Calls for another Chubby Brown gig to be scrapped over ‘racism and misogyny’ concerns – Teesside Live

Posted: November 28, 2021 at 10:01 pm

A concerned member of the public has called for a Roy Chubby Brown show to be axed this Christmas.

However the Teesside comedian will play the Victoria Hall in Stoke-on-Trent, on December 17, despite the dispute.

Caroline Key has written to her MP and council calling for the gig to be scrapped, reports Stoke-on-Trent Live.

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She points to the fact that the Victoria Hall was the scene of the famous 'Lidice Shall Live' gathering in 1942 in response to the Nazi atrocity which wiped out the Czech village in the Second World War.

Caroline said: "I am very concerned that the comedian Roy Chubby Brown has been booked to appear at the Victoria Hall.

"The people of North Staffordshire are rightly proud of having a venue like the Victoria Hall on their doorstep and many, many people will have memories of attending great concerts there.

"Lets be clear, this is not a comedian who is just a bit controversial or who uses language that could be viewed as outdated. His entire act is a stream of unrelenting racism and misogyny.

"This is an act that normalises and encourages racism and misogyny. Is that really reflective of the values of the Victoria Hall?

"When the people of North Staffordshire gathered there in 1942, they did so because they hated Nazi brutality and had a vision for a better future. To allow that same stage to be used to insult people because of their skin colour, mock them for the shape of their eyes, and abuse them for their gender, is a gross betrayal of all that those people stood for.

"I urge you to do all you can to ensure that this performance does not go ahead. Many areas have previously refused to host this act. The people of North Staffordshire deserve more than having one of their major venues associated with this."

It comes as the Grangetown-born star's performance at Sheffield's City Hall has been cancelled by the venue amid racism, homophobia and sexism concerns.

The Victoria Hall is advising under-18s to stay away from the show.

Its promotional material states: "As politically incorrect as ever The Worlds Most Outrageous Comedian is far too rude for TV, so this live performance is the only place to catch the flamboyant comedian.

"Hes still rude, hes still crude and this time hes turning headlines into punchlines as his rip-roaring brand of banter continues to burst bellies across the country.

"Chubby doesnt hold back from sharing his outlandish views on the news, women and gender, sailing so close to the mark, even the most seasoned of fans will be left gob-smacked. If easily offended please stay away."

Tickets for the one-night only show are currently on sale. They are priced at 21.50 or 25.50.

A Victoria Hall spokesman said: Roy Chubby Brown is set to play at the Victoria Hall on Friday, December 17.

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Continued here:
Calls for another Chubby Brown gig to be scrapped over 'racism and misogyny' concerns - Teesside Live

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