A resource-based economy makes Russia a country of fools – www.MICEtimes.asia (press release)

Posted: August 6, 2017 at 3:05 am

Why does a state with mass higher education is not needed

Russia is one of the few countries where higher education is accessible to most citizens. Thats just the demand for that knowledge is small. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of a joint study by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Sberbank, Worldskills and Global Education Futures.

Its most qualitative human capital of the Russian exports, but the one that remains untapped. A resource-based economy is absolutely not value knowledge, according to the study. Therefore, the incentives to master the difficult professions a bit. So, the doctor in Russia earn on average only 20% more of the driver. For comparison: in the USA the difference is 261%, Germany 172%, in the emerging Brazil 174%.

While the public higher education quality of personnel in Russia does not improve, analysts say. The new economy requires not only theoretical knowledge and programming skills, but also creative, analytical thinking, ability to work in conditions of uncertainty. Meanwhile, the current education system orients young people to technical and routine work teaches us to act according to the instructions.

As a result, the demand for these graduates is small. Many receive diplomas and work where diplomas are not needed. This does not need a long time to learn, stated in the study. According to analysts, 26% of graduates would as well learn less than five years. However, the Russian education system focused on enrollment, not on actual business needs, conclude the authors of the study.

There is another problem. Over 20 years of wide-ranging reforms, from 1995 to 2015, the structure of the labor market in Russia has changed slightly. The main employer is still the public sector, even in state-owned companies and small and medium business, and large new corporations, less than one third of all employees.

According to analysts BCG, the matter is compounded by the fact that unemployment in Russia is one of the lowest almost does not react to GDP changes. Worldwide if GDP is falling, unemployment is growing, we can even decrease. In such an environment, even if a person has a need for a new economy knowledge and skills, to apply them it would be nowhere. This means that in the future Russia can be claimed by any modern professional, summarize experts.

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You need to knowledge in Russia again became in demand, will lead the economy out of the impasse?

I work in higher education since 1974, says the Chairman of Russian economic society. SF Sharapova, Professor of international Finance (University) Valentin Katasonov. And for four decades to observe the process of its degradation. Part of this degradation stems from the fact that universities are not quite adequate applicants. But do the universities contribute their mite, and considerable.

So there is, in my opinion, because the goal of the current system of higher education is not the training of qualified specialists, and in the formation of a certain type of human consciousness.

Our universities form a person who should be most manageable. Not only in terms of their economic activities, but in the broadest sense. From this point of view, the system of higher education is the pipeline for release, sorry for the harshness, fools. Because the most valuable resource in a market economy, in my opinion, is a fool. No kidding, the market model is banal will not work.

For the first time in the observed pattern: when a person comes to the first year of University, apparently he still thinks, asks some questions. But by the end of a University course the average student is usually sick. He begins to stereotype, and to see the world as if through a narrow window.

Believe me, it hurts me to say on this topic. But I do believe that the current higher education system does not generate and destroys man.

SP: This system prepares specialists?

The fact of the matter is that the professionals it prepares. But the damage from this system outweigh the positive results.

SP: This is purely a Russian problem?

Oddly, no. We sometimes idealize the higher education system in the West. In fact, problems there are no less acute. In Spain about 50% of graduates cant find work in the specialty. In Russia the share of people with higher education who work in low-skilled areas, about the same as in OECD countries 20%.

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In short, this is a global problem. And I believe her roots stretching the learning process. Once in the West as in the USSR was a ten-year secondary education. Now in the American schools for 12 years. Once in our country was a five year system of training in higher education. Now it takes 6 years: four years undergraduate, two graduate.

Such tightness of the learning process in time only makes the chaos. And most importantly because of this young man much later enters the labour market.

SP: If the education system in Russia was normal, it would have had a multiplier effect on the economy?

Of course, not only on the economy. The education system needs to form the personality of the person. Keep in mind that in Soviet times the universities we are not only taught we were brought up. And no one was embarrassed. On the contrary, universities have emphasized that the conduct of not just the process of transferring some of the knowledge and skills, but also the process of education.

Without this education, I believe there can be no civil society. After all, the man is the primary as a citizen, not as a narrow specialist.

If in Russia there will be a full-fledged civil society, there will be a normal economy. I think that the destruction of the educational component is a major problem and the current system of education, and the country as a whole.

Primary still the structure of the economy, under which is formed the labor market, said the President of the Union of entrepreneurs and tenants of Russia Andrei Bunich. And you can say that there is full compliance. If the economy developed, it required a proactive, energetic, creative shots. If it is raw, it is enough to two thirds of the population was engaged in unproductive work. Hence the huge army of security guards in our country, hence the situation in which a significant part of the working-age population has no qualifications, and odd jobs.

This situation has changed dramatically, need to change the economy. Then rebuilt and the educational system, and knowledge it useful.

2017, micetimes.asia. All rights reserved

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A resource-based economy makes Russia a country of fools - http://www.MICEtimes.asia (press release)

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