected the spending package would pass with mostly Democratic votes and absent conservative support.

He said a no vote by conservatives would still be a show of support for the president, despite the administration citing its own wins.

I dont know that it makes a big political statement one way or another, Meadows said.

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Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney on Monday called the omnibus a really solid deal citing a $15 billion increase in defense spending, which he disputed was actually $21 billion, as the top accomplishment.

The former GOP House member and Freedom Caucus member expressed his support for the bipartisan effort to fund the government until the end of the fiscal year.

Hes got a different boss now, Meadows said in response to Mulvaneys comments. It used to be the people of South Carolina, now its the president of the United States. I certainly understand his reasoning even though I may not totally agree with it.

Rep. Tom Cole, who sits on the House Appropriations Committee, said GOP members should think twice about voting down a measure supported bya White House of their own political affiliation.

This is voting against funding a Republican administration and the president has asked us to vote for it, Cole said. I would hope that carries some weight with every Republican.

Mulvaney was reaching out to the press again on a hastily arranged conference call Tuesday morning, shortly after Trump tweeted that Republicans should force a "good 'shutdown' of the government in order to do away with the filibuster in the Senate so more of his priorities could be passed with only GOP support.

I think thats a defensible position, Mulvaney said. He added it was one well deal with in September.

He added that, for now, he and his team are focused on the current omnibus spending measure due for floor votes later this week.

"Weve got a lot of things to do between now and September, Mulvaney said.But the truth of the matter, though, is that we averted a government shutdown in a way that allows the president to fund his priorities, and I think thats the story now, not what might happen in September.

Regardless of what waits later this year, the business at hand the House faces this week is still passing the omnibus. Forthat, Ryan and his team shouldnt count on too many conservatives, at least according to its most prominent members.

Were just doing what we told the voters we were going to do, nothing changes, Rep. Jim Jordansaid about his lack of support of the 2017 omnibus package.

The Ohio Republican did not agree that voting against the spending package would lessen leverage for the Freedom Caucus, which he used to chair, given its a bill Trump must sign.

Jordans feelings on the bill were clear: with a thumbs down, he said it stinks.

- John T. Bennett and Kellie Mejdrich contributed to this report.Contact Rahman at or follow her on Twitter at @remawriter

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House Conservatives on Omnibus: 'It Stinks' - Roll Call

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