In France, a Second Patient Receives Permanent Artificial Heart

Posted: September 10, 2014 at 11:41 pm

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Jason Koebler (3528235) writes One of the most important goals of transhumanist medicinepossessing a perfectly healthy hearthas so far remained elusive. This week, we came a step closer when for the second time ever, a French company implanted a permanent artificial heart in a patient. More than just pumping blood, future artificial hearts will bring numerous other advantages with them. They will have computer chips and wi-fi capacity built into them. We'll control our hearts with our smart phones, tuning down its pumping capacity when we want to sleep, or tuning it up when we want to run marathons. The patient who received the first of these hearts, though he survived for 76 days, died after the heart "stopped after a short circuit, although the exact reasons behind the death were still unknown."

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In France, a Second Patient Receives Permanent Artificial Heart

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