Transhuman code | A new initiative that highlights the growing …

Posted: January 19, 2023 at 5:24 pm

Digitalization is the new normal with disruptive waves to the economy, business models, consumer choices and demands.Today, we must acknowledge that we are either building a future of technological grandeur at the expense of what makes us magnificent, or we are building a future of human grandeur with the help of magnificent technology. The path we collectively choose will determine whether our future is bleak or bright.

We urge your commitment to #maketechhuman because technology shall serve people and not people serve technology. This is humanitys manifesto for choosing wisely:

1. Privacy

Securing the privacy of every human being is paramount to realizing the full potential of our future. Therefore, personal data conveyed over the Internet or stored in devices connected to the Internet is owned and solely governed by the individual.

2. Consent

Respecting the authority and autonomy of every human being is paramount to realizing the full potential of our future. Therefore, personal digital data will not be used as research, rationale, enticement or commodity by any entity or individual, except with the explicit, well-informed, revocable consent of the individual owner of the data.

3. Identity

Valuing the identity of every human being is paramount to realizing the full potential of our future. Therefore, everyone everywhere has the right to be known and validated by the possession of a government-issued digital identity, which can be authenticated and used only by its owner.

4. Ability

Advancing human faculties is paramount to realizing the full potential of our future. Therefore, to that end, the secure, approved, and accountable aggregation of personal information and resources to increase our individual abilities is a fundamental objective of technology.

5. Ethics

Improving the human condition is paramount to realizing the full potential of our future. Therefore, a universal code of ethics reflecting the highest order of human values will govern the development, implementation, and use of technology.

6. Good

Advocating and innovating the greatest good for all humanity is paramount to realizing the full potential of our future. Therefore, technology, no matter how advanced, will never supersede the spiritual purposes or the moral rights and responsibilities of any human being anywhere.

7. Democracy

Democratizing human vision, ingenuity, and education is paramount to realizing the full potential of our future. Therefore, technology will remain humanitys greatest collaborator but never represent humanity itself.

See more here:
Transhuman code | A new initiative that highlights the growing ...

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