Opinion | Sept. 25: Careful comparing Linc with Red Hill, all Trudeau defenders are hypocrites and other letters to the editor – TheSpec.com

Posted: September 26, 2019 at 12:49 pm

Police were a lifeline for me

Take Back the Night

This is in regard to the Take Back the Night March being cancelled. As someone who survived both domestic and sexual assault, I find this troubling. The police officers who helped me through the worst of days were compassionate and nothing short of amazing. Yet, I can't march to show my support for all victims because a select few have a problem with the officers who protect us. I was of the belief we are an inclusive society. Not allowing police officers is counter-intuitive to the very heart of our message.

Stacey Sullivan, Hamilton

Red Hill and Linc not comparable

Red Hill safety

I have a concern on how Red Hill Valley Parkway accident statistics are reported. The facts may inadvertently be misunderstood. I am not suggesting that is 'careless' or intentional.

The Red Hill is seven-plus kilometres of significantly sloped winding road with a higher concentration of interchanges. Many interchanges are located at or near curves resulting in poor sight lines and more needing expertise in manoeuvring. For example, entering the parkway from the Greenhill exchange travelling north, the operator has to make a long curve to the right to follow the road but must do a shoulder check to signal moving to the left or risk of driving into the Main Street lane. Trying to do this at night with poor or no overhead lighting, in the dark and oncoming traffic at speed because of steep grade is not an easy nor a typical training scenario in driver education programs.

The Linc is completely flat, has greater distances between interchanges and no impaired sight lines from any direction.

These comments are not to imply that having an appropriate grade of asphalt is not an important factor.

Edwin R. DeBruyn, Hamilton

Ayn Rand had it right on the economy

Outdated economic thinking doesn't help (Sept. 12)

This letter writer says: "no government intervention in the economy, is considered outdated." Considered outdated by whom? Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao? You are in terrible company. In the immortal words of Ayn Rand: A free mind and a free market are corollaries.

Dan Riga, Burlington

Education system failing students

Student welfare

This year marks my niece's second year at university and first year as residence don. As part of her training, she completed a course on being able to recognize the signs of a potential suicide.

In what kind of world do we live, where the primary cause of death among our teens is suicide, followed closely by opioid overdose?

Now that pharmaceutical companies are being held responsible for contributing to this epidemic, will schools finally be held responsible for their part?

And what of the role of the government? Not only have the schools replaced an individualized approach to education, designed to meet the needs of as many students as possible, with an institutional approach, which in effect serves only to increase the levels of stress and anxiety of most students, but the government has now removed the funding for the in-school organizations that until now were in place to assist the students in coping.

How many teens must take their own lives before we admit our education system requires repair? When will we return to a time when we reach out to our children, in order to help them feel important as individuals, rather than to toughen them up in order to force them to face the harshness of reality?

Michael Feldman, Hamilton

Will Conservatives raise pension age?

Government benefits

If the Conservatives win a majority in the election, is it possible they will raise the Old Age Security pension to 67, or even higher?

Dieter Pekrul, Burlington

Justice system is broken

Two years for sexual assaults on girls (Sept. 20)

Thousands of child pornography images and two sexual assaults. He gets two years? What is wrong with our justice system? He should have been sentenced to life, like his victims were.

Kathy Lockley, Stoney Creek

See the original post here:

Opinion | Sept. 25: Careful comparing Linc with Red Hill, all Trudeau defenders are hypocrites and other letters to the editor - TheSpec.com

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