Lawmakers should practice the Golden Rule – Times Daily

Posted: June 11, 2017 at 5:34 pm

During my college years, I took courses in personality theory, group dynamics, organizational behavior, and counseling techniques, which were designed to help students understand and appreciate the differences of people in the workplaces. These courses were presented in the context of sensitivity focus where students need awareness about their own biases and prejudices in confronting other people with similar behavioral references.

The Alabama House is embarked upon sensitivity training after the appearance of an email from Rep. Lynn Greer, R-Rogerville, where he was comparing black lawmakers to a monkey in a cage reaching for a banana in a social experiment. The black lawmakers were rendering their opposition to the new proposed redistricting plan.

Greer later apologized for the offensive analogy; he stated that there was no racist intent.

Whatever sensitivity training the legislators received, the bottom line is knowing, above all, how to practice the Golden Rule Do to others as you want others to do to you in any circumstances.

Words, whether spoken or written, have positive and negative effects. Even the well-intention words may prove offensive to some people. In choosing my words, I consider three questions: Are the words true in content? Are the words honest to believe? Are the words appropriate for situation?

See the article here:

Lawmakers should practice the Golden Rule - Times Daily

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