Forget about Mars, we’re going to Venus now – Happy Mag

Posted: February 7, 2022 at 6:39 am

For years scientists have been studying Mars to determine whether humans could colonise the red planet, as Earth is destroyed by its ever-growing population.

But to call Mars inhabitable is a stretch. The planets surface is one huge desert, with a single speck of dust poisonous enough to cause cancer. Wed have to live underground and never see the light of day, just to avoid the planets deadly levels of radiation.

So moving on to the next best option, Earths other neighbouring planet. If you read about Venus on a travel brochure, it would probably say something along the lines of, Beautiful tropic destination with awe-inspiring volcanos and a heart-warming atmosphere.

Except the atmosphere wont just warm your heart, it would completely crush all of your organs. And if 463.85 can pass as tropical, then at least that part is accurate.

Then there are the volcanos which cover the entire surface of the planet and theyre all extremely active. But if you need to wash the volcanic ash off your body, theres plenty of rain to keep you clean but maybe just close your eyes because its highly acidic.

To avoid all of those highly attractive features, were not going to live on the surface on Venus, were just going to build floating cities in the planets atmosphere duh.

Apparently, the Venusian atmosphere has similar conditions to Earth when it comes to gravity and radiation levels. You wouldnt need to wear a spacesuit, just a permanent oxygen mask, and its only a stones throw away, taking just 97 days to arrive.

One of the boffins at NASA, Geoffrey A. Landis reckons colonising Venus isnt actually such a crazy idea. He envisions a floating city full of giant balloons that contain enough oxygen for humans to comfortably breathe.

It sounds like a great setting for a Jules Verne novel, but its extremely unnerving that weve destroyed a perfect planet to the extent where scientists are genuinely considering life in a giant floating condom.

Original post:
Forget about Mars, we're going to Venus now - Happy Mag

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