LETTER: When will Republicans wake up? – The Pantagraph

Posted: June 2, 2023 at 8:17 pm

White the current debt ceiling crisis unfolds, we are reminded again of the differences of the two main political parties.

Led by the Republican Speaker of the House, the members of his party seem to be following President Reagan, Steve Bannon, and Ayn Rand/Rand Paul in wanting to destroy the "administrative state" -- the community our nation has as one nation. Many want a default

A fundamental thread of the current GOP seems intent on emasculating the federal government and, yes, destroying the mutual care that we practice and the federal government represents. This GOP tribe would prefer reducing citizen rights throughout the country to states rights. Inevitably, some states will foster and buy greed, prejudice, and exclusion to their heart's content. The Conservative Supreme Courts decision to gut the Civil Rights Act demonstrates the effective deep ideological passion used to destroy both the government and citizens rights.

Big business controls so much money and spends lavishly on their lobbyists, yet maintains the federal government is the enemy. It is a deep lie that the government is the enemy, planted deliberately by former Justice Powell, Newt Gingrich, and Paul Weyrich. This lie has successfully persuaded many poorly educated representatives and senators to help commerce in place of serving their constituents common good. The lie started with the effective falsehood by Justice Powell that Business is under attack. That lie is a GOP principle.

Against this destructiveness, deregulation, control of individuals and greed, the Democrat Party fosters our natural impulse mutual helping one another. The Democrat Party wants to rein in banks, tax non-tax-paying businesses and their billionaires for their share and help you and me with less money to deal with our common problems. The truth is: When will Republicans wake up instead of blaming Democrats for being "woke"?

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LETTER: When will Republicans wake up? - The Pantagraph

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