It’s Censorship and It’s Expensive – Royal Examiner

Posted: July 13, 2023 at 4:53 am

By Thomas Hinnant

Lord, I cant make any changes. All I can do is write em in a song. I can feel the concrete slowly creepin. Lord, take me and mine before that comes

Lynyrd Skynyrd, All I can do is write about it

Warren County has a rural character and beauty that is reflected in the folks who live here, the history of the area, and the touristic nature of the local economy.

Anyone who has spent any time here knows that Rockland is one of the most beautiful areas in Warren County. Consistent with its character, beauty, and history. Rockland happens to be designated a rural historic district by the Virginia Department of Historic Places.

Thats why as a community, we must stand together in order to Keep Rockland Rural.

Stand together to keep National Developers off of our agricultural land.

Stand together and say NO to this rezone.

In order to hold on to the beauty and authenticity of our county. Folks must speak out against the attempt at suburbanization that threatens to strip away the historic nature and rural character of this community.

There are those who will tell you that in order to raise revenue for the county and to keep up with the times, we must develop our farmland into high-density housing. They will likely speak of how great it is to have National builders interested in developing our area.

Dont fall for these predatory talking points. Dont buy the lie.

Firstly, these housing developments rarely, if ever, contribute as much tax revenue as they end up costing the county in infrastructure development. Large high-density housing developments overburden our infrastructure and drive taxes up for longtime county residents. On top of that, they rarely use local labor when building their developments. The cost-value analysis simply doesnt add up. The local economy is burdened, not boosted. This is something every resident of Warren County should be concerned about.

Secondly, this proposed development in Rockland violates the vision for this charming area. The very vision found in our own comprehensive plan.

The comprehensive plan seeks to direct future development into an efficient and serviceable form that will preserve the Countys predominately rural character.

This proposed development is a clear and direct violation of the ethos espoused within the comprehensive plan and its vision for Rockland.

Lastly, if we start rezoning land, especially land that is zoned agricultural. A domino effect of development will undoubtedly begin. That domino of development will turn this county into just another rootless suburban outpost of metropolitan Northern Virginia.

The distinct culture, history, and character of the community will be overshadowed by cookie-cutter high-density housing.

I was at the community meeting on May 4th. It was a beautiful demonstration of democracy. The Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley should be commended for the facilitation of such a successful event. Over 100 residents attended of all stripes, backgrounds, and worldviews.

Partisan political proclivities were put aside, and a community came together with one voice in defense of their areas history, character, and beauty.

I hope the planning Commissioners and Supervisors take heed of the clear and undeniable will of the people.

I recommend everyone check out the documents and information that the Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley has made publicly available regarding Rockland.

In conclusion, I implore you. Dont be fooled by the shallow promises of suburbanization, it will destroy the soul of this county that we all cherish. Our aquifer, our river, our agricultural land, and our way of life are under threat.

As a community, we should be focused on preserving our agricultural land.

We should be focused on cleaning up and rehabilitating our rivers. And we should be focused on holding on to a rural way of life that builds true character. We should not allow Warren County to be steamrolled by National Developers who have no ties to this community.

If this land is rezoned, thats exactly what will happen.

The rest is here:
It's Censorship and It's Expensive - Royal Examiner

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