Attack review: John Abrahams super soldier borrows a lot from Hollywood, but the movie is all Bollywood – Moneycontrol

Posted: April 6, 2022 at 8:39 pm

John Abraham in 'Attack', a full-on Bollywood masala action flick. 'Attack' released in theatres on April 1, 2022. (Screen grab)

There are bad guys in the Parliament! is not a politically incorrect statement, it is Bollywoods oldest trick to get your patriotism engine all fired up. So the story begins with our guys in camouflage extracting a bad guy, literally from behind the walls. Johns kindness to a lad proves to be incorrect. Its like they say in the movies (including the latest James Bond film), You gotta leave not a child behind who will grow up and come after you.

But what fun, John's character gets time off andfalls in lovewith Jacqueline's. And the fans in the audience (including yours truly) will love seeing one of the fittest men in Bollywood ride a motorbike and display one of the best sets of dimples in the industry. Not just that, there are very few people whose smile creates crinkles around the eyes the way his does. That out of the way, time to land face first into the story.

The story borrows ideas from The Matrix, Robocop, Iron Man and more, but I was touched to see a tribute slide in the opening credits to Nathan Copeland - his story is here:

Whats this got to do with a John Abraham movie you ask? A freak terrorist attack leaves him hurt and we meet a supposedly cool computer scientist who is working with the Indian Army (please suspend disbelief here because Rakul Preet Singh just does not fit into a role that would have been great for Ratna Pathak Shah who plays Johns mother instead).Her research might help John walk again, so Im happy to not see a Guzarish redux but Iron Man.

A chip is installed in Johns head and a mini computer (glowing disc) on the back of his neck connects him to the chip which commands his limbs to move. Aha! Time to upload all kinds of data into his head (without erasing memories with his girl) and that includes fighting techniques. Nice lift from The Matrix. Very nice indeed.

The conversations between the Siri/Alexa in his head - named IRA (Internal Robotic Assistance or some such thing) - and John are fun. Well done! I liked how Ira just shuts when he needs her most and has to reboot. Loved Rakul Preet Singhs Inception-type explanation: Your memories are like the wallpaper on your computer screen. You can stare at them and enjoy them and everyone will think youre knocked out, but to get out of it, you have to willingly press enter so that Ira can bring you to reality. Nice touch.

Also well done are the scenes with John running topless on Delhis Rajpathduring his rehabilitation program once the chip is inserted into his brain. We know hes itching to get into action. They are tracking a new bad terrorist (are there any other kind in Bollywood?) who is buying chemical weapons in Europe. You sigh deeply into your coffee and expect action taking you to Europe where John will fight big burly Russians or Chechens or what have you

Of course the terrorists dont stay in exotic places. They are happy to attack the parliament in Delhi! Its such a hackneyed thing, but its all right because John the super soldier will save the day. You like how John and the terrorist share a history. How the terrorist grew up and why John still looks young (and gorgeous) is not a question that you ask. You just enjoy the awesome action scenes unfolding in front of you, assisted by Ira.

The politicians and the army in a situation room is just the same ole, same ole, but thanks to Rajit Kapur who plays the social media savvy Home Minister so well, I spewed coffee everywhere. Rajit Kapur has a social secretary and an IAS style smarmy personal secretary as well. The army has Prakash Raj, who believes in his super soldier John and Kiran Kumar. The battle between politics and the army is not new, but hearing the terrorist say that they wont end up doing anything because each will want to bring the other down...

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The rest is here:
Attack review: John Abrahams super soldier borrows a lot from Hollywood, but the movie is all Bollywood - Moneycontrol

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