FG to harness benefits of nanotechnology – The Nation Newspaper

Posted: December 9, 2019 at 8:43 pm

Charles Okonji

THE Federal Government has announced that it will soon produce a National Nanotechnology Policy to guide the operation of Nanotechnology in the country.

The Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Mr. Bitrus Bako Nabasu disclosed this in Abuja over the weekend, at the Inaugurated the Committee on the First Validation Exercise on the Draft National NanoTechnology Policy Document.

He said; When it is eventually produced, the policy will spearhead the use of nanotechnology in the country and would make products to be lighter, smaller, stronger, cleaner and precise.

Nabasu urged the Committee to produce a National Nanotechnology policy to guide the operation of Nanotechnology in the country, assume responsibility and come up with a draft National Nanotechnology policy document.

He pointed out that the Nanotechnology is an emerging technology set to revolutionalise the manufacturing technology process by making most products lighter, smaller, stronger, cleaner and very precise.

Mr. Nabasu said that application and utilisation of this technology is being made in various fields such as agriculture, health, medicine, and chemical industries to enhance the quality of lives of citizens.

He commended the efforts of the Minister and the Minister for State of Science and Technology for providing the needed support and guidance to ensure that Nigeria moves from a resource-based economy to a knowledge based one.

Earlier in his opening speech, the Director, Department of Chemical Engineering, Engr. Akinyemi Oyefeso said the purpose of the validation programme is to start from within themselves, adding that this is why they invited mainly scientific officers and some non-scientific officers in order to critique the policy document before passing to the Minister for further necessary action.

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FG to harness benefits of nanotechnology - The Nation Newspaper

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