Be In the Right Spirit | Letters To Editor | – courierjournal

Posted: July 21, 2020 at 12:08 pm

Dear Sir,

Every great religion on our planet teaches some version of the Golden Rule, that we should treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated. This ancient and universal concept underlies all of the progress that human societies have made over the millenia. A current obvious example of that concept is the obligation to others in our society to protect ourselves and them by wearing face coverings when we go out in the world.

We can all understand the basis of this concept. It comes from scientific study of the way the virus spreads and what it can do to our societies if we do not keep it under control. Less appreciated is the obvious corollary, that God is presently testing our societies to determine whether we are practicing His central spiritual concept. The extent to which we go out of our way to protect others is the extent to which Gods blessings of further progress in our cultures will come to us.

Jacqueline Osborne


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Be In the Right Spirit | Letters To Editor | - courierjournal

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