Save 21% on Terraforming Mars and conquer the Red Planet –

Posted: March 8, 2022 at 10:50 pm

Terraforming Mars is now 21% off on Amazon, and which is a pretty stellar deal for the popular space board game.

This is a saving of over $14 for a popular space board game that revolves around galactic colonialization of Mars. Set in the 2400s, mankind is terraforming the red planet by trying to improve oxygen levels, raise the temperature and ocean coverage until the red planet becomes habitable.

While this is a good deal, if you want more in-depth coverage of space board games then be sure to check out our best space board games and space board games deals guides. If you like space games but this isn't quite the deal for you, then you can also check out our Lego space deals and best VR space games pages.

Not to mention this game features at the top of our best space board games, so now is a great time to grab a deal.

Suitable for one to five players aged 12 and above, Terraforming Mars is a great mix of entertainment - in colonizing another planet and playing with peers, and educational - learning about what it might actually take to do that.

Saving over $15 on a game that features at the top of our best space board games guide is a great deal. It provides hours of fun and there are even expansions to add more layers to this game too. Do you have what it takes to move mankind from one planet to another?

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Save 21% on Terraforming Mars and conquer the Red Planet -

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