Brisbee: The world is terrifying right now and I need your help – The Athletic

Posted: March 17, 2020 at 4:41 am

Underneath all of the knock-knock jokes, references to the 1997 Giants and awful puns, theres a deep streak of nihilism inside of me. Its impossible for me to shake the feeling that the universe cares about us as much as it cares about a random moth from 4,000 years ago, and once you sink into that pit, theres no bottom. Nothing matters. There are good days and bad days, medications and self-medicating. Ive always suffered from anxiety and depression, even when things are normal.

When things arent normal, it can be just a touch overwhelming.

But throughout all of it, somehow, Ive also had a deeper streak of amusement and wonder to combat the nihilism. On any given day, its usually winning. Were here, all of us, right now, because two very specific fish had sex 375 million years ago. That allowed us to exist and be capable of giggling at the mere mention of Travis Ishikawa. Its beautiful. All of this is so...

See the article here:

Brisbee: The world is terrifying right now and I need your help - The Athletic

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