Why we should colonize Mars (and other planets and the satellites too)

Posted: May 23, 2022 at 12:07 pm

Alex Kuzoian and Jessica Orwig of Business Insider have prepared a video titled Heres why Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars. In the video below, we see some reasons why we should colonize Mars someday.

A summary of the video:

Increasing CO2 levels will not only make Mars warmer but will also thicken the atmosphere. A thicker atmosphere can block the highly dangerous UV light. So, the microorganisms can survive. Ideally, we would send Cyanobacteria first (see notes 2), they will produce the O2 and O3 (ozone) for the atmosphere. And when these oxygen-producing bacteria die, their biological matter will enrich the Martian soil.

But, how we could release the CO2 at the poles into the atmosphere?

One crazy suggestion from Elon Musk: We can nuke the poles. Another option: we can put giant mirrors into the orbit of Mars which will focus the sunlight, so we can melt down the CO2 at the poles. Even then, it will take hundreds, even thousands of years to make Mars a habitable place.

See the rest here:
Why we should colonize Mars (and other planets and the satellites too)

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