Retired Apollo program physcist to speak at First Colony Branch … – Fort Bend Star

Posted: November 15, 2023 at 3:00 am

Retired NASA physicist F. Don Cooper will share his experiences creating the technology that helped launch Apollo 11 in 1969, and the efforts that his team went through to successfully bring the Apollo 13 crew home safely in 1970 in a program titled Apollo to the Moon & Back with F. Don Cooper, at Fort Bend County LibrariesFirst Colony Branch Libraryon Saturday,Nov. 18, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Meeting Room of the library, 2121 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land.

Cooper will also discuss the history of U.S. rockets, and his role in designing the Saturn V ascent guidance and trans-lunar targeting equations that would help make the lunar landing possible.

An Oklahoma native, Cooper became fascinated with math and science while still in high school. He attended Oklahoma Baptist University, where he majored in physics and mathematics with a minor in chemistry. His career after college took him to Huntsville, Ala., where he worked at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center on NASAs Apollo program, developing the targeting equations to guide the manned spacecraft from earth orbit to the moon.

His career then led him to Houstons Johnson Spaceflight Center, which would later become known as the Johnson Space Center. During his years there, Cooper worked on eight Apollo missions, the Atlas Centaur, the Air Force Dyna-Soar, and the Mars rocket NOVA. For the Apollo 13 mission, he provided the trans-lunar coast abort options to Houston Mission Control.

Cooper retired in 2002, and soon found a new calling that of encouraging a new generation of students to pursue a future in the physical sciences. He enjoys speaking to youth groups, community organizations, schools and colleges, hoping to inspire the technology leaders of the future with his first-hand account of the events as they actually happened.

Of the seven primary people who did this, I am the last one alive, says Cooper. Students do not know much about Apollo since it all happened before they were born. My objective is to show them how it happened, emphasize that education is essential, and show how math and physics solve real-world problems.

The program is free and open to the public. For more information, see the Fort Bend County Libraries website (, or call the First Colony Branch Library (281-395-1311) or the library systems Communications Office (281-633-4734).

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Retired Apollo program physcist to speak at First Colony Branch ... - Fort Bend Star

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