Letters: A reminder that this country still hasn’t achieved ‘liberty and justice for all’ – South Bend Tribune

Posted: December 1, 2021 at 8:54 am

Letters to the Editor| South Bend Tribune

Thank you to The Tribune for including the USA Today Network Exclusive Special Section, "Seven Days of 1961." I appreciate having these significant events reviewed in such a meaningful way.

In 1961 I was 17, and do recall television evening news coverage of major civil rights events. It all seemed very far removed from my southwest Michigan rural life.

Through the years I have come to realize just how significant a time it was for our country. We must make sure these events are not allowed to be forgotten. May we learn from our mistakes.

Unfortunately, as a nation, we still have not come close to achieving "liberty and justice for all. The Golden Rule says it all: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Barbara Groner


Monroe Primary Center, on the south side of South Bend, has turned Carroll and Farneman streets into a racetrack. On any given morning, there are two lines of traffic going north on a side street, horns are honking, music blaringand yelling, without regard to the residents in this neighborhood.

At 6 a.m., someone puts out a sign blocking access to Carroll from the north, and as of 11:30 a.m., it is still out there, although school has been in session for over four hours. When this sign is taken down, it is back out there in the afternoon, so that these parents block Farneman,engines running, music blaring, again without regard to those of us that live here.

I have approached an official from Monroe about the danger for the residents should they need emergency personnel, as there is no lane to get down Farneman;I was rebuffed. I have gone to the police, they blew it off, I went to the traffic engineer, she blew it off, and my councilman at that time never returned my calls. It appears to me that until someone dies or sues the city because they could not get adequate help or care, this will continue to be a problem.

These parents should not need a sign telling them the route they need to take to drop off or pick up their child.

Paul Williams

South Bend

Here are some quotes for the season:

Wallet: A device that permits you to lose all your valuables at the same time.

M.B.A.: Abusinessman who is often wrong but seldom in doubt.

Atheist: Aman who watches Notre Dame play Southern Methodist and doesn't care who wins.

Bargain: Atransaction in which each party thinks he has cheated the other.

Perfectionist: Someone who takes great pains and gives them to other people.

Compromise: An arrangement whereby people who can't get what they want makes sure nobody does either.

A sport:In golf, one who does not pick up a lost ball until it stops rolling.

Mr. Gobble visiting his friend says, "A Christmas tree! Carl, it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Thanksgiving's nice, but you know I'm not a practicing turkey."

Indian chief to pilgrim: "Are you serious? You want to have a picnic outdoors in late November?"

Jerry Schpok

South Bend

More here:

Letters: A reminder that this country still hasn't achieved 'liberty and justice for all' - South Bend Tribune

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