jitsi/jitsi-meet GitHub

Posted: July 24, 2015 at 8:08 pm


Jitsi Meet is an open-source (MIT) WebRTC JavaScript application that uses Jitsi Videobridge to provide high quality, scalable video conferences. You can see Jitsi Meet in action here at the 482 session of the VoIP Users Conference.

You can also try it out yourself at https://meet.jit.si .

Jitsi Meet allows for very efficient collaboration. It allows users to stream their desktop or only some windows. It also supports shared document editing with Etherpad and remote presentations with Prezi.

Installing Jitsi Meet is quite a simple experience. For Debian-based systems, we recommend following the quick-install document, which uses the package system.

For other systems, or if you wish to install all components manually, see the detailed manual installation instructions.

Jitsi Meet uses Browserify. If you want to make changes in the code you need to install Browserify. Browserify requires nodejs.

On Debian/Ubuntu systems, the required packages can be installed with:

To build the Jitsi Meet application, just type

Please use the Jitsi dev mailing list to discuss feature requests before opening an issue on github.

Here is the original post:
jitsi/jitsi-meet GitHub

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