Meet the would-be colonists competing to die on Mars

Posted: March 10, 2015 at 3:47 am

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Feb. 13 (UPI) -- As private companies across the world race to put the first humans on the surface of Mars, those individuals vying for spots on the Red Planet's first manned mission are offering insight into the minds of would-be colonists.

"I think the most important thing to do in life is to leave a legacy," 22-year-old Englishman Ryan MacDonald tells The Guardian in the short documentary piece "If I Die on Mars."

"To try and find out if there's life on Mars, to inspire a new generation, to lead to the beginnings of the first civilization on another planet."

Ryan is one of 660 finalists being considered for Dutch nonprofit Mars One's intended 2024 one-way colonization mission, and, like many, has a unique, if somewhat bleak, personal world view.

"If I get to go to Mars it will be like I'm abandoning everyone," Ryan says, stressing he does think poorly of his life on Earth, but admits he has abandonment issues.

"I don't feel like I need a family to be able to survive and exist." echos Iraqi-American Dina. The existentialist-minded immigrant to America says she doesn't need love of any kind and it's "not a big problem for me not to have sex for...indefinitely."

Jeremias from Mozambique has simply lost faith in humanity

"I would like to see a better world than compared to this one." Jeremias says.

"We have so many problems that I believe it's not possible to solve."

When asked if they're all a little crazy, Dina took exception, countering by asking, "Define crazy."

Read more here:
Meet the would-be colonists competing to die on Mars

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