Adam Carolla: Bill Maher Is Trying To Warn Democrats Not To Go Woke And Self-Destruct – RealClearPolitics

Posted: March 29, 2022 at 12:39 pm

Comedian and podcast host Adam Carolla said Bill Maher is warning Democrats not to go woke so they do not self-destruct. Carolla recently interviewed the HBO host. Watch the interview below transcript.SEAN HANNITY: Bill Maher, he and I have never really liked each other. But I think he's talented. You were talking about California and how Democrats are destroying it. And he's right. But his party doesn't listen to him. He's like an island onto himself trying to verbally slap the Democratic party out of wokeness and into reality because they are pushing everybody away from them. Your thoughts?

ADAM CAROLLA: He has been on the vanguard of the Democratic party for decades and he's woken up to the wokeness which is going to screw up the party and he's just ringing the bell. He just saying there is an iceberg dead ahead and now they're calling him one of the bad guys. That's how they work.

They don't have a reverse gear, they can't pump the brakes. It's always full steam ahead. He's more logical than they are and he's explaining that we are going to hit this iceberg and we're going to sink because he is a Democrat. He is attempting to warn them before they self-destruct and then they turn on him. And that's just who they are.

HANNITY: It's actually garnered him some support. I tell you, the people who defended him when 'Politically Incorrect' was canceled on ABC, it was a conservative is like me and Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives like Mark Levin. We were the people defending him. It wasn't the left. He was a very early victim of this cancel culture.

CAROLLA: Speaking of that, I've been in radio my whole adult life and if anybody complained, it was always the right. It was religious groups, it was a small number of religious people who didn't like your words. Now they are focusing on your ideas. They want you off the air because of your ideas -- not your words. Your words you can clean up. But your ideas, that's much more insidious and it's all coming from the left.

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Adam Carolla: Bill Maher Is Trying To Warn Democrats Not To Go Woke And Self-Destruct - RealClearPolitics

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