Jacinda Ardern derisive of Greens, National spat over Churchill painting – Newshub

Posted: August 14, 2021 at 1:09 am

A spokesperson for Green MP Dr Elizabeth Kerekere telling Newshub the painting is being moved to make way for new art by a tangata whenua artist.

"We are really excited about displaying artwork by Marilynn Webb outside the Green Party office and the hallway to the Speaker's Gallery.

"The painting of Winston Churchill is a significant work that will remain on permanent display in a public area of Parliament.

Dr Elizabeth Kerekere says Judith Collins is being distracted from the bigger issues at hand - something Ardern seems to agree with.

Asked by Newshub on Wednesday if Churchill should be "cancelled" she said absolutely doesn't care.

"I personally do not care where portraits hang in Parliament - I care about what we do in this place. We've got a responsibility to look after New Zealanders in a massive crisis we're facing.

Frankly, who hangs on the wall at the time we do it - I don't care."

Sir Winston was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, during the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955.

He is seen as having played a crucial role in defending democracy against Nazi facism, and leading Britain to victory during the Second World War.

However he has also been criticised for his imperialism views and controversial comments on race.

See the original post:

Jacinda Ardern derisive of Greens, National spat over Churchill painting - Newshub

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