What is posthumanism? And should you worry about it? – Aleteia

Posted: November 8, 2023 at 9:19 pm

The ongoing dialogue between posthumanism and religious traditions, Catholicism included, offers a relatively new terrain for thoughtful reflection and discourse that needs to be walked attentively and carefully.

Posthumanism is a still-developing intellectual contemporary movement that challenges traditionally held philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and ethical notions of what it means to be human. It emerged in the last decades of the past century, drawing from various fields, including philosophy, science, literature, and art. Consequently, it encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary perspectives and has gained significant attention in recent years although it is still far from being the dominant philosophical contemporary perspective.

As a philosophical and cultural movement, posthumanism seeks to examine the evolving relationship between humans and technology its purported benefits as much as its threatening abuse. By so doing, it questions the established boundaries of human identity. Some of the core tenets of posthumanism include:

Obviously enough, posthumanist theories can have profound implications for society, ethics, and the future of humanity as a whole. Some of these implications might include:

From a Catholic perspective, posthumanism surely raises important theological and ethical concerns. While the Catholic Church has always been open to scientific progress and technological advancements, it emphasizes the importance of moral and ethical guidelines. Some key considerations include:

To sum it up, posthumanism is not a homogeneous school of thought. On the contrary, it is a multifaceted movement that explores the evolving relationship between humans and technology. It has implications for ethics, society, and the environment. A Catholic perspective emphasizes the importance of human dignity, ethical responsibility, and environmental stewardship in the face of these developments. Ultimately, the ongoing dialogue between posthumanism and religious traditions, Catholicism included, offers a relatively new terrain for thoughtful reflection and discourse that needs to be walked attentively and carefully.

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What is posthumanism? And should you worry about it? - Aleteia

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