8 ways to improve your written communications – Smartbrief

Posted: April 29, 2023 at 5:56 am

(Image credit: Alexandr Kolesnikov/Getty Images)

You are constantly judged by how effectively you express your ideas in both verbal and written communication.

Golden Rule: Make your written messages as long as necessary and as short as possible. Make every word count. Only provide whats relevant. Thinking and writing are interrelated. Writing helps you clarify your thoughts and clear thinking helps you improve your writing.

The following actions will help you organize and focus your writing.

You cant write clearly until you determine what you want the reader to do and why they should do it. Think before you write.

There are two basic approaches.

Decide which examples, stories, facts, statistics, testimonials and quotes will be most helpful in explaining and supporting your message.

This makes your message easy to read and digest.

According to the American Press Institute, sentences with eight or fewer words are understood 100% of the time. Advertising executive David Ogilvy once gave the following advice: Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.

Words like these as soon as possible, they and teamwork are vague and imprecise. Ambiguous words often lead to communication breakdowns. Be specific when it comes to naming people, describing action items and due dates.

Active voice lets the reader know immediately whos doing the action.

Good writing requires significant editing. Read what you have written several times. Each time focus on a different aspect of your message such as organization, grammar, word choice and eliminating anything that doesnt add value. Use apps and online tools to make sure your spelling, grammar and punctuation are all correct.

Ask a trusted friend to read it and provide suggestions for improvement.

(My first draft of this article had 780 words. I edited it down to 410 words)

Paul B. Thorntonis an author and speaker.His books are available at Amazon and include:

He frequently posts his views and opinions about leadership on LinkedIn.

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8 ways to improve your written communications - Smartbrief

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