8×8 Video Conferencing API | 8×8

Posted: February 19, 2022 at 9:47 pm

Almost all meeting solutions charge on a per-minute per-participant basis. If you have 10 people in an hour long video session, you'll be charged for 600 minutes. Those charges add up very quickly, and it's nearly impossible to forecast what your costs will be.

We decided to switch it up. We're charging on a Monthly Active User (MAU) model. This brings predictability into your costs and reduces your monthly bill dramatically. Pricing starts at $0.35/MAU and decreases based on volume. And if you just want to kick the tires and learn more about Jitsi as a Service we offer a developer package option that lets you have up to 25 Monthly Active Users for free.

An MAU is defined as a unique user who attended at least one meeting, with at least one other user, in the same month. To determine a unique user, we store an identifier on the device's local storage, and that will remain the same as long as the user uses the same browser and same device and doesn't clear their local cache data. Mobile is similar. An identifier remains across updates and gets removed if you delete the app.

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8x8 Video Conferencing API | 8x8

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