Childfree – reddit

Posted: November 21, 2021 at 9:34 pm

So I'm chilling in my car in the countryside. I'm in a little car park area and adjacent to me is a paddock where two horses permanently reside. A car pulls up next to me and out gets this family of three. The kid's probably 3-4.

Dad carries her over to the gate and the little girl starts shouting, 'ponies!!'. Dad starts whistling for the horses to come up because they're right down at the bottom of the field. The mum's there as well, a sugary sickly family, and starts telling the girl that the 'horsies' will come up soon and she can pet them. Dad's whistling annoyingly. The horses just look at them baffled.

Next thing, the horses return to grazing and start heading away to their stable. The little girl starts whining. 'Daddy, I want them here!' When it's clear they're not going to, she just goes into this full on meltdown, screaming demonically and kicking her dad. He tries to take her back to the car and speaks softly to her but she's not letting up: 'I want pony!! I WANT PONY!!'

Then, to my astonishment, he carries her back to the gate, gives her to mum, climbs over the fence and takes her back in his arms. He then literally carries her down the field towards the horses! Her whole attitude changes, tantrum stops abruptly, now she's a happy little cherub

I absolutely despise spoiled brats. I'm sorry for the rant, it just makes me boil. Who thinks I should let the owner know? I know if they were my horses I'd be seriously cheesed off, not to mention how dangerous it is to approach unfamiliar animals.

Read the original here:

Childfree - reddit

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