Aitana’s golden rule and the pending account she has with her most loyal audience – WECB

Posted: January 27, 2024 at 3:54 am

In times of pop fallow, the rumor mill grows, and even more so if it is about Aitana. alpha He is barely four months old. However, ardent fans are already eagerly awaiting new material from her favorite artist. It is known that she has little things prepared in the starting box and that sooner rather than later they will see the light, but what is going to be the next step for the most important pop artist in our country? Aitana has pop as the epicenter of her discography, although she doesnt like that her musical eras sound exactly the same. Thats why He usually distances himself from the sounds that the streaming dictatorship rewards and lets himself be carried away by intuition and what he really wants to do at any given moment. It is your golden rule, your daily mantra as member of the Holy Trinity.

alpha was his breakthrough, an artistic disruption that gave him even more credibility than he already had

I go to my record company and tell them: Im going to do this and, if you dont want to, Ill go somewhere else, he told the guys from Triumph operation during his visit to the Academy, referring to his decision to do 11 reasons. At that time she wanted to break with everything before and gain identity as an artist with a very particular sound and a very clear concept. She embraced the dosmilera aesthetic and went on a concert tour where her voice and instruments were the main protagonists. No performance. No popstar. There werent people in the mainstream making this kind of music. It was an idea that came to me and I wanted to do it that way, said the artist. It is difficult to be a woman who makes more mainstream pop and enter the Top 50. It was a bet that I wanted to make and I feel very grateful. The same rule she applied in alpha. Another album. Another concept. Another high level. Here she also did the clean slate, developing the inner pop diva that we all saw in her and that little by little she was awakening. She came out of her shell, cut her hair and talked about the vital moment she was having. alpha It was his breakthrough, an artistic disruption that gave him even more credibility than he already had..

But we return to the starting line. If Aitanas golden rule is to do something different, then who will be the next pop Aitana? Are you going to apply the same rule with the same forcefulness? And most importantly, how are you going to make sense of all of the above? While we wait impatiently to see and hear his future, what will happen to his past? Your visit to Triumph operation It went a long way and was also quite clear about what is left behind. Aitana was sincere and honest with her feelings and sensations and she did not hesitate to confess that now she herself does not feel represented with what was her debut album, Spoiler. I made about sixty songs and I kept five. The others were horrible and yet now I listen to my first album and I say: God, what is this?, he confessed. I have released songs that I dont regret, but I dont like them and Im not going to do them at my concerts because I dont like them..

Telefono has become a kind of pending account that Aitana has with the fans who have followed her from minute zero

One of those topics he talks about is Phone. Her first single has disappeared from the setlist of her concerts. He no longer sings it, even though its melody, the vibes it has, fit perfectly into the Alpha Tour repertoire. Phone It has become a kind of pending account that Aitana has with the fans who have followed her from minute zero, especially when it comes to this song and the story behind it.. When I took out Phone I remember having a very bad day. In terms of data, it was very good, it was crazy, but I felt super empty, Aitana said in a 2020 interview with WECB. I felt like I had failed the people who followed me. For me it was a song that I loved and I went with all of them, but almost all the comments were bad and I accidentally took a beating. Almost four years later I asked Aitana the same question, taking advantage of the wink she gives to Phone in Thinking of youthe track that closes alpha. These were his words then: With Phone I never had to reconcile. I was always very happy with the song. In any case, it was the people who had to reconcile with Phone. I owe a lot to Phone. I trusted that song. But she disappeared.

I speak of a pending account because I consider that it is important not to flee from Phone. The history of pop has always shown that these types of songs, the ones that give rise to the artist, are necessary for the new, the future, to make sense.. He passed to David Bisbal with Latin heart and Bulera. She stopped singing them and, over time, she started singing them again. I perfectly understand the artistic moment that Aitana is going through. And it is completely understandable that he denies right now Phone. However, and this is another personal opinion, Aitana should hug her again soon. Maybe now she does need to reconcile with Phone and I cant imagine a better scenario and moment than the Santiago Bernabe on December 28. Only then will his speech as an artist, and the memory associated with the song, have the value it deserves.

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Aitana's golden rule and the pending account she has with her most loyal audience - WECB

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