Nova Scotia woman prepared for final frontier

Posted: May 13, 2014 at 1:48 am

BARRINGTON Working 9 to 5 isnt for everyone.

Kendra Christie answers the phone at her dads Shelburne County salvage yard but pines for life in a bubble, living and working on Mars as part of a colonization team.

An existence on the red planet is now closer than ever for Christie, 29, who learned she had made the shortlist for an international space project that wants to send astronauts on a one-way trip to Mars.

She said people who know her understand why she would chuck an earthly existence for a Martian one.

Ive been like this my whole life. Ive always been a space nut.

When I get into something I get really into it, Christie said Monday.

Earlier this month, Christie learned by email that shed been shortlisted for the mission by Mars One, a non-profit organization headquartered in the Netherlands.

From 200,000 applications worldwide, she is now one of 54 Canadians, including two other Nova Scotian contenders, aiming to be part of a colonization drive by 2025, according to Mars One. The other Nova Scotians are Tyler Reyno of Lower Sackville and a woman identified as Jacqueline from Halifax.

I honestly dont think its sunk in yet, Christie said.

You had to be 18 to apply. I think theres an 81-year-old still in the running.

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Nova Scotia woman prepared for final frontier

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