Morgan Freeman Wants You to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine: ‘If You Trust Me, Youll Get the Vaccine’ – Complex

Posted: April 6, 2021 at 8:55 pm

Morgan Freeman wants you to trust him and take to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Morgan Freeman partnered with the arts advocacy group The Creative Coalition to create a public service announcement about the COVID-19 vaccine. During the announcement, Freeman leveraged his celebrity to encourage people to get vaccinated.

Im not a doctor, but I trust science. And Im told that, for some reason, people trust me, the 83-year-old actor said. So here I am to say I trust science and I got the vaccine.If you trust me, youll get the vaccine.

If you cant trust Morgan Freeman then who can you trust? The manrestored Eastside High into an illustrious home of education, helpedBatman through his personal and professional woes, and even embodied the Holy Spirit. He also guided Metro Boomin and 21 Savage through the differences between a snitch and a rat which in turn made him Slaughter Gangs high priest.

Despite this, Freeman didnt rely on his good reputationand seemingly mystical presenceto convince people to take the vaccine. He also paired his request with a mathematic theory that is the academic equivalent to the Golden Rule.

In math, its called the distributive property, Freeman continued. In people, its called taking care of one another. Get the vaccine. Help make our world a safe place for usto enjoy ourselves again. Please?

Watch Morgan Freemans fullThe Creative Coalition PSA above.

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Morgan Freeman Wants You to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine: 'If You Trust Me, Youll Get the Vaccine' - Complex

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